Conversation started Jun 16, 2016 at 3:27.
Jun 16, 2016 03:27
If the event horizon of a black hole is defined as the region from which information cannot escape, then how can the black hole have gravity?
Wouldn't that count as information?
I know the event horizon forms because of gravity, but the definition itself would then not make sense
nothing "has gravity" in general relativity
Okay, how can it warp spacetime?
That counts as information, doesn't it?
Sending out gravitational waves
but everything has energy; and energy modifies the spacetime geometry to an extent that it acts like an apparent force
I thought no information in an event horizon can reach the outside world?
@yuggib since when are you an expert
@SirCumference there's a billion questions of this sort on PSE
Jun 16, 2016 03:29
@0celo7 no need to be an expert to answer to a basic GR question
@0celo7 Link me?
@0celo7 and I have a degree in physics, by the way
@yuggib Applied physics doesn't count
@yuggib perhaps
@SirCumference ?
Jun 16, 2016 03:31
Conversation ended Jun 16, 2016 at 3:31.