Conversation started Nov 1, 2016 at 13:35.
Nov 1, 2016 13:35
Hey look @Geobits was right we got our design! (You might have to clear your cache to see it)
What do you mean, "no"?
we don't have our design
I'll get a screenshot one second
Nov 1, 2016 13:36
@TuxCopter Maybe you're seeing a caching issue?
OHMIGOD site looks really nice
I'm so glad they didn't go all super-golf themed.
@TuxCopter Yeah try clearing your cache. If that doesn't work add ?cb=1
still no design
you're all terrible people
Nov 1, 2016 13:38
Even with the cachebreaker? Wat
@Poke But I was serious....
uh huh
11/10 very nice design
What the heck I just reloaded and it's gone
Dammit SE
Maybe SE is trolling? Wouldn't surprise me, given the jokes around here.
Nov 1, 2016 13:39
@TuxCopter 42/10*
Just a poor rollout most likely. I'll check in later and see if it's stable
you have fun with that
Does anyone know if Grace Note is still pingable?
CM: Hey PPCG folks think the design is the 1st november
Admin: ok brb
`se-set-design codegolf codegolf && sleep 10 && se-set-design codegolf beta`
^ What happened at SE
Nov 1, 2016 13:42
CMC: something useful in Alphafuck with proper English grammar (excluding letter casing)
CMC: Stop repeating a CMC more than Infinity times
If this is SE's idea of a joke it's pretty damn elaborate. Well played.
It would've been better if they had re-applied the "Beta" label to the main logo.
i'm sure they're over there all like if userId == quartata.getUserId() then serveNewCss()
Top bar was a green gradient with some subtle lines in it, monospace font for most things, badge icons were bits and vote icons were ASCII-style up and down arrows
I didn't get a screenshot in time. Dammit.
Nov 1, 2016 13:46
I hear they're going to move toward that one pixel at a time over the next several months
But Geobits saw it too, right? It wasn't just me?
inb4 geobits works for SE
I didn't notice the arrows, but overall yes.
I was on a question at the time so
I'll give it to you. I refreshed about 5 times
Nov 1, 2016 13:49
Don't worry. We'll get the design with the new year.
The new year of 2022
> yup this kinda works. lets try it now...ohshitwait its available publicly:O revertrevertrevert
^ totally what happened on SE
10 mins ago, by TuxCopter
CM: Hey PPCG folks think the design is the 1st november
Admin: ok brb
`se-set-design codegolf codegolf && sleep 10 && se-set-design codegolf beta`
or it's this ^
@Poke Dude, I wasn't kidding. I'm fishing through my cache right now to see if I can find an old cached version of the assets
Oh that's not a bad idea. Let me look at mine too. It's too bad the Chrome cache is such a mess to look through.
Nov 1, 2016 13:53
in other news ^
I found something. One second.
Ignore the white background that was a GIMP derp when I imported it
That was the upvote button
Please just post a screenshot of the userscript design
@TimmyD I told you, it was too late
@quartata wow infographic skill level 9000
Lemme see if I can find anything else in the cache.
Conversation ended Nov 1, 2016 at 13:56.