@tb Sorry, still confused. I don't think $d_1$ stays the same map after you remove $M$. In one case, $$\dots P_1 \xrightarrow{d_1} P_0 \to M \to 0$$ we don't necessarily have $im(d_1) = P_0$ but in the other case, $$\dots P_1 \xrightarrow{d_1} P_0 \to 0$$ we do. So how can I compute Ext using the wrong (exact!) sequence?
@MattN Hm... You just remove that $M$ from your complex. Nothing else changes, expecially not the cokernel of $d_1$. Only the first sequence is exact, the second isn't (at $P_0$).
UD's book, like the links that Eugene posted, is directed at mathematicians who are trying to deal with cranks, not at people who want to know if they might be cranks.
Of course, a real crank is firmly convinced that he is not a crank.
But someone who is a semicrank might get the advice early enough to head off the problem.