Conversation started Nov 17, 2021 at 12:04.
Nov 17, 2021 12:04
heyo gamers, it's go time ;p
@lyxal ?
Welcome to the 14th Biweekly Mini Golf. During this event, we'll post some CMCs (Chat Mini Challenges) for you all to solve. A new one will be added every 5 to 10 minutes. Feel free to keep suggesting drafts during the event. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Good luck!
@Fmbalbuena a chat event that happens every 2 weeks
oh got ninja'd
in BMG Drafts, 49 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: Find the single most repeated character or word in a string with exactly 4 unique characters, e.g.: AAAAAAAAAAAABBBBCDDDEFFFFF -> B
:59627173 no you post drafts in the draft roo.
Nov 17, 2021 12:05
in BMG Drafts, 45 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: Given a positive integer N, output it's smallest and largest divisor other than 1. For example for 10 -> 2 & 5; 24-> 2 & 12 ; etc
in BMG Drafts, 48 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: From an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive number. e.g.: [3,-1,2] --> 1 ; [-10204433, 545371683, 156929402] --> 1 ; [1,-2147483648] - > 2
in BMG Drafts, 47 mins ago, by lyxal
AIDraft: Print out every 5th number between 1 and 100000. e.g.: [1,6,11...
those should be enough to get the party started
@cairdcoinheringaahing @GrainGhost do either of y'all want to pin the event message? (open to other mods and ROs)
@PyGamer0 you copied me
no i got ninja'd
note to self: next time, pin in different room and move message here
AICMC: Given a list of integers, check whether there's one integer that occurs an odd number of times. If so, find the integer that occurs an odd number of times.
Nov 17, 2021 12:12
> other than 1
so that means your answer is invalid
AICMC: Given an array, output all unique triplets from the set of elements where sum is 0.
@Fmbalbuena that still outputs 1 as the smallest divisor
AICMC: Write a function that finds the largest product between three integers in any given array.
@Fmbalbuena very good!
AICMC: Given a list L containing numbers and strings return whether or not it contains integer values so [1,"2", 3] returns true while ['a', 2 ,3, 4e7] returns false.
Nov 17, 2021 12:18
@lyxal I'm finding tips for golfing this
@lyxal Retina 0.8.2, 34 bytes
@lyxal golfed from my previous answerTry it online!
i can shave 2 bytes from that
@PyGamer0 I feel like this is invalid, as the maximum shouldn't be the input; as stated by the test cases (10 -> 2 & 5 and 24-> 2 & 12)
@lyxal but its not stated in the question
> For example for 10 -> 2 & 5; 24-> 2 & 12 ; etc
that's stated in the draft
I don't usually take strict stances on validity for AI generated CMCs, but this seems to be an exception
Nov 17, 2021 12:21
@Fmbalbuena golfed
AICMC: Given input as a string, return number of vowels in it (consider "y" to be not vowel). Consider capital letters same as small.
AICMC: Output all the pairs (x, y) from 1 to n such that x^2 + y ÷ 2 = integer
AICMC: Percentage of vowels in a string
Nov 17, 2021 12:26
AICMC: Find the deepest level in a list - given [2,[[3],1]] should print out 2 using 0-indexing or 3 using 1-indexing for depths
Oct 20 at 12:11, by lyxal
(italics means I've inserted text to make it make more sense)
AICMC: Write a regular expression to turn all - and + signs into facts. If I feed the string '-, --, (+) you will spend them' your code should return 'fact, factfact, (fact) you will spend them'. This question is customarily scored "painfully difficult (i h8 math)"
@lyxal Some APLs:
@Adám how do i do (python;) f=\ lambda x.... in apl?
like \ doesnt work
Nov 17, 2021 12:33
What does \ do there?
@Adám continue to next line
@Adám are you bad at python
@Fmbalbuena No. Are you bad at Zulu?
AICMC: Given a string, compute recursively (no loops) the number of lowercase 't' chars in it.
@Adám angimubi kuzulu ngiyadlala nje
@lyxal Is 2d langs allowed?
Nov 17, 2021 12:35
@Fmbalbuena google translate
@Fmbalbuena What I mean to say is that I can't be considered "bad" at something I don't know at all.
@Adám ty
@Fmbalbuena have to make sure it's recursive apparently
@Fmbalbuena hmm. I'll say it depends on whether the language actually has recursion
something like Cascade or Flobnar
Nov 17, 2021 12:37
@PyGamer0 Fails on uppercase
What if we neither loop, nor recurse. OK?
@Adám uh, i dont know how to convert upper to lower
@Adám I would say that's fine
@PyGamer0 TIO is out of date, so you have to use 819⌶ but the newest versions have ⎕C for that.
@lyxal dzaima/APL: +/'t'=
AICMC: Create a function that adds two numbers together and outputs a sentence with the result. E.g Inputs 5 7 should output Your answer is 12!
