> 1 next week, month etc; the next week, month etc
> Next week, month etc (without the) is the week, month etc just after this one. If I am speaking in July, next month is August; in 2006, next year is 2007.
> The next week, month etc is the period of seven/thirty/etc days starting at the moment of speaking. On July 15th 2006, the next month is the period from July 15th to August 15th; the next year is the period from July 2006 to July 2007. Compare:
"Next week, month etc (without the) is the week, month etc just after this one." -- It sounds like next time should mean the next time just after this one.
"The next week, month etc is the period of seven/thirty/etc days starting at the moment of speaking." -- How can we apply that to next time?