Conversation started Aug 31, 2018 at 16:26.
Aug 31, 2018 16:26
So I'm looking at PhD offers in France
One of them is by Rovelli
@Slereah wow! I have once checked his publications.
@Slereah wow
quite unfortunate that Lille is a wasteland for theoretical physics
as is LQG :p
Aug 31, 2018 16:32
This one looks interesting, but otoh he uses the (+---) metric
I can kind of read the start of that :p
or would that be heretic, hmm
The (+,-,-,-) metric is the Landau metric
But really anything to get back into physics
I'll even do GDP increasing research if I have to!
Aug 31, 2018 16:34
Is funding guaranteed
What about that list I sent a while back
By law, yes
That's why I never got a thesis
They can't let you work for free
@Slereah Biophysics? :P
I would go for the Sorbonne just for the history
Wait they want someone going into a PhD program to have solid knowledge of GR and LQG? Wow
@Blue I said research
not sports
Aug 31, 2018 16:35
@danielunderwood Well I'm 32 so by now that should work
though tbh my LQG is a bit shaky
s n a p
The R6 thing looks more my speed
Also it's not in Marseilles
Which is a bit far
@Slereah did you do undergrad and take a break?
@danielunderwood that break was called THE REAL WORLD
Wooo I have hope!
there is no hope
Hm, maybe I should look into the england physics stuff, too
It's not too far
Aug 31, 2018 16:37
though I did find that site
Someone from France going to school in England would be like me going to school in Ohio lol
I looked and thought that was the best page for France PhD's
Aug 31, 2018 16:39
I also found some cosmology/machine learning thesis
The competition is scary, let it be known
Which is probably a thing where I can boast some creds
Do people just apply for a thesis from the beginning there?
@bolbteppa Well it's not like I don't have a job in the meanwhile
32 is nothing as well
Aug 31, 2018 16:41
impossible is nothing
I'm basically a skeleton now
me currently
№ 13 is clearly the best of them all there
and it's available
"Applicants for research must hold a Licence degree and Master's degree at Assez Bien or better, from a university or a Diplome d'Ingenieur degree from a Grande École."
I guess I won't be applying at the Imperial College of Science!
Those jerks
Saw that one yeah
putting it in the maybes
Aug 31, 2018 16:45
One you could chance sending an e-mail to and see if you get past the first stage and see if it can go somewhere and cancel if another is good
First I'm gonna read the bibliography
Gotta do it srs
wait a moment...
That thesis is by Bartlett!
Wasn't he in that video
on that GR conference CD
The great thing about the one I linked to is it says "During the first months, the candidate should rather study the literature in this highly competitive subject, in order to improve her/his level and to be able to choose the precise research direction depending on personal interests"
Oh wait
I was thinking of Bartnik
Not Bartlett
why are all the GR thesis always in stuff I don't study
it's always CMB and neutrinos and early universe
Aug 31, 2018 16:51
LPTHE is right beside the Eiffel Tower too, well walking distance I think
@Slereah I have the same feeling, too. Most open GR positions are not so interesting.
I lived in Paris for like 3 years and still I've never went to the Eiffel tower
Hunk of junk
Is it part of the Sorbonne
All the cool GR stuff was mostly done in the 70's
maybe I should look in the math thesis, too
Physics-math sort of stuff
it does seem hard to find a research position these days if you're not within some obvious pipeline
Aug 31, 2018 16:54
If you're nearby could go in person which is a huge bonus
Well Paris it's doable to go in person
@Semiclassical what is an obvious pipeline?
@CaptainBohemian being in the school itself
And it's true
I've tried finding a thesis outside of a master degree
it's hard
or part of some collaboration, etc.
What is a thesis outside of a master degee?
Aug 31, 2018 16:59
what part do u not understand
You mean a random unfunded 'thesis' with some person with no qualification just work on a project?
I mean, I already have a master degree :p
Taught masters or research masters?
