Conversation started Jan 19, 2018 at 3:45.
Jan 19, 2018 03:45
so we want to enquire about the natural numbers. We will use the logical operators "for all", "there exists", "and", "or", "not", "implies", as well as our operators on natural numbers +, *, <
... number theory again?
no, computability
"n is even" will translate to "exists k, k+k=n"
so we can make all kind of questions about the natural numbers, including famous conjectures such as goldbach conjecture and Collatz conjecture
(the formulation of Collatz conjecture will be harder, as you would need to encode a sequence in a single number, but it is not impossible (see this challenge for an example))
Yes I suppose everyone had seen that answer.
Jan 19, 2018 03:49
so "for all" and "exists" are called quantifiers
and bounded quantifiers are of the form "for all n < m", "exists n < m", where m is something defined earlier in the context
so actually we can write "n is even" entirely with bounded operators: "exists k < n, k + k = n"
note that "n" is free in the sentence, i.e. not mentioned by any quantifiers before it, bounded or unbounded
we call such sentences 1-parameter sentences
now, we will introduce a sort of hierarchy to parametrized sentences (the number of parameters doesn't really matter, again see the link above for an encoding)
if a parametrized sentence is equivalent to one entirely with bounded quantifiers, then we say that it is a Δ0-sentence
if it is equivalent to a sentence that starts with unbounded "exists" followed by a parametrized Δ0-sentence, then the sentence is in Σ1.
if it is equivalent to a sentence that starts with unbounded "for all" followed by a parametrized Δ0-sentence, then the sentence is in Π1.
so Δ0 is a subset of Σ1, as well as Π1.
We call Δ1 the intersection of Σ1 and Π1.
A parametrized sentence is in Σ2 if it starts with unbounded "exists" quantifier and is followed by a parametrized Π1 sentence, i.e. it looks like "exists n1, exists n2, ..., for all m1, for all m2, ... [a Δ0 sentence]"
and the hierarchy continues onward
theorem: for a sentence φ, there is a program that proves φ or disproves φ, if and only if φ is in Δ1.
Do you mean ∑1 instead of ∏1?
3 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
A parametrized sentence is in Σ2 if it starts with unbounded "exists" quantifier and is followed by a parametrized Π1 sentence, i.e. it looks like "exists n1, exists n2, ..., for all m1, for all m2, ... [a Δ0 sentence]"
no, because ∑1 would just be another bunch of "exists" quantifiers
maybe I should clarify that there can be more than one "exists" quantifiers in a row, and it doesn't affect the hierarchy
the same with "for all"
(because multiple integers can be represented as a integer)
Jan 19, 2018 04:03
Oh I see you are missing a s on the quantifier.
yes, sorry
Ok, I read that and then saw two exists (ignoring the elipse) and jumped to a conclusion.
let φ be Δ1. So, φ is equivalent to some sentence that begins with exists, and its negation is also equivalent to some sentence that begins with exists (negation of "for all x, P(x)" is "exists x, not P(x)")
so the program is simply to try substitute the variable quantified by 0, and then do the same on the negation, and then substitute 1, and then do the same on the negation, etc until either the sentence or its negation becomes "true"
for an example, let's forget for a moment that "n is even" is actually Δ0 (Δ0 is a subset of Δ1 anyway). Then, "n is even" can be written as "exists k, k+k=n", while its negation is "exists k, k+k+1=n".
So the program simply tries k=0 on the positive, k=0 on the negation, k=1 on the positive, k=1 on the negation, etc.
The other direction is harder to prove, and the proof involves essentially tracing what the program actually does and writing a sentence based on the program
Curry Howard correspondence?
Jan 19, 2018 04:18
@HeebyJeebyMan that's more like "proofs and programs correspond to each other"
Post's theorem.
more terms for reference:
if the defining parametrized sentence for a set of natural numbers is ∑1, then it is recursively enumerable, i.e. there is a turing machine that halts exactly on those numbers (and runs forever otherwise)
if it is Π1, i.e. its negation is ∑1, then it is co-recursively enumerable
if it is Δ1, then it is recursive
- the four colour theorem (ignoring the fact that it is proved) is Π1.
- the fermat's last theorem (ignoring the fact that it is proved) is Π1.
- the Riemann Hypothesis is Π1.
- the twin prime conjecture is Π2.
- the Collatz conjecture is Π2.
note: some day maybe they will rank lower in the hierarchy. this is just up to our current knowledge.
here's the scary bit about arithmetical hierarchy: one can define a real number as an equivalence class of cauchy sequences of rational numbers (I will explain this later). Thus, let f and g be two cauchy sequences of rational numbers, i.e. a function from N to Q, which can also be a function from N to N. Assume that f and g are in Δ0. Then, the sentence "f and g represents the same real number" is actually Π3. It's even above most open conjectures.
conclusion: real number equality is super-undecidable
maybe I won't explain it, since it's more about the construction of real number, so it's more pure maths than CS
btw the sentence "f and g represent the same real number" is "for all rational epsilon > 0, exists natural N, for all natural n > N, |f(n) - g(n)| < epsilon"
Well shouldn't that make sense? I mean intuitively if we are defining real numbers with a Dedkind cut we would expect that determining the equality of two real numbers to be similar (but not identical) to determining if two unaccountably large sets are equivalent.
Jan 19, 2018 04:35
I think you get Π1 when using Dedekind cut, but I'm not sure
that's assuming the two numbers in question (two sets of rational numbers in equation) are recursive, i.e. Δ1.
I'm not sure if that is the case, but I don't know.
maybe the two sets can even be Δ0 (e.g. sqrt(2)), then still Π1 for Dedekind cut
p/q < sqrt(2) iff ((p < 0 and q > 0) or (p > 0 and q < 0) or (p*p < q*q + q*q))
I really don't think that is the case.
that looks Δ0 to me
Oh for that specific example yes
sorry I thought we were talking in general
Jan 19, 2018 04:39
3 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
that's assuming the two numbers in question (two sets of rational numbers in equation) are recursive, i.e. Δ1.
in general it doesn't work
we can only consider the real numbers that are actually in the hierarchy
Ok that would have been my suspicion
(there is only countably many Dedekind cuts that are in the hierarchy)
this is so horrifying
like we usually only use Π3 or below
Of course, because our statements are spanned by a finite grammar
but there are numbers that are not even Π100, not Π10000000000
and they are "real" numbers
Conversation ended Jan 19, 2018 at 4:41.