@IͶΔ and physics is the subject which demands love i mean everyone to understand physics has to study physics on his own, no third party teacher or school is required to teach!! :\
In physics, they don't even bother you with the real stuff. So you happily calculate it without considering that the number you're coming up with isn't the right number.
When you don't need a more accurate calculation, there's no need to bother yourself with it.
Same goes in math.
But if it does in the case of some easy functions, then why not use it?
Hückel's rule is a good guideline to know which compound is aromatic and which is not in planar cyclic conjugated stuff.
But it fails in the case of coronenes.
Because it's a simplification.
So the only difference is that you also study the quirks to what you study in high school chem, while you don't in physics. That's why high school chem is crappy but is still superior to high school physics IMO.