@Slereah you mean to get a PhD position your master thesis has to be a topic which has many offers in PhD postions?
Get a funded thesis from a university while not being currently part of that university
Aug 31, 2018 17:01
@bolbteppa He means getting a PhD position while not currently enrolled in a masters degree.
@bolbteppa That distinction doesn't really exist in Europe
What is the usual procedure, be enrolled in a masters and get a phd offer?
often you just continue what you did for your master thesis
Typically your master's advisor knows someone who knows someone... :P
Ah haha
@Slereah cool, hes into interpretations o_O whats your take on RQM? lots of refs to RQM in here (quitie a few by you) but not sure how many are Relativistic QM vs Relational
Aug 31, 2018 17:03
@vzn shoo shoo
Honestly, there are no rules here, it's a vicious fight and the only rule is to survive
I'll go get me knife
The stakes are completely, scarily, different to undergrad/masters for getting a place
I know, look at me now!
This is what happens when you don't get the thesis
Also I think I'm looking at the wrong time because the 2018 thesis are done
Gotta wait more for the end of the year for the 2019 thesis
@Slereah thx for ref gotta do a physics + ML blog soon with various links, have you seen this? think youd like it
Jul 26 at 1:09, by danielunderwood
Aug 31, 2018 17:07
Two paths I'd say: one is to send e-mails with results + vague proposal to these guys now asking if it would be possible to apply, second path is prep for the huge wave of applications that will open in the next 3 months and send 30 to multiple countries, send e-mails asking the people can you apply to them or would they consider the application you sent in
Well it's probably best to do both, really
Quite often nobody takes the thesis and they are just put up again next year
Another is ask your undergrad/masters project advisors if they have any recommendations on what to do, who to apply to
Oh man
That dude was not very good at like
office politics
part of the problem, rly
Another is go to every big uni page and look at the offers, you'd be surprised at the ones they put up
yeah that is what I'm doing rn
Gonna try to look at all the interesting ones
Try to read up a bit on the bibliography
Aug 31, 2018 17:09
@bolbteppa making a proposal is necessary? That's very difficult if you don't know a field sufficient enough.
Another is a self-funded research masters in a place that offers it, or offer to do one etc
and send them a letter
I don't think self-funded research is allowed here
Vague proposal
that was why I couldn't get mine
I had a PhD topic, just no funding
(Lots of people go abroad for phds for experience + offers)
Aug 31, 2018 17:10
One thing that is unfortunate is that Nguyen, the guy at the local university who did QFT stuff, moved away
I totally wanted to do a thesis with that guy
@bolbteppa Well I just bought a house
Another idea is GRE and US applications :p
a bit awkward!
@bolbteppa re "here", it would be great if you clarified that somehow/ someday, ie where
I'd rather not be in the US when it collapses :p
Yeah this is a real fight + sacrifice
Aug 31, 2018 17:11
More Europe / Canada
@bolbteppa why is vauge proposal? I once sent a mail to a professor telling him I want to do research with him about quaternion-Kahler geometry though I don't know much about that, but he replied me he has no position to offer and he is currently not doing that topic now.
@Slereah I'd say you'd get one from that list alone tbh
yeah I found a few interesting looking ones
The hard part is getting picked
vzn: I don't think Slereah can see you
Oh I can
Aug 31, 2018 17:12
he does not see me either
@CaptainBohemian that's probably what you'll get most of the time, all you need is one, usually web pages say when they have potential offers, even worse, they will offer but funding is not certain so it's a fight
But I'm not having a conversation with @vzn
"can see" != "willing to interact with"
@Secret join the ghost club dont be afraid :P still waiting for you to follow up on misc physics ideas also :P
secret just got pwned
Aug 31, 2018 17:13
unlike in QM, you can observe others here without interacting with them :P
@Slereah ?!? dont know how got on the ignore list, hard to keep track around here :( :P
@vzn Don't worry, at the current rate of political degeneration by Trump, ghosting will die once earth reached the Hothouse state
@bolbteppa USA application is very money consuming.
