Conversation started May 15, 2014 at 15:50.
May 15, 2014 15:50
So I was thinking about giving KotH a go in a week or two (i.e. hosting one). I've got three ideas around which it could be based. Using all of them seems like too much ,but maybe combining two into a challenge could be interesting. So here are the ideas (if it's not obvious, I'm asking for feedback, what you find interesting and might be worth expanding on):
a) In the KotHs I've seen, submission whose only purpose was to support other submissions were disallowed. I think strategically that could be very interesting though. So I thought making a KotH where each player may submit a main bot and, say, up to two supporting bots could be interesting. I'd limit the way in which they can communicate, but the helpers could for instance be used to gather some form of (cartographic?) information for the main bot.
Like a "blind" main with mapper-bots?
b) A KotH where you have to choose a "class" for your bot (in the RPG sense). So you the KotH lets you choose between one of, say, three classes that have different skills. This could be hard to balance but would also expand the strategy space, I think.
c) Less of a conceptual thing, I'd like to do a 3D-sequel to Rusher's survival (with his permission and/or co-operation if interested). That is, it could be underwater or something. On its own just extending the rules to a 3d grid is probably not interesting enough to not be marked as a duplicate, but I was thinking about combining this with idea b).
@Geobits yes that's one option. Or the main is just quite slow and needs faster scouting bots to map out the area so he doesn't waste precious moves.
The supporting bots could also work more in a fighting context as well, I don't have any fixed ideas about it so far. I just thought it could be interesting to not only stage bots against each other but also introduce multiple bots communicating and working together.
Hmm. Sounds interesting. But you're right, using all three in one could be chaotic.
I like c/a and c/b both, really.
Yes, I don't really intend to do that.
In general, I prefer simple rules and emergent features of games... which is why I prefer Go to Chess. ;) So I don't want to overload any single KotH with complex rules either.
@Rusher (forgot to ping you above)
May 15, 2014 16:08
@m.buettner Can you ping the message you were referring to?
Nope, guess not lol
I can't ping my own message
I guess I'll read a bunch
@m.buettner well, in part c) I did
@undergroundmonorail Are you sure?
I'd be happy to hear your thoughts about the rest as well though
wait that worked a couple days ago
it does work
May 15, 2014 16:10
There we go
you forgot the colon
Lol nice work
I put it on the wrong side :P
figuring out the message id is annoying though ^^
Not really, you can click "permalink" and copy it from the end of the url
May 15, 2014 16:11
@m.buettner Ok, in response to your first idea - if you allow up to three submissions and you allow support, keep in mind that now every competitor will feel obligated to write three submissions (which can be tedious) in order to win
@undergroundmonorail yeah, that's cumbersome :D
@Rusher yes, I thought about that. an alternative would be writing one helper which you can use two instances of. (or one or three, or any number)
that would somewhat reduce the effort for participants
@m.buettner I like the class idea if you can do it correctly (i.e., provide balance). Rock-paper-scissors is a game of perfect balance, so use that as a baseline?
yeah if it's three classes, they should probably each be designed to outperform one of the others (starting pokemon style). good point.
You can also build balance into the game by providing a "catchup" mechanism for those who are behind.
ah yeah, that's good, too... I should take notes :D
May 15, 2014 16:17
@m.buettner This post has some interesting insights about "come from behind" mechanisms and avoiding situations where certain players simply have no chance of winning.
The one I like most is "If you take me out, I'm going to make it so that you can't win afterward."
btw an alternative to the multiple bots thing, which would also introduce the communication thing would be to just let people write one bot, which can communicate with other instances of itself.
@Rusher Thanks, bookmarked, I'll give that a read later.
@m.buettner I would LOVE to cooperate on a 3d game board. In fact, I had one written (the board that is) but no rules or any kind of interesting idea to go with it. I also wrote an alternate 2d board with "elevations" thinking about height advantage. Both of them lacked an interesting "game" to go with the board.
@Rusher Oh sweet, I really like the height map idea as well.
Well, I've got one more exam next Wednesday... until then I don't really want to procrastinate with implementing anything. But after that, should I just ping you so we can sit down and try to come up with some interesting set of rules?
@m.buettner I think you should XD
awesome, will do
Conversation ended May 15, 2014 at 16:25.