Conversation started Mar 19, 2016 at 17:45.
Mar 19, 2016 17:45
@Hippalectryon Voting doesn't have a "supposed to". It has "should"s.
You should upvote good content that you see. And downvote bad content. <- That's about the only official thing about voting
Now we can analyze how high rep users vote, and come up with more practical and constructive voting habits.
I imagine some higher rep users downvote bad questions along with closing them.
That's OK.
I imagine some of them (like me) don't usually downvote after close voting.
Which is still OK if there's no dire need for downvotes.
But, for example, somewhere like SO, or math.SE, or maybe even physics.SE, the "should downvote" gets stronger. The amount of user contribution to those sites are high, and good content gets lost easily if not voted accordingly.
Conversation ended Mar 19, 2016 at 17:49.