@Slereah responded to your misc p**** joke(s)? guilty, hang him :P
Aug 31, 2018 17:15
@bolbteppa hmm, following up on what we were discussing earlier: One should have $J^+=J_1^+ + J_2^+$ annihilating $|00\rangle$
anyway <insert huge paragraph of hate speech that will be censored>, thus I am going to maths check to do some maths. Also this conversation is interesting, I don't want to derail it
@Secret dude, "chin up!" self esteem check :P yeah have been looking elsewhere myself for engaging conversations on SE, feel like turning up emptyhanded more often :(
Is that enough to ensure that the probability amplitudes are equal in magnitude but alternating in sign?
Hmm... the thing about the alternating signs is your argument has to generalize to 3j symbols as well, that requires a separate argument to why the amplitudes are the same I think
Does Shankar give this stuff?
this kind of stuff is in shankar, yeah, though he doesn't do 3j stuff
Aug 31, 2018 17:18
vzn: Will reply to that later as anything I said in respond to that will contain extreme hate speech. and I seriously don't want to derail the conversation here because it is so interesting
@Slereah There's your mistake. If you want to do academia, don't settle down until you got tenure! :P
It's one thing to be interested in an offer, it's another to get an offer, and another thing to accept it, and the people you apply to go on the assumption that you might not take it and are ready for it, so you actually have a bit of freedom to apply and see what one works out
Do Germany still have tenure systems?
@Secret Sure.
cool, so I am still up to date on academia knowledge
Aug 31, 2018 17:19
@bolbteppa is there such kind of website? On websites only funded PhD positions are posted. Nonfunded positions are probably not counted as positions, but who can afford them?
It's getting even worse because more and more non-tenured positions are additionally only getting rather short time-limited contracts these days.
And there's some kind of weird incentive structure that means that universities won't renew the same contracts more than a few times
enjoys very much "derailing" conversations... just like riding a 18 gear bicycle :P
I think the only kind of tenure track position I'd be willing to pursue nowadays would be at a liberal arts college, working with undergrads
well, guess that's the trend for the whole job industry really. Here in Australia, very few PhDs made it to professors and a lot more graduates cannot find any jobs in 6 months
@CaptainBohemian the thing is with the non-funded ones, you have to ask if there's a chance, e.g. internal funding one could apply to, so then you give it a go, which is why multiple applications are vital
Aug 31, 2018 17:21
and I'm not sure even that would be the right fit for me
@Semiclassical So, what'cha gonna do? Postdoc positions for the rest of your life? :P
f*** if I know
Another thing which I know people have done is take an unfunded one and hope funding will come up
I think academia as an institution is just kind of f'd up these days
Aug 31, 2018 17:23
@ACuriousMind internet chat :P
@Semiclassical It is, but too many are more than willing to submit to it for there to be any strong pressure for change.
@ACuriousMind yep
@Semiclassical why sour? did you have some kind of bad experience? seems like it went smoothly to Phd from everything youve said in here
@ACuriousMind I wonder if that has something to do with academia competition becoming more fierce in recent years, as well how no German Unis have subscription to Esivier anymore
Aug 31, 2018 17:23
as long as grad students are a commodity, uni's will use them
@vzn tbh it's probably a lot of sour grapes, reflecting the fact that (for various reasons) I don't consider myself suited to academic research as a profession
which is frustrating, since I do very much enjoy research as an activity
Didn't know inspirehep did thesis proposals
and the teaching/learning/communicating involved
Now you're an insider :p
but research as a career is different
Though considering the deadlines
I think what I said :p
Aug 31, 2018 17:25
@Semiclassical a phd is academic research. think its ok to change your mind about life goals, academia can be darwinian/ brutal place at times as this conversation is pointing out...
