Conversation started Apr 8, 2017 at 15:58.
Apr 8, 2017 15:58
Alrighty, who wants to start?
Might as well get 'er goin'
@hBy2Py Let's start. People would either join, or we'd do this event with less people
Take it away, @M.A.R.!
For starters, how many do you wanna do? @hBy2Py
CC @Mith and @Mel, if you two want to participate
How many at a time?
I was thinking of allocating 5-10 at a time
Apr 8, 2017 16:03
@hBy2Py You give me a number, and I give you a range of threads to edit
We'd use the GSheet links numbering
@heather, @Hexa, since you've been in the room, the event's starting
Aha, gotcha
I'm doing 22 to 31
I'll take 61-70
I'll bold the ones I'm working on, then italicize when each is done
And, of course, my Internet connection flakes out as soon as we start.
Apr 8, 2017 16:07
Site goes down for maintenance?
Worst possible time
Impatiently waiting
About to start some maintenance work on SQL servers. Should be brief.
Site's back
To the future visitors that come to participate in the event,
This time, we're going to focus more on comprehensive edits. We're bumping some quite old
questions, and rendering the active page unusuable for two hours.
Please make sure to
1. exercise your votes on the question and its answers
2. Edit 1) grammar 2) MathJax 3) taglines and salutations 4) punctuation and 5) tags
3. Some images might have broken after the HTTPS update. Changing HTTP to HTTPS or
re-uploading the image to imgur should do the trick.
Additional pointers:
1. There's this other room called Spring Cleaning Dump. Linky:
2. We do wanna spend time on each post, but time is valuable. As a rule of thumb, don't
spend more than 5 minutes on each thread (Q+A).
3. If you see it's taking too long, post a link to the post that needs fixing to Spring Cleaning
Dump and move on to the next thread. Every participant can at most post 10 links there
during the event, so make them count. We'd eventually fix them during quieter hours.
The process is similar to what we had in TRE I.
1. See the pinned Google Docs. Ping me when you're ready for action, with the number of
threads you're ready for.
2. I'll give you a range. The Google Docs sheet is numbered, so yay.
3. We'll start editing and retagging. Don't leave a single tag alone, if possible. Reviewers will
review, flaggers will flag, closers will close.
4. Once you're done, ping me again and we repeat the process until the event is done or you
are tired.
5. In the linked Google Sheet, please italicize all the processed posts to easily be able to
Apr 8, 2017 16:26
@M.A.R. Gimme 10
@Mithoron 11 to 21
Italicize as you edit
Not obligatory tho
@M.A.R. Will save time on post-event tidying, though @Mith
Q: How to identify a substance acting as an acid

confused For question ii, it asks to state a reaction showing $\ce{H2SO4}$ acid acting as an acid. What does it mean acting as an acid? Donating a proton? Very confused as to what to look for. The answer is reaction 1. because it is an acid + metal oxide? But reaction 4. shows a metal and an acid -...

tsk tsk tsk, answering a homework dump
i'm going to do 711 to 716, because i'm special
Apr 8, 2017 16:35
we have more than one question on "does the forward or reverse rate constant of an exothermic reaction increase more when temperature is increased". for future review: and I think there are more
So many good candidates for canonicals.
you better be taking notes
I think there's a meta post for that...?
is there?
i'm lost
Or, maybe I'm thinking of the duplicates post
Apr 8, 2017 16:38
Don't forget to VTC
BTW, mods, if you don't want to VTC, put a link to stuff in the Spring Cleaning Dump
I don't think they're close enough dupes to close, was just food for thought
but yeah
@orthocresol I do have a short list in a GDoc
\o @Loong
Late to the party
@M.A.R. Info here, @Loong
@M.A.R. hi
Apr 8, 2017 16:51
I'm doing 32 to 41 now
ok be back later
Apr 8, 2017 17:10
@Loong, can you help with nuke requests in here?
Apr 8, 2017 17:36
Now doing 41 to 51
Apr 8, 2017 18:04
@M.A.R. @orthocresol I guess we're done..?
Conversation ended Apr 8, 2017 at 18:04.