Conversation started May 16, 2023 at 23:07.
May 16, 2023 23:07
@D.C. All right. Here's the summary. I suggest you draw this stuff in the $uv$-plane. You recall that you noted that $x\ge 0$ corresponds to the half-plane $u+v\ge 0$. So you want to be positioned in that half-plane.
even $y=0$?
I got that bound
$y+x^2=0$ becomes *either* $v=0$ *or* $2u+v=-1$.
$x-y=2$ becomes *either* $u=1$ *or* $u=-2$.
$x^2-2x+4y=0$ becomes *either* $v=u$ *or* $3u+v = -2$.
Your goal is to select a region in $u+v\ge 0$ which maps one-to-one to our region bounded by the three curves.
Ok. I'm going to work them out just to see how you reasoned them
May 16, 2023 23:10
I did high-school algebra and factored.
Conversation ended May 16, 2023 at 23:10.