Conversation started Feb 2, 2013 at 21:41.
Feb 2, 2013 21:41
Bookmark starts here
We will now discuss the position of the cartoon vs anime question.
It can be found here:
Q: What differentiates anime from regular cartoons?

hkBattousaiIn my region, people don't know the difference between anime and regular cartoons. When they see me watching anime, or they hear about it somehow, they say that I'm watching a regular cartoon and hence I'm being childish. Sometimes, they even display sarcastic attitudes, so that giving a serious ...

What's the verdict? On topic? Off topic? Not constructive?
My vote is for valid, on-topic question.
I'm torn.
I abstain. Mostly because it possibly fails #2 on the list question rules.
I'm pretty sure that @JNat also thinks this is fine. If @Krazer does too then it's a unanimous consensus of mods, which pretty much settles it.
@LoganM yes, I think it is fine
BTW I don't really care either way. I think it's not a very interesting question, but whether it stays open or closed doesn't matter to me.
@Mysticial There are clear differences though
Feb 2, 2013 21:45
@Mysticial I think that if the answerer focuses, it does not fail #2
Target audience, themes, etc
It is at least a goof FAQ question to show (new) people what anime incorporates (when it is unclear)
The thing I fear with that question is that it's degenerating.
If the verdict is to keep the question, it needs to be cleaned
We already have 8 answers from such a small user-base.
Feb 2, 2013 21:45
The tag is incorrect
Once we go big, it's going to be very problematic.
@Mysticial That's actually pretty fine.
And afterwards it needs to (stay) locked
That's why we have down and delete votes.
@Mysticial 10 if you count deleted ones.
Feb 2, 2013 21:46
I see nothing wrong with multiple answers to a question
Where the best are voted to the top, and worse are deleted or sent to the bottom
That's what Stack Exchange is all about.
@MadaraUchiha Well, it's not as clear cut as the other list questions - that's why we have to many different answers with varying opinions.
I don't care either way. It's right on the borderline under my judgement.
From a practical perspective, it's helping our answer ratio a bit.
Though not appreciably
@LoganM If anything our seeding efforts are killing the ratio. :P
(check out the about page)
The answers go two directions: anime and cartoon are the same and they are different. Isn't this 'non constructive'? There does not seem to be one straightforward answer
Feb 2, 2013 21:48
(if you scroll all the way down, you'll earn a badge too :D)
@Veger Yeah, that's why I'm arguing that it fails #2 on the list.
@LoganM True, at least keep the question until the site is approved :P
Hence all the answers with varying opinions.
I tend to go with not allowed (when looking at rules and quality), but I really do like the question... :(
For the anime cartoon one I think is there should be a historic lock on it. We can keep adding technicalities opening thing up to debate. Especially with the continuity comment that recently popped up
Feb 2, 2013 21:51
Can't we turn into a FAQ/Wiki kind of question?
There's nothing wrong with a subjective question, as long as the answers are well explained, augmented and thought-out.
I'm on mobile right now so excuse my slow uptake
@MadaraUchiha fully agreed
@Veger Becoming wiki is inevitable if we leave it opened. (which is fine)
@Krazer We were discussing the cartoon question
What's your verdict on it?
I say we keep it open, because the answers given on it right now aren't bad, htey are all well explained and thought-out.
Feb 2, 2013 21:53
@MadaraUchiha agreed
The question will eventually become a CW automatically when enough answers are given on it.
I'm in favor of a historic lock on it
@Krazer On what grounds? That it isn't constructive?
And we aggressively nuke any poor answer.
@Mysticial Indeed we will
Feb 2, 2013 21:55
Yes not constructive
I'm actually slightly in favor of a historic lock.
If all possible answers are given, it should be locked. (No changes will occur in the future on this topic as anime is not changing) This prevents the accumulation of new (similar) answers
I'm in favor of leaving it open, and monitor it closely
@MadaraUchiha same here
As well as protecting it. It's a question which I predict is bound to attracts a lot of search engine traffic.
Feb 2, 2013 21:58
I'm alright with leaving it open and revisiting it if we need to
@MadaraUchiha Then let's do that for now. If it gets unmanageable, then we lock it.
Then we have a consensus
@Mysticial agree
So we'll need to pay very close attention do it once we do the first of our reddit runs.
The question will be unlocked, protected and monitored closely.
I'd like to thank all the participants for your time
Feb 2, 2013 22:00
@MadaraUchiha Also add a notification on the question that all answers need to be well thought out.
Sitting here chattin' for two hours isn't easy.
I agree with Madara-sama about protecting it
All one-liners and bad/dupes, will be nuked.
And we let it get auto-wikied.
Bookmark ends here
Conversation ended Feb 2, 2013 at 22:01.