Conversation started Jul 19, 2013 at 3:24.
Jul 19, 2013 03:24
Q: Code Words/Phrases in Rise of Nations

Young GuiloWhat do these code phrases mean while playing in an online game? BCG BCA BCwN FLT FRT SEM CIA Beemer Flight Heavy Rain

Q: What Borderlands 2 DLC is required to get 100% achievements?

AlainIf someone could build on What DLC is included in borderlands 2 season pass, and what is not included, what DLC is required to 100% Borderlands 2? For instance, does the base game + seasons pass suffice, or are additional DLC that aren't included like the Creature Slaughterdome required for some...

@Lazers nooo
edit them in the other one, like the LoL question
@Ullallulloo Please don't do this, it's an awful, awful solution to the very real problem of terrible questions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz =/
I really, really strongly dislike just retconning an old bad question to make a new bad question go away.
@Ullallulloo The proper solution is downvotes. Gratuitous downvotes.
Having two questions of "What does A, B, C mean in X?" and "What does D, E, F mean in X?" is silly.
Jul 19, 2013 03:30
@Ullallulloo Not as silly as changing the first question to "What does A-F mean in X?" just to punish a user for actually asking a new question that is not actually a duplicate of an existing question on the site until you decide that it should be a duplicate and edit an old question.
I'm sorry, but "Edit the old question to expand it and then post a bounty" is not a good solution to what is in fact, an entirely new and different question, even if it is also an incredibly stupid and worthless question also.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I mean they're both pretty bad.
2 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Ullallulloo The proper solution is downvotes. Gratuitous downvotes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, but just asking about some terminology doesn't seem like a bad question to me.
@Ullallulloo I could see such a thing as a good terminology question existing. "WHAT DO ALL THE SLANG WORDS IN THIS LIST MEAN?" is not such a good terminology question. "PLEASE WRITE A COMPLETE EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 7 SLANG GLOSSARY FOR ME" is not really a better question, however, and trying to continually update the former to turn it into the latter retroactively every time someone asks about a new piece of slang is even worse by several orders of magnitude.
The proper solution is a glossary wiki page
Maybe turn the first question into CW
Jul 19, 2013 03:35
Because you're punishing the asker of a new question for doing the right thing, and searching, not finding an answer, and asking a new question, because their question has not in fact been answered, and you're rewarding the asker of the old bad question for no good reason, and then you're relying on the community to update an old answer to an old question, to include the answer to a new question for no good reason, which may very well not happen, because the usual incentive structure...
attached to answering questions is now broken.
@PrivatePansy NO. CW is not the solution.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Downvoting's punishing them too though.
CW is almost never the solution.
The solution is to allow people to ask their questions and get their answers.
@Ullallulloo It's punishing them for asking a dumb question with a list of words. Like I said, I can see such a thing as a good terminology question existing. This isn't one.
A good one might be a question about a single term, or might ask about a term or two in context, rather than just providing a completely worthless alphabet soup list of acronyms.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What should I be blindly downvoting?
@SimonL Everything.
@SimonL Especially anything that was written by @Wipqozn.
CW isn't intended to be a bandage to fix a problem. CW really just means that no one person deserves rep for this since it's the work of a community, not a single user.
Jul 19, 2013 03:38
@Wipqozn I thought you should also use CW if you are answering a question with someone elses work?
Q: Stack Exchange Glossary - Dictionary of Commonly-Used Terms

Adam DavisWhat are the common phrases, words, abbreviations that are used on Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Super User, Meta Stack Overflow, and the other Stack Exchange sites? This is meant to be a very quick overview, not an in-depth tutorial. When considering whether a term ought to be included, please ...

@SimonL Research is work too.
This is what I was thinking of
@PrivatePansy Yeah, that is very much a special case, what with it being a META POST.
Also, @LessPop_MoreFizz, just so you know...
Q: What do these abbreviations mean in Rise of Nations?

user52013I sometimes don't understand the slang in online games what do these mean? ATM DMC BKAM FSR LISG

Q: Code Words/Phrases in Rise of Nations

Young GuiloWhat do these code phrases mean while playing in an online game? BCG BCA BCwN FLT FRT SEM CIA Beemer Flight Heavy Rain

Jul 19, 2013 03:39
I think the LoL terminology questions is among the worst things this community has ever decided was a good idea in terms of dealing with bad questions or duplicates or whatever.
ARe the same people.
He was using sock puppets.
Q: Using Wine on Mac wont let me play without CD 1

BrieI recently downloaded wine on my Apple laptop, I haven't done much with it and frankly I dont know much about it. However it was enough to download my Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 3 game. I finished the download and now when i try to play in either single player or multiplayer it wont le...

