Conversation started Jul 18, 2015 at 17:06.
Jul 18, 2015 17:06
> Chances are you don’t—speak Esperanto, that is. But a few readers of the last two columns—about the quandary of Europe’s multilingualism, and why enforcing English throughout Europe was a flawed idea—made the case for Esperanto. At a time when ever more countries need to communicate with one another, why shouldn’t Europe, or the world, embrace the simple international language invented by Ludwig Zamenhof in 1887?
I propose we speak Na'vi.
Considering the movie's popularity and the number of viewers (approaching a billion?), many of us have already heard of and have already heard Na'vi.
So, Kaltxì!
(By the way, I approve any invented language that makes it difficult for everyone of us, not only non-Europeans alone.)
Conversation ended Jul 18, 2015 at 17:14.