Conversation started Nov 21, 2011 at 18:15.
Nov 21, 2011 18:15
hmm chat event
Why did I get a notification about this chat event?
Because it starts in 14 minutes in here?
no idea
@RowlandShaw Yes but... I think I've only posted once in this chatroom.
well, maybe thats why?
Nov 21, 2011 18:17
Twice now :)
But it was quite a while ago. Hmm.
(in other words "dunno")
Well, since I'm here, I really like Ken Rockwell and one of my highschool photography teachers, Shawn Murphy.
@GnomeSlice you like Ken as a photographer or as a equipment reviewer?
@rfusca Both.
Nov 21, 2011 18:20
@GnomeSlice interesting
Though I'm not really deep into this stuff.
@rfusca Interesting?
I know my father and his circle really like him as an equipment reviewer.
@GnomeSlice ya, i don't think i've ever heard of anybody comment on his actual photography
and his equipment reviewing is...controversial, some love, some hate
@rfusca Me neither. I just looked at some of it recently, and much of it is excellent.
Nov 21, 2011 18:22
@rfusca @GnomeSlice he's definitely way better known for his reviews. which I find seems like it's natural to investigate someone's work if you're going to listen to their reviews
@Laura Yeah, that's what drove me to check out his actual work, I'd never heard much about it.
Not going to spam images, just wanted to post a few.
@GnomeSlice definitely not bad
@GnomeSlice I think that's great! I think that trusting reviews from someone whose work you've never seen is...well, weird, kinda.
It's funny because of my two teachers in highschool, the one I just linked was like an assistant, but I actually like his work more than the main teacher's.
Also, because I can't remember the other guy's name.
@GnomeSlice reflects the old saying 'those who can't do, teach'
Nov 21, 2011 18:24
any reason you like this guy better? (i.e., something about the photographs?)
@rfusca No, his work was excellent too.
also, +1 to @rfusca :)
@Laura I actually can't remember. They're both excellent photographers, I just can't remember the other guy's name. :P
@GnomeSlice lol
ya, i'm lucky if I remember my own name - high school teachers.. uhhh, doubtful
Oh, there he is.
Nov 21, 2011 18:25
@GnomeSlice Seriously...Ken Rockwell? That guy is a self-proclaimed joke who enjoys making wild, unfounded opinions.
He's older, so I'm not sure he has a portfolio site...
@jrista Eh, some of his photography is excellent.
Some of his photography is good, but I have seen a lot better.
you know, we all like different things
there's definitely some objectiveness to some of it, but there's no accounting for taste
Nov 21, 2011 18:27
I'm just surprised to hear someone proclaim they actually like his equipment reviews...heh, thats a first for me.
@jrista do you have an example of someone who has the same sort of style as ken rockwell, but whose work you like better?
(I'm curious)
@jrista Well, I don't think I've ever actually read one. However, my father and his circle read tons of his reviews, and he tells me about them.
@jrista oh, lots of folks do - there's a reason he can make a living off the site. I think the crowd around here is quite technical and thats what rubs us the wrong way
@Laura hmm, not sure if any of them are online....usually stuff in local galleries around here in colorado
@jrista that's cool. was just wondering. I'm not really familiar with ken rockwell's stuff, but from what I've seen, I kinda like the idea behind them, but don't find the photographs themselves especially compelling
Nov 21, 2011 18:30
@rfusca Hmm, possibly. He definitely rubs me the wrong way most of the time. Its one thing to make claims and have an opinion, but to make claims and have an extremely strong opinion, then openly state that your opinions mean nothing, but still nurture a die-hard following of, that really annoys me.
Yeah, Graham Mastersmith doesn't appear to have a portfolio website or anything, but he's the other teacher. He's been a professional in the field for like 30 years, his works is amazing.
@Laura yeah, thats exactly my opinion. Conceptually his work is very intriguing, but it lacks much in the way of artistic execution.
