Conversation started Dec 12, 2013 at 18:22.
Dec 12, 2013 18:22
@dmckee: Quick question... I still have two more years to complete my undergrad engineering course. I thought I could take a bunch of online Physics courses meanwhile. Are they really worthy?
Like say, edX?
They suggest that they'd offer certificates upon completion of a course... (too) :D
Dec 12, 2013 19:00
^^^ Suggestions anyone?
Dec 12, 2013 19:24
@CrazyBuddy I can't speak to online physics courses specifically but I took the Coursera Cryptography 1 course from Dan Boneh and it was fantastic.
Of course, it was every bit as much work as a regular college course so it isn't exactly casual study.
@BrandonEnright Oh, well I asked whether it's worthy or not, because - As a student, I need something to back myself up, that I've completed this course here with this percentage, something like that...
edX caught my eye last week. And their FAQ looked like I can depend on them for my course...
@CrazyBuddy What's your goal for taking courses? Your own edification? Resume building? Something else?
@BrandonEnright Like I said, I'm an engineering undergrad. But now, I'm quite sure that my field of interest (& study) has shifted to physics. In the future, I'll be doing my higher level studies in astrophysics. So, I'd be needing basic courses like Mechanics, EM, etc. Right?
And if I had to convince my future institution that I've completed those prerequisite courses, I need a proof. No? That might be the point of this course (well, at least that's what I guessed) Still, I'm not sure of my opinions. That's why -- suggestions?? :P
Hi @CrazyBuddy.
I'm dealing with the same issues right now!!
Dec 12, 2013 19:41
The must have course is quantum mechanics. After that EM. And as an Aeronautics student you've had Classical Mechanics I suppose.
@Mostafa Well, I'm not sure. My syllabi are somewhat terrible. But, I'm sure we had topics of classical mech. (though none of my classmates knew that there's a subject named "classical mech.") :D
@CrazyBuddy Sound it sounds like you want formally recognized prerequisites so that if you move into a masters or PhD program you can hit the ground running? If so, that would be highly dependent on the policies of your future institution as well as the courses you take and where you take them.
That is, I don't think there is a generic one-size-fits-all answer. You will need to really do your research to figure out what options you have.
@BrandonEnright I don't know much about the institutions and all, which is why I pondered whether the institutions may get convinced by an online course completion :D
BTW, the universities that showed up in front of the edX page is what really made me happy :)
@CrazyBuddy Remember though that just because a school is a member or just because they offer classes online does not mean they will issue credits for those classes or recognize them.
Dec 12, 2013 19:57
yeah, yeah...
I thought that I could do something useful, while having my engineering course (I'm doing it already, I read a few books, but that course thingy was a kind of reinforcing) :D
@CrazyBuddy If you have free time and you love physics and you want to take the classes, you should. More knowledge and skills is always better. If your goal is specifically about getting into a research program though, there are a lot of caveats and the classes may not help you there.
@BrandonEnright Okay, thanks for the cheer-up... I should do more research on that, before my vacation ends. I will roger that ;-)
Nice chat... And now, it's time to bed. C'ya later @Brandon :)
@CrazyBuddy G'night!
@CrazyBuddy BTW, last year I took a quantum physics course on coursera with the same intentions. But the assignments and exams were too easy and solutions to most of them could be found online on say Wikipedia. So I don't think it's much valuable for institutions and universities. (I'm not sure)
Dec 12, 2013 20:24
Huh I just learned that there is a difference between therefore and therefor thanks to an edit of a question. English sucks.
1 hour later…
Dec 12, 2013 21:46
@CrazyBuddy certainly the higher up you go in academic pursuits (or other pursuits probably) the less people care about how you learned something - all that matters is that you know it
so in that sense filling in gaps in your education is worthwhile in general
what I can't speak to is whether or not online courses are good at that - I've never taken one, so I can't compare
my only recommendation is to try to distinguish between online things that will give some sort of challenge, vs. those that are there just to make money somehow (which they do by giving people work that is too easy, because people like doing easy things)
don't take the feel-good courses; rising up to challenges is the best way to learn
Dec 12, 2013 22:27
@BrandonEnright I can also vouch for that crypto course. Very good. And at least as much work as a traditional course.
