Conversation started Aug 30, 2014 at 1:40.
Aug 30, 2014 01:40
Not sure if it's already been linked, but TotalBiscut has some interesting thoughts on the whole nature of the debate around Zoe Quinn and the surrounding issues.
He talks about a lot of stuff, but I think what might be most important is him disagreeing with all the people saying that if you don't "take a side" in the debate you're a horrible person.
And that if we all "take a side" immediately it's so hard to empathize with each other.
Which I agree with quite a bit
Aug 30, 2014 01:53
> We'll read it in a smooth jazz style
And yes, taking a side implies you know enough of the details to make an informed opinion of the situation, which I know I have not.
Same here
I'll defend Quinn and Sarkeesian against the trolls that are harassing them, because hate speech simply isn't cool, but as to their message, no I can't defend them because I just don't know enough from both sides.
And it's so hard to get down to a real discussion with a shitstorm of horrible comments swirling overhead
@memescientist Groovy
Which is why I'm reading articles that come across my feeds, but other than that, staying out of it.
Although I did post this one tweet:
@ilitchev @femfreq "Anonymity doesn't bring out the worst in people, it just brings out the worst people." -@hankgreen
Aug 30, 2014 02:01
@MBraedley Hey I like that
I wish he had made it an actual vlogbrothers video
And there are (community) edited versions too.
@MBraedley Oh yeah I remember seeing that one, thought it was very interesting seeing the whole thing.
@MBraedley ah, is that one of the ones that's part of the whole teaching the community how to make things?
@FAE Yep. Pretty sure there's a link in the description. Would have taken part if I had decent editing software installed.
@MBraedley Jochem told me about that today, it's a pretty neat project.
Aug 30, 2014 02:09
> This war is a sideshow. It's distracting us from talking about the real issues, and make no mistake, that's exactly what an extremist will want.
Couldn't agree more
Aug 30, 2014 02:23
> I'm not trying to reach across the aisle. I was never in the other aisle to begin with. I walked into the chamber, and it was on fire, and people were stabbing each other. It sucked.
Aug 30, 2014 02:49
My comment on Total Biscuit's post. I think it sums up my (non-)position quite nicely.
@MBraedley Yeah pretty much same here
Not wanting (and maybe not able) to form an informed opinion badly enough to wade through the shitstorm surrounding everything right now.
Aug 30, 2014 03:09
Sadly, it's japanese only right now.
And it's name, ソーシャル夢物語, translates to Social Pipe Dream.
But I think it's supposed to be Facebook Game Dev Story.
Because it's relevant. (Despite the image of an exploding bomb.)
Conversation ended Aug 30, 2014 at 3:15.