Conversation started Jun 8, 2017 at 15:21.
Jun 8, 2017 15:21
@BernardoMeurer what are best practices for handling makefiles &c when managing a git repo where different people use different OSs?
@EmilioPisanty Well, first of all, you want to enforce that everyone is using compatible stuff. If some use Windows, and other's POSIX that get's hard. If everyone is on POSIX it's mostly fine. So make sure you have guidelines that make people write portable code, always.
Hmm, trying to find the representation of an operator that transform the following two particle state into an entangled state where all (x,y) coords are correlated in the way (x1,y1)=(x2,y2) seems very messy...
$$\lvert x_1y_1\rangle \otimes \lvert x_2y_2\rangle = \frac{1}{N^2}\int_{\Bbb{R}}^{(4)}e^{(x'+d)^2+(y'+d)^2}e^{(x'-d)^2+(y'-d)^2} \lvert x'y'\rangle\otimes \lvert x''y''\rangle d^4\mathbf{x}$$
@BernardoMeurer sure, but that's over the c code itself, right?
Second of all, specially in an environment like this, I'd stay away from traditional Makefiles, they can yield a lot of non-portable stuff with includes and so on
@EmilioPisanty Yes
And then autotools is also not a choice
@BernardoMeurer so, then what?
Jun 8, 2017 15:24
Yep, CMake is the only portable alternative that I know
how does that handle a situation where I use g++ and other folks use gcc-mp-we?
(-we standing, obviously, for -whatever)
I kinda have some idea what it look like by generalising from the finite basis set case, the challenge is how to slot in the delta function $\delta (x',x'')\delta (y',y'')$ into the integral
It doesn't care, CMake will use the system defined compiler unless explicitly told otherwise
A: How can I make CMake use GCC instead of Clang on Mac OS X?

rubenvbCMake doesn't listen to CC and CXX. Instead use CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++ ... See also the documentation. Alternatively, you can provide a toolchain file, but that might be overkill in this case.

You can also do stuff like this:
Q: OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

PrasadI am a beginner to CMAKE. Below is a simple cmake file which works well in mingw environment windows. The problem is clearly with target_link_libraries() function of CMAKE where I am linking libwsock32.a. In windows this works and I get the results. However, as expected, in Linux, the /usr/bin/...

Conversation ended Jun 8, 2017 at 15:26.