@CrazyBuddy Many Ph.D. programs will accept the GRE physics exam in lieu of a undergraduate degree covering the usual stuff, so on-line study could give you the preparation even if you don't get a physics-specific degree.
That said, the subject exam is very difficult. I'd say it was harder than my doctoral program's qualifying exam.
Speaking of which some programs have an exam (often called the qualifier) explicitly for checking peoples preparation. These programs may accept your assertion that you are ready with limited documentary evidence, because they are going check it for themselves sometime during the first year.
3 hours later…
Dec 13, 2013 01:04
@crazy note that classical mechanics= Lagrangian/Hamiltonian mech, not pulley mass problems :p There's a whole lot of formulism that gets useful later on.
Do classical and linear algebra, then QM (Introductory+couple more courses worth; you want to go from schrodinger to H atom to operator formulism to Dirac's eqn and beyond.) Sakurai 1+2 works, or Beiser+Dirac, at least for getting a good qm foundation.
Electromag is also something you can delve into. Feynman has some great chapters, from there you can go to Griffiths/Jackson.
Optics: E. Hecht is an awesome book.
You probably want a course that looks at ODE's from a lin alg POV. We had a half sem one and it was really helpful.
For GTR there are many self contained books, but it might be easier to familiarize yourself with tensors first.
As for edX/Coursera, I dunno. Quality varies from course to course. I prefer books, but my friends who have taken courses have had both good and bad experiences with it.
Dec 13, 2013 01:23
@ManishEarth there are ODE courses not based on linear algebra?
but why??
Dec 13, 2013 01:47
@chris There are some that deal with a random bunch of methods. Our first half sem ODE course was only half lin alg related.
1 hour later…
Dec 13, 2013 02:57
@chris Oh, also, in case you are specifically analysing nonlinearity, then aside from the Jacobian you don't really touch linear algebra.
Dec 13, 2013 03:18
well, indeed - nonlinearity is terrible
also basically intractable anyway
@ChrisWhite If that's only the case, it's cool with me. I'm confident that I'll finish off a few topics within these two years ;-)
@ChrisWhite For instance, khan academy -- most of the things are easy. Yeah, armed with that, I surfed through the archived courses in edX (E&M from MIT) yesterday. It appeared quite nice. The thing is, if we intended to cheat a little bit, we can, and of course eliminate the challenges easily. Only if we decide to not Google about that, and think a little bit - the course might be worthy...
@dmckee I'll try that for sure, and rant here about my experience later :P
@ManishEarth HEY..!!! I know that. Just that I haven't taken a course on that. But, I've some experience in Phys.SE :P
@ManishEarth Yeah, books are always safe & secure. Phew, I got book suggestions. Maybe I should bookmark this convo :)
Okay, thank you guys @ChrisWhite @dmckee @ManishEarth and @BrandonEnright (for yesterday's chat) ;-)
I miss only one... @DavidZ
Dec 13, 2013 03:33
@CrazyBuddy are you going for the opinions of all the chat regulars?
@ChrisWhite Nah, I'll just keep those in mind :)
I'm not going anywhere :P
@ChrisWhite: I'm somewhat interested in hearing your history... Like, how's schooling & colg. there, what did you do after high school and enter now into Ph.D
You're not gonna sleep anyway :P
And you too @ManishEarth :)
We're scientists, we don't sleep
I don't know how interesting my history is
I went to a small public high school - nothing special, no record of any remarkable academic acheivements
@ChrisWhite Duh, I'm already sick of that here :D
Dec 13, 2013 03:39
somehow - probably an admissions committee mistake ;) - I got into Caltech
@KyleKanos Yeah, I know ;-)
and there I proceeded to immerse myself in math, science, philosophy, and just thinking for 4 straight years
@ChrisWhite Wait... So, the colleges there - we can try all the courses, all at once? o_O
@CrazyBuddy curricula here are much more freeform than in India
ah... (sigh) :/
okay, go on... :)
Dec 13, 2013 03:41
there are required classes, but every college I know has plenty of choices for electives, both in your major and importantly outside of it
usually at least
a counterexample is ChemE at caltech - they had so many requirements they couldn't take anything else - so I guess it does happen
hehe :D
the US emphasizes a broader, more "well-rounded" education compared to India or even to Europe
Dec 13, 2013 03:43
most college students here just go to college because it's expected that everyone goes to college these days, at least everyone middle class and upward
so most just bumble along for 4, 5, maybe 6 years, trying to figure out what to do with themselves and their parents' money
I paid for my education
My wife got a scholarship
@ChrisWhite Meaning? the system is quite strong? I guess Manish has some bad experience. He's lucky he didn't join any colleges controlled by state gov. -_-
I took 5 years, she took 3.5
@KyleKanos cool - I think you'll agree that's not too common these days, though
Dec 13, 2013 03:46
@ChrisWhite Most of the students I teach are having mum & pup paying for ti
@ChrisWhite Ugh... That happens here too -_-
@CrazyBuddy meaning students here are expected to just "know more" after college, whereas elsewhere they are expected to "know how to do their job"
I'm not saying one system is better than the other - but they are quite different
@ChrisWhite yeah, I get that...