Better to wait like
right now everything is over
The ones that come up now are more likely to have funding but more sparse/random
given that I've gone through a phd, I've got a pretty good idea of the difference between a research as an activity and research as a career. they're not the same
How so
you only have to justify research 'as an activity' to yourself.
you have to justify 'research as a career' to institutions and the community
Aug 31, 2018 17:30
Well yeah but a boring job as a career, you have to justify to yourself
and it's a lot harder!
the system involves humans and is imperfect. surprise! :P
@Slereah So get a fun job! :P
I wish the day where jobs to survive is a thing in the past...
I also tried!
@ACuriousMind get a satisfying job that gives you reasonable compensation
Aug 31, 2018 17:31
"fun job" ← often an oxymoron :(
Not a lot of jobs at the puppy petting factory
@vzn Your sarcasm reflects precisely the kind of attitude that lets bad situations fester. Of course perfection is unattainable, but does that mean we can't do better?
<Insert democratic socialism proposal here>, thus no more need to work to survive
@ACuriousMind (ouch) :( did not see it as sarcasm really. am all for improving life, strive for that myself :)
I worked for a decade or so at a large company that I eventually left because it stopped being fun, but then worked at a number of small companies that gave me much less job security but much more fun. The decade at a big company built up enough savings that I felt comfortable taking the risk.
Aug 31, 2018 17:34
I also like small companies. They are less rigid in the way they do things
i think one thing i'm tired of with academia is the sense that "your research defines your life"
If you find a small company that's growing fast you get the opportunity to really make a difference.
Large companies tend to get locked in routines and hence harder to have new ideas
despite being more secure
i'd much rather have a career that gives me the scope to define my life outside of it as I see fit
I prefer to do "freestyle research". that is research absolutely anything you like without need to care about yielding results to someone else
Aug 31, 2018 17:35
On one occasion I and the head programmer discussed an idea in the bar ona Friday night (until about 1 a.m. :-) then worked all weekend and had it implemented by Monday morning. There's a terrific sense of accomplishment when you can do that.
(lol) lets all figure out to get MBI (Min Basic Income) installed, am sure it could happen somewhere on earth in only a few decades :)
@Secret yeah
In fact, I once asked my chemistry professional association, and they said my description sounds like something between a research consultant and a project manager
@Secret that's an option if you're already rich ...
@Secret But why would anyone (except perhaps for a philosophy department) pay you to do that?
Aug 31, 2018 17:37
yeah, it is always money...
In fact, I don't like spending money so much that, some of the programs I am using are build from source code instead of downloading their comercial license
I think I will soon find a way to bypass the need of money if I push my head hard enough
then I will be able to do anything I like without being ultrarich
Does anyone do academic research as a side activity and have a career that's outside of academia? Or is that not really a thing?
I think it’s tough to sustain that
Industry with academia linkages are pretty common, there are many consultant agents shared in a career talk how they go back and forth and keep publishing to keep the door to academia open
Having a boss < < < < < < < having no boss
"put one's leg against the door of academia to prevent it from shutting" they say
Aug 31, 2018 17:41
it depends on the industry you’re in
@danielunderwood Einstein
@Secret I think the reality is that those people are attractive to academia because of their contacts and potential for funding.
@Keepthesemind that was a very different era. I think it would be much harder now.
If you’re not working in that context, then I think the only way to sustain a credible independent research hobby would be to have prior connections in the area
@danielunderwood yes have been doing that for years but its indeed rare :) :|
@JohnRennie They are also attractive because companies often stumble upon interesting fundamental problems that otherwise not seen in academia settings, and companies won't have enough time and resources to understand them in detail as they have products to deliver to clients, thus they send those problems to academia. Industry and academia is kinda a mutual system nowadays
Aug 31, 2018 17:44
There are plenty of people who pursue, eg, PhDs while working 'commercially'. Generally takes a bit more time to finish, but still.
@Secret colour me unconvinced. From my experience of both sides of the divide what academia wants from industry is funding.
