Well there was that user on ELU. Always had quality answers on offer. Then one fine day he just vanished. Nobody knows what happened. The entire account went down in a ball of flames.
@ElendilTheTall Canon 550D was released on 2010. Do you think there has been any other model released with the same price range and more capabilities after that?
@ElendilTheTall You are right. My budget is around $800 and that's what I can pay. So far I have come up with 550D for shooting videos. Just looking to see if I can buy something better with this budget.
@Meysam: You should look into the Canon 650D/T4i. It has hybrid AF in video, uses focal-plane phase-shift detection AF for large discrepancies and contrast detection for small discrepancies. As far as new cameras that are great for video go, the Canon 650D is a hell of a lot better than the 550D, and barely more expensive. I think its $900, at most.
@rfusca Very kind of you! I will sure have a lot of things to ask while working with it and will definitely come here several times for troubleshooting :) You know, I am just an amateur