Nov 17, 2021 12:41
AICMC: Get frequency of every element in a given list/array
@lyxal or better Try it online!
AICMC: Given strings A and B, find max length of the trailing substrings that are common in both.
@PyGamer0 Yes.
Nov 17, 2021 12:43
AICMC: Given a string convert it to an integer, remove all leading 0's. e.g "123" -> 123 and so on
@lyxal APL:
@lyxal Is CMC generated by AI?
@Fmbalbuena yes
@Fmbalbuena correct.
Nov 17, 2021 12:45
It's generated using Codex by OpenAI
@lyxal oh
gpt3 but it's trained on github
@Fmbalbuena same stuff as github copilot
Nov 17, 2021 12:45
@lyxal Like github copilot?
@Fmbalbuena pretty much exactly like
@lyxal but on text?
@Fmbalbuena correct
@Fmbalbuena copilot allows insertions anywhere, codex only completes at the end
AICMC: Given an array A of integers, we must modify the array in the following way. We randomly, with uniform sampling (i.e. every choice has an equal chance of being chosen) choose one element from it (A[i], where i <= N-1), and subtract 1 from every other elements.
Nov 17, 2021 12:47
@lyxal can i post AICMC?
@Fmbalbuena are you an AI?
@Fmbalbuena if it's generated by AI, then sure
you're allowed to make minor modifications/clarifications, but it has to be mostly by the AI
@lyxal like typing 2 words?
@Fmbalbuena notice how I've italicised some text in some of the AICMCs I've posted
that's where I've added text to make it clearer/more objective
Nov 17, 2021 12:50
@LeakyNun dang that's impressive
PhoneAutosuggestCMC: Given the fact that the stack is empty push random values and the program must output the valency of a single byte encoded to the stack. NOTE dont solve
it helps if it actually makes sense lol
I usually have to generate a few before I get anything that's solveable
mine doesnt make sense lol
I've got a collection of a few drafts it generated that don't make any sense
@lyxal APL: {+/∧\=⌿↑⌽¨⍵} Try it online!
Nov 17, 2021 12:52
> Given that you are not touching air like that are exposed to the air. ::: Phone autosuggest
@Adám it's funny because you probably have that from the time you asked a CMC like that in the APL orchard
AICMC: Print all numbers between 1 and 100
it's really generated by AI
I believe you
@lyxal so @Fmbalbuena is AI
@PyGamer0 no, they have github copilot
which is AI enough for the purpose of AICMCs
Nov 17, 2021 12:53
@lyxal I just wrote it from scratch.
@Fmbalbuena APL: ⍳100
@Adám well I just think it's a very funny coincidence it generated something you already asked as a challenge :)
AICMC: Given an input of "Mr John Smith", write a function that will replace all spaces in the above string with "%20"
AICMC: Given an array of strings, count how many start with the letter "w".
AICMC: Given an array, return the type of each element in it - integer or string
AICMC: Given a number n, return whether it is evenly divisible by 3.
@lyxal APL: +/'w'=⊃¨
Goddamnit! Somehow managed to break my daily login streak! :(
@lyxal APL: ≡¨ Try it online! (0 for integer, 1 for string)
@lyxal dzaima/APL: 0=3|
Nov 17, 2021 12:58
note that I sometimes add CMCs it generates to the prompt
@lyxal QuadR, 9 bytes. Try it online!
@Fmbalbuena bqn
@PyGamer0 Off by one.
Anyhow, that's all the CMCs I'll be generating tonight
because it's midnight where I am
@lyxal What should it write if given any other input?
Nov 17, 2021 13:00
@Adám fixed
@Adám I would say to replace spaces regardless of input.
for some reason, it just decided to include that specific string
Hold on, I thought the solution should conditionally write a function.
I mean, that'd be a valid answer too
But then the question is what my solution should write/output/do if given any other input.
@lyxal "from all other elements"?
Oct 6 at 1:20, by lyxal
I didn't write it, gpt3 did, so it's open to interpretation
Nov 17, 2021 13:03
AICMC: print 2 to the power of 100.
@Adám I left it as it was generated for posterity
it's meant to be good at code generation, not grammar lol ;p
@lyxal I assume the example for false is faulty.
@Fmbalbuena Jelly, 3
@Adám no, because a isn't an integer
@Fmbalbuena APL: 2*100
Nov 17, 2021 13:04
@Adám surely that's 200 :P
@Adám i got ninja'd
@lyxal Oh, so whether or not it contains only integers?
@Adám correct
@LeakyNun No, only in J and K.
@LeakyNun no thats 2120202
Nov 17, 2021 13:05
(the joke is that I also used * in my Jelly code)
Conversation ended Nov 17, 2021 at 13:05.