@Secret its called roughly "industrial research" and yes is still widespread but maybe off its heyday...
@danielunderwood Between the job and reading papers to keep up to date, there's realistically no way you're going to have any kind of life outside of that
@JohnRennie Also works with a large company if you get into the right place :P
How many papers do people in research typically read?
Inspire stuff is not really in France, that huge list is all France, also that list should update for next year probably by/after? Christmas
Aug 31, 2018 17:46
@danielunderwood As many as they humanly can, in my experience :P
@ACuriousMind I'm not sure they asked for a money-making job, research, and a life.
@ACuriousMind your fairy godmother has been working overtime then :-)
@Keepthesemind Ah, well, undeath is nice, too
lol wonder if fairy godmother split at birth :P
@Secret google is probably the 800lb gorilla example of this.
@danielunderwood I recently saw a physics faculty website listing a person with name and picture with the title voluntary collaborator.
I wonder how he finances himself.
Aug 31, 2018 18:01
@CaptainBohemian Probably with a job.
is that how they call interns now
@Keepthesemind but I feel it's very difficult to have a job and do research work at the same time. I feel very awkward at multitasking.
unpaid work, the pinnacle of capitalism o_O
@CaptainBohemian Not if your well-paying job doesn't take much effort, intellectually or otherwise.
@Keepthesemind lol who has one of those...
Aug 31, 2018 18:04
I know a person who is also a volunteering researcher in Hasselt and his financing source is depression aid from Netherlandish government.
@CaptainBohemian That's brilliant. Also: 'Dutch', not 'Netherlandish'.
Well, I guess funding is still the major motivator, but my chemistry seminars have gave examples like developing a hair product that ends up triggering AFM investigation in some hydrogen bonding of those molecules. Perhaps those are still rare in comparision
(I will get back to you with the link later, cause the details of that past seminar is in my notebook which is in my office)
Can arrange that list by the green lights
@Keepthesemind I'm doubtful that having severe enough depression to be on financial aid is adequately characterized as "brilliant".
'The physics of myelin and myelination' awesome
Aug 31, 2018 18:10
@ACuriousMind Well, something like "depression aid" existing is 'brilliant'. Not all countries offer such a thing :)
Also, the fact that the aid amount is sufficient for research, is quite surprising
I don't think a depressor in my country can get that kind of aid from the government.
@ACuriousMind And I am doubtful that the Dutch government sponsors research in Hasselt (Belgium) to help against depression of the researcher.
He gets the aid enough for him for basic living and the needed medical treatment; his research doesn't require any extra money, I think, because it's theoretical research.
@Keepthesemind no, his nationality is Hollands, but he goes to Belgium to do research.
@CaptainBohemian Same here! BTW small nitpick: It's "depressive" not "depressor" afaik :)
Aug 31, 2018 18:16
@Keepthesemind I don't think that's the claim here. I think the claim is that the aid simply enables him to spend what effort he can on voluntary research instead of making money. Then again, any other form of social security income would fulfill the same function.
@CaptainBohemian Yes, but I would assume that he receives 'benefits' or some 'allowance' no matter what. IMO, there cannot be any requirement for him to do research to receive it.
he originally had a postdoctoral position in Hollands, but lost it due to lack of funding, then after some search, he found a professor in Hasselt agrees to let him help her research without funding.
I think we all agree.
@ACuriousMind well, I think that depression aid is given to him whether he wants to do voluntary research; it's give him due to his depression.
4 mins ago, by Keep these mind
I think we all agree.
Aug 31, 2018 18:23
Q: Physics' updated site theme is ready for testing!

CatijaAs part of implementing the new unified themes across the network, we're gradually rolling out updated site themes for each site. As of today, we have enabled your updated site theme for testing. If you can't see it right now, that's by design! We're hoping to get feedback from you before rolli...

I have once heard from eavesdrops someday in a supermarket that some people talked about someone (probably their friend) in Hollands having depression gets fixed money every month from Nethelandish government enough for living and the Nethelandish government levies very high tax.
