Conversation started Jun 21, 2021 at 18:20.
Jun 21, 2021 18:20
CMC: Given a simple regex (only alphanumeric characters and *, +, and ? repetition operators), output all strings that it fully matches.
@DLosc what about [ab]*a
how does one eval that
You don't have to handle character classes for this CMC.
Though you can if you want to. :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing is 1 composite or neither, or can we decide
@DLosc do we have to handle *? and +? non-greedy, or will the input match /([^*+?][*+?]?)*/
@DLosc There are infinitely many if there are any * or +.
@hyper-neutrino Input will match ^([A-Za-z0-9][*+?]?)*$
Jun 21, 2021 18:34
@hyper-neutrino 1 is neither, and so will never be an input or output
E.g. a+ will match a and aa and aaa etc.
@hyper-neutrino wait what do *, + and ? do
ok, that explains + - one or more
@Adám Correct, which means the challenge is to make sure that any matching string will be output eventually (assuming infinite time/memory/etc).
@StackMeter * means 0 or more repetitions, + means 1 or more repetitions, ? means 0 or 1 repetitions
Jun 21, 2021 18:37
so a*b+c? matches any string with 0 or more a's, then 1 or more b's then 0 or 1 c's
so things like aaaaaaabbbbbbc, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbc, aaaaaaaaaaabc are included
Correct, and also aabb (0 c's).
that is true
I have no idea how you would do this if more than one +/* is involved
that's double infinite recursive
one does not simply infinitely recurse more than once
you'd need to know in advance the number of pluses
Jun 21, 2021 18:44
I think I have an algorithm for it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yuno, 12 bytes: ιPΞ┥i+1ɨ┝ιP‖ (Try it online!)
@DLosc why? a++ is the same as a+
i will add built-ins to shorten these down but basically it creates an infinite list of primes, finds the index, adds one, and indexes into the infinite list of non-primes (which includes 1, hence the increment)
Basically, start with the shortest string (i.e. set all ? to 0) add a "binary counter" for all repetitions +0/1. Then do the same with +0/1/2, then +0/1/2/3 etc.
@DLosc That somewhat makes sense.
@Adám That works for 2, but what about 3 or higher
Jun 21, 2021 18:47
> etc.
@hyper-neutrino oh that's the etc.
@StackMeter If you don't want duplicates then remember all you've outputted so far. (inf. memory)
generate all possible strings and filter the ones that match - done :)
Right, that's another one. D'oh.
@ngn how do you know that that will hit every single possible string
Jun 21, 2021 18:49
@StackMeter C'mon, that's trivial.
i'll be impressed if you manage to generate all strings and not generate all strings
ok I'll give you that one @ngn
Heh, ngn's method doesn't work if the challenge has an arbitrary regex.
@StackMeter well, start with the empty string, then generate all strings of length 1, then 2, etc. - that will go through all of them
@Adám why?
@ngn Because some regexes never terminate.
Jun 21, 2021 18:51
@ngn Yeah, that's the boring way :)
we're looking for the slick way
@Adám all regular automata terminate on finite inputs
Sure, but today's regexes are not regular.
@Adám the ones from the cmc are
and honestly, I think a Cantor Pairing function would be shorter (it's 6 bytes in Jelly)
Jun 21, 2021 18:53
> arbitrary
@Adám you said "arbitrary regex". regexes are actually regexes and have always been. pcre-s ("modern regexes") are not regexes.
this should theoretically work but it requires infinite steps to start generating items with an f in it (for the test data I have)
@StackMeter the slick way would be to build an automaton and breadth-first search it
to make the output more interesting I could cartesian product a bunch of infinite sequences together but idk if itertools handles that
> This is the Apocalypse on Pattern Matching, generally having to do with what we call "regular expressions", which are only marginally related to real regular expressions. Nevertheless, the term has grown with the capabilities of our pattern matching engines, so I'm not going to try to fight linguistic necessity here. I will, however, generally call them "regexes" (or "regexen", when I'm in an Anglo-Saxon mood). (source)
Jun 21, 2021 18:58
@Adám well, exactly
@hyper-neutrino That doesn't theoretically work, precisely because it requires infinite steps before generating some items.
@ngn I deliberately used the term "regex" and not "regular expression" ;-)
@hyper-neutrino I'd be (pleasantly!) surprised if itertools handled cartesian products of infinite sequences
If so, that's the right tool for the job.
@Adám i'm taking that as a joke
@hyper-neutrino if it takes infinite steps to output abcdefgh, I don't think it counts
Jun 21, 2021 19:01
well idk how that whole infinite automata / turing machine / whatever / the thing WW was talking about a few weeks back theoretically works
is outputting duplicates permitted
actually a simple set() makes it easy to avoid that
yes, if it outputs every possible string in guaranteed finite time
@hyper-neutrino Sure, duplicates are fine.
@ngn indeed, it's only a fraction of the knapsack problem! :þ
the handbag problem :)
Jun 21, 2021 19:12
@hyper-neutrino I think that's working, yes!
@pxeger ok what's the knapsack problem
@ngn on the other hand, it's always extremely entertaining :)
@pxeger thanks
just some trivial python golfs
Jun 21, 2021 19:18
not bad
@DLosc I'd recommend sandboxing that and seeing if it's good for the main site
most would just do ngn's method of iterating through every string, which is boring
@rak1507 subject to the constraints every string possible is generated in finite time
@rak1507 what if we iterate through every string and filter the ones that describe apl flaws? would it be entertaining or boring? :P
@ngn lol
can you make a regex to match apl flaws?
@rak1507 theoretically, maybe
@hyper-neutrino what are the asterisks on the ranges
list splat syntax
[*a] = [a[0], a[1], ..., a[-1]]
@StackMeter Yeah, what @rak1507 said. :( Plus, if you do it "properly," it's essentially the same challenge as this.
sorry just spent a minute looking through the first 8 pages of the "ok" log and seeing myself on every page multiple times sent my sides into orbit - they'll be coming down in around 2 minutes
Jun 21, 2021 19:29
@DLosc x somewhat related
@hyper-neutrino Do the upper have to come first? You can get 174 if not
@Peilonrayz ah, good idea to import string :p forgot about that thanks
order shouldn't matter as long as all get outputted, so this is perfectly fine
[goes to post TIO link to ungolfed reference solution]
"This message is too long."
you can multiline to make it work
but then users will need to click (see full text) for the link to work
is there a reason why the try it online text is always the same?
is there like something that generates it automatically?
Jun 21, 2021 19:37
@Yorch What text?
yeah, Try It Online has formatting options (the link button at the top) and one of those options is SE-submission-style
you can also use <esc>, <s>, <g> (not a combination)
Oh I hadn't even tried to create the hyperlink yet
no wonder I din't find it
thanks everyone !
Jun 21, 2021 19:41
@hyper-neutrino Or Github. :P Ungolfed reference solution
works as well :P
my eyes hurt from ungolfed code
@ngn I made sure to use long_explanatory_variable_names just for you ;)
@DLosc this is what Code Review looks like
@ngn please post ngn/k on code review
it would be hilarious
Jun 21, 2021 19:43
pls no
@rak1507 they gonna eat me alive :)
let's not
that would be sus
@StackMeter Nah, they'd tell me I need better names for my functions, docstrings, put the test code in its own module, etc. :P
oh, it doesn't highlight syntax on math stack exchange :/
@hyper-neutrino I'm so not used to golfing ofc print(*()) wouldn't work with count... We can -1, to 173, by using count. I'm going to go do some 'proper programming' before I join the dark side ;)
Conversation ended Jun 21, 2021 at 19:47.