@spugsley It was pinned, so we needed to star it.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I'm aware, and the sockpuppeting is a different issue, and should be dealt with through the proper channels. I'm just really hate the precedent of the LoL glossary question, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that it was a one-off bad decision and that it not be repeated, because that would be a Very Bad Thing To Have Happen.
Jul 19, 2013 03:41
I will find whoever pinned it, stalk them for a decade, and then ever so slowly drive them crazy over the course of that decade until one day they snap and have to live in a mental hospital for the rest of their life.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have to agree with this - one of the main things is to not have list questions and terminology will pretty much always turn into list answer/questions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I agree
And I agree with @LessPop_MoreFizz.
@spugsley I hadn't pinned it before, but I have now!
@LessPop_MoreFizz unwise
Jul 19, 2013 03:43
I think leaving a comment stating "This question is related" would be helpful though.
A huge list of definitions is something more fit for a wiki than Q&A site. Q&A sites are much better for "What does this specific definition mean?"
12 mins ago, by Private Pansy
The proper solution is a glossary wiki page
Cannot the question be closed as a list question? I thought that was one of the type of questions not to ask, but I can't seem to find it on that page.
@SimonL Unbound lists are bad.
And really, really huge lists./
@SimonL Lists aren't inherently bad.
Though they are often stupid.
@SimonL A list question is a signpost. It's a common characteristic of bad questions, but it isn't the thing that makes them bad in itself.
In much the same way that dirty clothes and a foul odor are common characteristics of hobos, but not all hobos have dirty clothes and a foul stench, and not everyone who stinks and is wearing unwashed garments is in fact a homeless person who rides the rails with a bindle containing all of their worldly possessions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a good way of putting it.
Jul 19, 2013 03:52
Other signposts for bad questions include atrocious application of grammar, spelling, markdown, or other conventions of the English Language and use of the SE posting engine, the use of various superlatives of opinion-centric words like 'best', 'favorite', 'worst' or 'most', and requesting answers in the form of a 'link' or 'guide' or 'mod' or other similar offsite resource.
Questions can have all of those things and still actually be decent and useful questions, or they can have none of those things, and still be completely awful and worthless garbage.
But it's true that questions that have those things are a lot more likely to be off topic or otherwise closable than questions that don't.
The trick is to separate the things that make the question actively unwelcome from the things that make the question downvotable and stupid.
In other news.
I started playing System Shock 2 tonight @LessPop_MoreFizz.
@Wipqozn Was it terrifying?
@LessPop_MoreFizz It was a tad unnerving.
I'm not that far into it yet.
I only got to play or about 30 - 40 minutes
@Wipqozn Did you get to monkeys?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I stopped playing shortly after encountering the first revive you magically chamber.
Jul 19, 2013 04:00
@Wipqozn So no monkeys yet?
Because fuck the monkeys
I needed to get some power cell and then it just started spawning enemies and then I died and went to bed.
Yeah, monkeys aer jerks. I imagine some kind of robot zombie monkey will be super jerks.
Well, I'm going back to bed. I just wanted to check something and then I just had to follow the bridge argument before leaving again.
@Wipqozn Bridge arguments are pretty hard to tear away from.
Graphing Calculators

Proposed Q&A site for experts in using and programming handheld graphing calculators, and that guy in 11th grade who had Mortal Kombat on his TI-83.

Currently in definition.

> and that guy in 11th grade who had Mortal Kombat on his TI-83.
@LessPop_MoreFizz especially the invisible ones
I have a TI-59
Q: Will Cube World run on a Samsung Google Chrome laptop?

PigCan I play Cube World on A Samsung Google Chrome laptop? I really want to know because I saw Lets Plays of this game, and I liked it and want to play it.

