@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez yea thats what i was just clarifying meaning i thought you were saying otherwise at first but you werent ergo i was making a bad assumption and so i need to clarify this was the case
@DanZimm no it was an analogy. For you it absoutly makes no sense throwing away the real numbers to take something different. but Some time ago (about cantor) the real numbers was a very silly concept too
@DominicMichaelis right but I was specifically talking about if someone is trying to work with just the real numbers, possibly because theyre ignorant and dont understand these math ideas, which occurs often to many undergrad physics majors
you don't have to go that far. I tried to convince my theoretical physics prof, that the standard scalar product on $\mathbb{C}$ is not antisymmetric but hermitien, I failed ...
thats i guess why i made any statement originally, i often see people around me studying physics to make some pretty bad assumptions, but it wsa improper of me to generalize that to physicists in general
when one iss working with measure theory, and the correspondding integration theory (Lebesgue and friends) one works with $\infty$ as an actual value all the time; there one only adds those things, not multiply them