@ChrisWhite Nah, but I can safely say it's much better than mine :D
well, you never know quite what you'll learn from college until you're older and looking back on it
Dec 13, 2013 03:49
I can say that I never learned time management skills, for instance, but on the other hand I had any fear of not knowing something beaten out of me - there's no such thing as a task so big I'm afraid to try, since I got used to failing at hard things all too many times
or the undergrads here, I feel, learn very useful networking and policy-making skills just from interacting with each other cough @DavidZ
@ChrisWhite As far as me, my colg. is the reason that I got into Physics. I mean, I hate the environment there, which is what made me involve in Phys.SE (I got lucky, for once) :D
@ChrisWhite "Failing most of the time" -- that happens during physics courses. Right? :P
@ChrisWhite Caltech was my dream school. Was pretty devastated when I didn't get in. I got in to UC San Diego though, probably due to an admission mistake. It turned out to be perfect for me though and I realized about halfway through my college career that because I was such a bad student, it was probably good that I got into a non-top-tier school. I'm pretty certain I would have failed out of Caltech.
@ChrisWhite well some of them. I don't know if I'd count myself among them.
@ChrisWhite heh, yeah that too :D
Dec 13, 2013 03:54
@BrandonEnright or been made very bitter - caltech alums are notoriously resentful of the school - it works very well for some students, but many would have been better off at more "normal" schools
@CrazyBuddy when applying for grad schools, a lot of them wanted me to compute my physics-courses-only GPA, in addition to my overall GPA - it was then that I realized I got lower grades in physics than anything else :P
@BrandonEnright also, I though Pasadena had perfect weather, but everyone from San Diego/La Jolla thought the weather in Pasadena just wasn't that good ;)
@ChrisWhite oh cool, I'm not the only one :-P
@DavidZ Me too
Great... Everyone's a professional physicist, but failed to obtain the grades :P
Dec 13, 2013 03:58
No, we failed to obtain grades in things outside physics
@CrazyBuddy Grades are a poor measure of ability, intelligence, or likelihood of success.
@VanishedUser: I think you missed a point (intentionally??). In my profile, there's a strikeout mentioning that I'm currently learning Physics and if you've noticed my messages in h-bar (where I will be, most of the time), you would've known that I hate my engineering course terribly. And, as Manish said, an engineering degree doesn't explain our interest (nor our knowledge) in Physics. Just like the "rep. score" which is a rough measure of our contribution to SE, the degree is a rough measure of our contribution to engineering ;-) — Crazy Buddy Nov 1 at 3:46
@BrandonEnright Debatable on the last aspect, depending on your definition of "success."
@KyleKanos Yeah I'll have to concede that point. There are many measures of success.
I suppose (not sarcastically) that being able to get good marks in some system, however arbitrary, is a useful skill
Dec 13, 2013 04:02
So, @Brandon (/cc @Chris) - regarding the admissions, where are they held? Well, my admissions are based on a cut-off scheme, where they let in loads of people into colleges based on their marks obtained during the last (12th) grade of high-school
@ChrisWhite agreed. It's a great measure of ability to follow directions or stick-to-it-ness.