How is this not a, "Can I run it?" question?
Jul 19, 2013 04:12
@fbueckert It's really more of a "Has $game been ported to $platform" question, which is off topic by our existing standards, re: game rec, and therefore, ought to be closed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was my next argument.
The samsung and the specs and whatever else are red herrings.
As a sidenote, do we honestly need more than one single terminology question per game?
Especially when they came from the same user?
@fbueckert I really don't think we do
@fbueckert I think the cure is worse than the disease.
Jul 19, 2013 04:13
@fbueckert Why do we even need 1? Just get rid of them all as Lesspop suggested earlier.
They really aren't a good fit on this site
@SimonL Terminology has a place. Not a great one, but it has it's uses.
They sort of work, but then you get problems like this
The same user/sockpuppeting issue is the bigger problem; but if there were no sock puppeting were involved, and a single user asked three terminology questions, asking about one term each (and good, well written, detailed questions that provided an example in context), for example, I wouldn't bat an eye, and I don't think you would either. (Or at least, you shouldn't.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz If they were well written, no, I'd have no issue.
This shit, though, doesn't deserve separate questions.
Jul 19, 2013 04:15
@fbueckert Sure it does! You get to downvote it twice as much!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Alas, as much as I love my downvotes, in this case, I don't think we should set an example of allowing two crappy questions to set an example of questions to ask.
Again, I think the cure is substantially worse than the disease, and I really strongly think that what has happened with the LoL terminology question set a very dangerous precedent regarding fudging duplicates onto old questions, which is a practice that makes me deeply uncomfortable. I know you're fond of it, but every time we do it, I get very very very uneasy about the direction community moderation is heading.
@fbueckert If they get downvoted enough, we can vote to delete them. I fully intend to make use of my deletion votes to do so.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, what? There's a LoL terminology question?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am ok with this solution.
Q: What do those abbreviations mean in League of Legends?

F.S.I'm quite new to League of Legends (LoL) but try to improve through reading guides. All too often I stumble upon abbreviations I am not sure what they mean. Some of those are: AD AP ArPen AS bot blue carry CC CDR CS Drag Dive mia mid MM Mp5 MP5pL MPen Proc pull (red/blue/drake) red SR ss top T...

@SimonL The vast majority of those are added by the original author.
And I see @LessPop_MoreFizz added another himself.
All but four were added by the original author.
Jul 19, 2013 04:19
@fbueckert I could add, a very large list of terminology that are currently not on that list - should I do that?
@SimonL Do you really want to know what they mean?
@fbueckert Yeah, the one I added was the first time we did it. And I very much regret setting the precedent.
@deutschZuid and @Toomai (RE: Candy Box!) Could you confirm that this edit you approved is true? (that "The Surpass Yourself increases the damage done to the You (Clone) while not damaging You (Player), making the level completable.")
@deutschZuid and @Toomai ...I'm asking because it conflicts with this answer: "The "Surpass Yourself" spell basically prevents the real you from dying when you battle yourself. When you get down to 0 health, the real you will be given 1 health, allowing you to complete the level".
@fbueckert I already know what they mean, I should have said, add them to the question and answer.
(Though, if you note the timing on both questions, it was during that terrible LoL contest that unleashed a horde of terrible content on the site.)
Jul 19, 2013 04:21
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was a dark age in our history
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah. So that was basically self defense on our part.
@galacticninja To be honest, I'm not sure the exact mechanics matter anyway. Why not just edit the answer to say it makes the fight winnable because reasons, and leave it at that?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I honestly believe the LoL question is better. The format is cleaner, and more useful for anyone looking for a reference than a dozen questions each asking one or two terms separately. It's easier to maintain and to keep up to date. The only problem is there's no rep here because everything is CW
There is literally no reason whatsoever that the exact programmatic method by which the upgrade makes the fight winnable is necessary for the answer. The explanation is irrelevant. The upgrade lets you win.
Jul 19, 2013 04:23
I'm split; if we get answers like this, I say lump them all together.
@spugsley meep
@PrivatePansy The problem comes when someone comes along and wants to know about a new term that isn't in the list. It's a horrible experience as a user, because you are punishing them for doing exactly the right thing.
@AshleyNunn no reasons for my blergh. I just feel generally blerg
@fbueckert Awful user posts awful content. More at 11.
But if we can get answers like this, then they deserve separate answers.
Jul 19, 2013 04:23
@fbueckert Good questions will get good answers.
So, better yet, I say we enforce strict standards on terminology questions.
But bad questions are not the same as duplicate questions.
@spugsley hugs and cupcake
@fbueckert Our existing rules are fine. If you want to improve the standard here, I'd suggest downvoting, and leaving a comment encouraging others to do the same.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If I enter cheats in Candy Box!, it would he nice to know how it works - i.e. what are the side effects that cheats can do regarding this game mechanic. It's one of the reasons I asked the question.
Jul 19, 2013 04:26
-1, a list of acronyms with no context is a really terrible question that will invite a really terrible answer. Ask a single clear, interesting question about a single term. You'll get a better answer that does more than just fill in the blanks, and, when you repeat the process (again, with another detailed interesting question), you'll get more rep too. Wins all around. — LessPop_MoreFizz 16 secs ago
Can you explain some more about where these are used, not just give an dictionary term? What they stand for doesn't help anything if you don't know how they're used. — fbueckert 13 secs ago
Also, have a comment upvote.
@fbueckert Ditto. Pretty sure this is the proper solution here. Along with downvotes. Downvotes is always the proper solution.
Conversation ended Jul 19, 2013 at 4:27.