Conversation started Jan 19, 2015 at 15:25.
Jan 19, 2015 15:25
@ThomasW.: leave a note @Fabby (when you arrive)
hey @Fabby mind tossing a reopen onto this:…
Does anyone run mint here???
(or can reboot into mint?)
I'm interested in what the output is of Mint for : lsb_release --codename
@Fabby not in here you are not >:-DDD
we chased all Mint users away >:D
from the web:

$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint Debian Edition
Release: 1
Codename: debian
Jan 19, 2015 15:40
The standard Mint releases show:
Damnit, bidirectional copypaste is broken.
But rebecca is what I'm seeing for the ISO I just downloaded.
I doubt it shows THAT ^^
Cinnamon is the GNOME2 fork, right?
yes sir
Thanks for the info!
Jan 19, 2015 15:45
And thanks for the stars! I've got a new badge! :)
(what the hell are stars anyway?)
@oli it is a gnome shell fork. so that is gnome 3 iirc
@Fabby stars you see on the right side of chat
Oh I thought that was MATE. I've got them the wrong away around.
yeah. mate is gnome 2 indeed. checked wikipedia for that one :X
@Rinzwind: thanks... Looking at them... Will make coming back to the room easier...
@Fabby *air raid sirens*
Jan 19, 2015 15:48
@ThomasW.: Would you agree that 15.x is the development version of Ubuntu?
@Fabby I don't think you can consider the non-LTS releases as "staging release versions" - that would suggest something such as Debian Testing, which is not true since Ubuntu releases them as 'stable releases'
@Fabby yes, however, you can't make 14.10 the 'staging environment'
@Fabby and behind the scenes there are MANY testers testing the software long before it hits 'release time' - case in point systemd, latest plasma in kde, LXDE updates, etc.
@ThomasW.:and the 14.04.1 LTS the production?
@Fabby you can't apply 'dev' 'staging' and 'production' to the release cycle here
I agree!
that's my point - if it were a 'staging' then it would NOT be released as a 'stable update'
the difference between 14.10 and 14.04 is the support time period
Jan 19, 2015 15:50
But to the outsider,
15.04 = DEV
14.10 = STG
14.04 = PRD
just like Debian supports its oldstable for some time after replaced, we have the same but with LTSes being longer term support for security updates and bug fixes where necessary
@Fabby This assumpiton is wrong and we need to break it.
(also your abbreviations are annoying me, use full words, i have to deal with abbreviations throughout the ZNC and nginx code and it irks me since i've been staring at those codebases all of last night)
Hey, sorry, this is a chat FWIW
and i'm just irritated
probably bad to be irritated, but meh, i haven't had enough coffee and had 0 sleep
I 'll try to use full sentences now...
@Fabby I think it's more accurate to say that the non-LTS releases are short-term-support releases
rather than 'staging releases'
Jan 19, 2015 15:52
You're ALLOWED to be irritated!
which makes those of us who ARE devs of software think "Wait, that means Alpha/Beta/Testing, not 'released'"
yeah, you're right
and an end-user wouldn't know what staging is anyway...
Poor choice of words, but that's
how I classified it inside my brain!
exactly - in Ask Ubuntu, unless specifically stated that they want dev-heavy terminology and such, it's probably safer to assume we're dealing with standard end-users :)
@Fabby well, this is what chat and discussion are for :)
picks up a rake and starts re-ordering fabby's brain
Jan 19, 2015 15:54
@ThomasW. indeed, and that's why I wasn't starting a comment-war under the nose od the OP! :P
i do agree though that while it's a decent classification for server admins or people who want to think that way, to the end user it's confusing, and if they go say "I know 14.10 is the staging release, but..." elsewhere on the Mailing Lists or Bug Trackers, or such, people will be "What the heck are you on about"
even me as a bug triager
Conversation ended Jan 19, 2015 at 15:54.