CMQ: In curly brace languages, should braces be on the same line or the line below (or on the same line sometimes and on a separate line at other times)?
but in all seriousness, I hate curly braces and indentation because I hate statements. The only time you need (;) or (,) is statements and tuples/lists in SML
@user say you make a new regex flavor that supports one extra character class like \w, now you have to use double backslashes or, slightly better, use a different escape character too, which you now have to double to include verbatim
A language's syntax should be designed to be easy to use and understand. That does mean it should be simple, but not that you can validate/match it with a regex flavor
You're always going to have to use some form of escape characters, unless you decide to do 'foo' + chr(32) + 'bar' to represent the string foo'bar (no idea what the ASCII actually is :) )