Conversation started Sep 3, 2017 at 18:49.
Sep 3, 2017 18:49
Also @Arperum you're in my starting squad
Let's see if you survive the first mission
@Wipqozn looks angry at the aliens
@Dragonrage is already kicking ass. He pierced some alien with a grappling hook, pulled him over, and then cut his throat.
My dog just tried to hump my leg. I thought that was a male behavior?
And was something unspayed dogs did.
Sep 3, 2017 18:51
And @Dragonrage also just dodged two overwatch shots so he could get a flanking shot.
What a bad ass
@Avery That still seems like the vaguest suggestion of an 'a'
@RedRiderX it's better than "evrim"
Noooooooooo This is the worst
evrim is a male name.
actually til: evrim is unisex.
I've started playing Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, and they've got voice acted Wright & Maya, and they have really LA accents.
Sep 3, 2017 18:57
I love the skirmisher class
Q: Vsync causing unstable fps near refresh rate and occasional stuttering, need help / clarification

Hi_im_TonyI can't explain my issue or I haven't got how V-Sync works. I've got an i5-6600k, GTX 1060 6G and a 144hz monitor (Zowie XL2411), this is my framerate when V-Sync is disabled: v-sync off#1: v-sync off#2:

Rockin' @Arperum and @Dragonrage are the ones on the outside. @JasonBerkan and RIP @OrigamiRobot are in the middle
I look like I'm being loud and purple, I approve!
@Arperum the pose was selected randomly by the game. It chose well.
lol how did they still not fix the game picking up my joystick? c'mon
Sep 3, 2017 19:11
Zeus damn it

Proposed Q&A site for people making music with Lmms

Closed before being launched.

I did not expect those aliens to climb up that building
who's dead now
okay fuck this game
yeah that's a restart for sure
@Avery An entire squad
I didn't expect that patrol to climb on the roof, so I got caught completely out of position
and was flanked
So I was down one man right away. Also sight lines in this game continue to be kind of dumb.
Conversation ended Sep 3, 2017 at 19:25.