@CaptainBohemian You shouldn't eavesdrop.
@Keepthesemind Really? :P
@Keepthesemind I didn't hear stealthily. That sat near me and talked so loudly that I can hear them naturally.
@CaptainBohemian Well, that's not "eavesdropping" then :P
Aug 31, 2018 18:31
Nothing illegal
Well, then you used the word 'eavesdrop' incorrectly.
Also, which supermarket are we talking about here?
@Blue eavesdrops isn't something done by stealth.
@CaptainBohemian "Eavesdropping is secretly or stealthily listening to the private conversation or communications of others without their consent"
well, I think my situation is also counted as eavesdrop.
@Keepthesemind The "without their consent" part seems redundant. You can't possibly "secretly" listen to a conversation with their permission. ;)
Aug 31, 2018 18:37
they didn't perceive that I was listening to their conversation.
Why don't you two figure it out amongst yourselves? I have some video tapes to return.
when I am listening to strangers' conversation, I never let them perceive that I am obviously listening because that looks very impolite.
@CaptainBohemian The fact that they spoke loud enough, that any passer-by could listen to them, makes it evident that their conversation wasn't something they necessarily wanted to keep "secret" or "private". Anyhow, "private", "secret" are all pretty vague terms and probably not worth our time to even try to make clear demarcations!
This was some good procrastination for me though. Should prolly get back to work XD
Aug 31, 2018 18:53
lol this seems to be approaching lexicology. or like trying to define insider information/ trading...
@Keepthesemind Wellcome. We have supermarkets everywhere and some have chairs and tables for customers to sit.
Print off a paper, read every line, tick each line you're happy with it, skip around/go nuts on bad sentences, and you zoom through it, life lessons
I have met two kinds of people: One kind which will not care if you are listening near them, and one kind will say they are having a private discussion and basically tells you to move away in a very rude bureaucractic robotic way
sometimes worries about secret o_O
@Secret lolol
Aug 31, 2018 18:58
I have negative tolerance to any perceived estrangement, if I encounter them enough in a small room, I will want that whole room of people to die
why are people so inefficient. Can they save all that estrangement and pretentious c888 for something more meaningful?
some things not so funny these days…
From my observations, some people tend to give off the gullibility vibes, and they're supposedly easier to shoo off, compared to those who don't.
@Secret I don't particularly like to listen to eavesdropping from the street because they are mostly boring. I usually hear them due to the impossibility of avoidance because they really speak too loudly. You know ears, unlike eyes, can't be closed.
@CaptainBohemian Well, most of those conversations are really slice of life, and I am neutral towards them
works in 21st century sweat shop open office now & dislikes/ cringes over loud talkers, alas friendly one sits feet behind me, doesnt get the hint
Aug 31, 2018 19:06
well, when I am thinking about physics problems, I would feel those who speak too loudly near me so annoying.
I live on the first floor of our building. There used to be a middle-aged guy in the 4th floor who used to converse with his driver (who normally loitered in the parking area).....via shouting! All the residents were very relieved when he left the flat, for good :P
@CaptainBohemian Yeah, that is annoying
@Blue there is a person living in the building next to my room who often talks on phone in the balcony. His sound is so loud that I can hear very clearly. I could even know he is an undergraduate student from his conversation though I have never seen him. His talking on phone is often disturbingly loudly.
@Blue re that, actually this is not well remembered (& quite to the contrary picture of corporations with a conscience) but the 5-day work week can be seen as partly resulting from widespread labor/ union strikes in the 20th century generally against oppressive conditions esp wrt modern standards...
besides speaking on phone disturbingly loudly, he also often smokes in the balcony with the second smoke drifting into my room; it's really annoyingly stinky.
Aug 31, 2018 19:22
@CaptainBohemian Go and confront them (if you have the patience i.e.)! :P
Conversation ended Aug 31, 2018 at 19:22.