Conversation started Nov 5, 2021 at 18:48.
Nov 5, 2021 18:48
is the singular not datum
It was, yeah
it used to be
besides buffalo for lore reasons
but thanks to the social construct that is language...
I mean, it still is, but "data" is also now an uncountable
wait how can you use data as a singular anyway
Nov 5, 2021 18:49
so it is a singular, and it doesn't have a plural
what even is "a data"
What's a datum either?
@RedwolfProgrammed a data point, or a piece of data
it works the same as the word "information"
Nov 5, 2021 18:50
@thejonymyster it's uncountable, so you can't use it with "a", but you'd still say "this data is" (grammatically singular) instead of "these data are" (which is the old / "technically correct" version)
Uncountable is so much better
why on earth would ever say these data are? these information are
@pxeger No such thing as "technically correct" in english
@RedwolfProgrammed "uncountable" isn't even a noun, let alone an uncountable noun, so you can't say "uncountable is" :Þ
What's technically correct is what people understand
Nov 5, 2021 18:51
@pxeger [having it be] uncountable is...
@RedwolfProgrammed I'm aware, I should have said "technically correct" rather than technically correct
@thejonymyster joke
but yea no nobody should be debating how to use the word data because theres only one sane way
@RedwolfProgrammed no, it has a singular
It had one :p
If you still use "data" as plural though, you've lived in a cave for the last few decades
@RedwolfProgrammed I'm going to need more data to substantiate your claim
Nov 5, 2021 18:54
wahts the singular form for "information"
@RedwolfProgrammed it still does, because, as this datum shows, some people still use it that way
@thejonymyster "information" is singular
whats the plural form for information
there isn't one
because "information" is uncountable
This is a pretty pointless argument though
data is the plural form of datum
@RedwolfProgrammed or you work in academia
Nov 5, 2021 18:54
what is one datum genuinely because i thought data was like, by definition uncountable
5 mins ago, by pxeger
@RedwolfProgrammed a data point, or a piece of data
oh, thats fine
a datum of data
a datum is one piece of information or numerical result
data is the plural of datum
now in my head its not a weird debate about plurals, its just "theres this funny word that means a single point of data"
Nov 5, 2021 18:56
data is still uncountable, datum is just its own thing (to me at least)
I'm sorry cartograpghers and engineers, but what the fuck?
so 3 is a datum. [2, 3, 6] is an array of three data
@Mayube that would be incorrect :D
thats three datums ^_^ hope this helps
Nov 5, 2021 18:57
datums is not a word
@pxeger yes it is :P
data is the correct plural form of datum
@Mayube "datums" is a word, because cartographers and engineers use it as a word
language is a social construct
@Mayube but thats just begging the question
Nov 5, 2021 18:58
@thejonymyster in the context of cartography and engineering specifically, sure
@Mayube right sorry that one was a joke, but i think if were going to have the word "datum" it cant be part of the same word as "data" anymore, "data" has moved on and become a strong independent uncountable
@Mayube it's still a word, just maybe not the correct one to use in other contexts
@thejonymyster it's not fighting a losing battle against change, because nothing's changing. data is the plural of datum. data is also an uncountable noun. Words can have multiple usages depending on context
The only correct usage of "data" as a plural is to refer to the character from star trek
Nov 5, 2021 19:00
@Mayube but thats so bad
(Don't star that it's an overused xkcd)
@RedwolfProgrammed star of shame
@RedwolfProgrammed But there's only one Data. Datalore is not Data
@thejonymyster Why?
because its one word for two closely related things in the same context
which leads to unnecessary confusion
like monads
welcome to the english language
Nov 5, 2021 19:01
@Mayube Personally I dislike "data" as a plural because it's inconsistent with "information", and I find the concept of a single datum kind of pointless
But this argument's still pointless :p
@RedwolfProgrammed because you don't work in statistical acadamia
It's fine for a word to mean different things to different people, the worse english is the more I like it :p
well as long as it makes for interesting word puzzles i guess
English is actually just an esolang experiment to make an esolang so inconsistent that the only way to build a parser for it is to evolve life
Nov 5, 2021 19:04
every day we plow through syntax errors
wait lol programming language descriptivism
syntax error*
`error` is the plural of `errum`
the "correct" syntax is whatever the programmer uses
for those of you who are annoyed by how many chat flags chat generates
you'll love to hear that is starting an election in 3 days
@thejonymyster isn't that just JavaScript?
Nov 5, 2021 19:05
personally i think every plural should be the singular form with an "s" at the end
dogs, cats, fishs, datums, etc
personally I think we should just not have singular/plural forms, like mandarin does
@thejonymyster Can you think of a plural noun that becomes a singular noun when you add an s?
there might be multiple in english, but I know of 1
i cant, is there one? :O!
Nov 5, 2021 19:07
ohhh hehe
plural of prince, add an s it becomes princess
new rule: no words can end with s other than plurals
that's gunna mess up some words
the sheer mass of that change would cause quite a lot of stress
Nov 5, 2021 19:09
who could guess
but i digress
also what about continuous verbs?
walks eats becomes writes codes
i tried to read that as a single sentence haha
new rule: code is a single lexicographic token, codes is a complete program
we don't write code we write codes
codum and coda
but only in cartography and engineering
low-effort call backs are one of my favourite forms of comedy, up there with non-sequiturs and post-irony
and of course puns
Nov 5, 2021 19:14
i like it when the low effort call backs keep accumulating together like a big dumb joke katamari
Conversation ended Nov 5, 2021 at 19:14.