@CrazyBuddy Every country is a bit different. Within a country, every school is a bit different.
@BrandonEnright I thought the country's scheme of letting into colleges might be the same. No?
@CrazyBuddy I think most US universities base it on cumulative GPA from your HS (grades 9-12) and your SAT scores
But there's different standards of what is an acceptable lower limit on GPA & SAT scores
Dec 13, 2013 04:03
@CrazyBuddy Each university is free to determine who it wants to admit by whatever criteria it wants
the smaller the school fewer the applicants the more time they have (in theory) to research the applicants, like by reading recommendations
I've seen some that have accepted a minimum 2.5 GPA and an 800 on the SAT (out of 1600). I've also seen some that require 3.2+ GPA and 1200+ GPA
A lot of universities don't have explicit GPA or SAT score cutoffs.
Well, some, at least. Maybe a lot.
indeed - schools like to have at least a few "interesting" or "unique" people too - students who stand out, even if not academically
@DavidZ When I was applying for undergrad, they definitely were publishing those least the upper-tier Unis
Dec 13, 2013 04:07
Hm, I seem to remember Princeton saying that they don't have explicit cutoffs.
Of course the median SAT score of the people they did admit was probably something like 1500+ out of 1600, so they didn't need cutoffs anyway...
@DavidZ and I seem to remember Princeton rejecting me, whatever my scores were
@ChrisWhite What? Why? :D
@ChrisWhite well it is kind of like a lottery. Though I would argue you got the better experience there anyway.
Well, I've got to be off. One of the twins is awake and needs her mommy.
Dec 13, 2013 04:09
@KyleKanos see ya
A PhD from a top university carries a lot more weight than a bachelor's degree from the same school.
@KyleKanos see you
@KyleKanos C'ya later :)
@DavidZ I totally agree with this.
@CrazyBuddy indeed it is a lottery - "top" schools receive 5, 10, 20 times as many applicants as they have room for, and most of those who bother applying are capable of doing well there
@BrandonEnright and to clarify (perhaps you knew), I mean the relative amount by which a PhD from a top school is more impressive than the average PhD far exceeds the relative amount by which a bachelor's degree from a top school is more impressive than the average bachelor's degree.
Dec 13, 2013 04:13
I guess I'd have to do more research on foreign colleges. They're very different in a lot of ways :D
@DavidZ Yeah "normalizing" the degree.
@CrazyBuddy have you considered at all applying to study abroad for a summer?
@DavidZ That really takes my time (to understand) :)
I don't know how common it is, or how likely there is to be funding/available positions, but it might be worth looking into
@ChrisWhite Um, pardon me but I don't understand. What's summer?
Dec 13, 2013 04:16
@CrazyBuddy hmmm, do you not get off for ~3 months, June-August or something?
I mean, I know it's always hot there ;)
@ChrisWhite Nah... My sem (usually) ends on July. And, the next sem starts on Aug. Duh...
wow - intense
@ChrisWhite And, we don't usually get the whole vacation. Last time, we had a NSS camp (like go to a village, clean the streets, etc.)
... which sucked 10 days of my vacation -_-
to American students, aged all the way 6-21, a 3-month summer vacation is like a basic human right
Dec 13, 2013 04:20
well at least you're being productive
I hope so. And, can you expound what "summer" means? :D
Is that, a kind of... research?
@CrazyBuddy For grad students it usually means research but "summer" in the US is really just 3 months of time you're not in school you can do pretty much whatever you want.
@ChrisWhite: So, that 3-months is enough to have a course in the abroad?
@CrazyBuddy "Summer abroad" for 2-3 months is really common for US and Europe.
Dec 13, 2013 04:24
@CrazyBuddy lots of profs at research-heavy universities also take on students for helping on small research projects for those months, so it's not always classes
I spent a total of 3 summers doing research, and the other 13 or so summers of my youth were spent vegetating on a couch
lol :D
Okay, nice chat with you all... Thank you guys :)
I'll better bookmark this conversation as a whole :D
@ChrisWhite Regarding that, I really honor my classmates. They're pretty much okay, with the system unlike me, who can't (in any way) accept that that's the way to survive :)
Conversation ended Dec 13, 2013 at 4:38.