One of the students in my class has gone on to become an incredible photographer. Jessica Toczko.
@GnomeSlice i wish I had a cool name like 'mastersmith' ... he really should have considered metal working as a career
let me see if I can find some of the artists I like.
Nov 21, 2011 18:32
@rfusca Actually, before he married, his last name was 'masterson' and his wife's was 'smith'. They wanted to keep some of both, so they legally changed their names to 'mastersmith'.
I just found this person this weekend...don't really know them, no one "big", but their work is really good:
@GnomeSlice nice
@jrista Ya, you really like DA
there's some neat stuff there
I REALLY like John Parminter's work...the clarity, tone and sharpness of his landscapes is just amazing:
@jrista that guy is amazing
Nov 21, 2011 18:35
he is simply fantastic
he is one of the more inspiring landscape photographers I've found over the last couple years
that is incredible. i'm looking at Allt Dearg Beag...
@Laura I know! Its truly amazing work!
Is it wrong that I prefer the architecture in that, than the photo?
@RowlandShaw The architecture is part of the photo.
Nov 21, 2011 18:36
@jrista I'm astounded at how soft the water is while the mountains in the background are so sharp!
I went to highschool with that artist.
he only started publishing online last year...he started out with two photos on, and has garnered a nice following
@Laura me too. I don't know how he does it. I really aim to learn how someday, and achieve the same level of quality (but perhaps not the same exact style.)
@jrista i can see why
@GnomeSlice True, but the photo of it makes me want to see more of the building; maybe that's the intention, but it kinda comes across as "incomplete" as a photo
Nov 21, 2011 18:37
@jrista we need him on here to teach us ;)
I also like this guys work...Aimish Boy:
Awesome macro work....I would LOVE to know how he gets his bokeh...its amazing!
@jrista Incredible. Never heard of him before.
@Laura Aye!!
@GnomeSlice I like this shot. The lighting is amazing.
@GnomeSlice I like the way the colors of the rope pop and draw your attention to the shadowy girl
@Laura maybe you should see if a not hugely famous but obviously really talented photog like him would come do a Q&A - it would be much easier than somebody super well known
if he's got a reasonable following online, it could garner some traffic
Nov 21, 2011 18:39
@Laura That's one of her self-portraits.
@rfusca Great idea!
Considering how young she is, she's well on her way to being a truly fantastic photographer, I think.
@rfusca yes. problem is...I need people to suggest them. If they're not famous, the likelihood of me finding them is small. But I'm taking notes on the people mentioned here...some for personal, browse-through-more-photos purposes, but I'll see if I can get in touch with some people to get involved with the site
This was one of Parminter's first uploads on 1x....I LOVE how the light and shadow play across the landscape:
@GnomeSlice Who took this one?
@Laura oh, I'll make a meta post.
Nov 21, 2011 18:41
@jrista Jessica Toczko.
Prounounced 'touch ko'.
@rfusca good idea. :) you're definitely right, btw...medium-sized people who have something to teach, have a following online, and who aren't famous enough to be too busy...those are the perfect people for me (and you guys, if you're so inclined) to try to get involved here
She's already gotten really good at managing lighting.
I was never that good at photography.
Q: Photographer's for Q&A sessions

rfuscaWhat's some photographer's that you'd like to see us get for a Q&A? You can list some super famous people, but the odds are much smaller. If we can find some obviously very talented, but with a bit of a following online, photographer - we've got a better than 0 chance of getting them for a ...

This woman, Eltasia, has some pretty amazing, and sometimes humorous, work:
@jrista Wow. Incredible close ups.
Nov 21, 2011 18:46
I'm trying to find my favorite macro photographer....Blepharosis....the guys work is beyond amazing. He uses this diffuse flash setup, and the lighting is superb.
@jrista ya, he is amazing
Nov 21, 2011 18:48
@GnomeSlice That, I like
Seeing his work has really gotten me interested in off-camera flash.
I have been trying to learn quality macro ever since I got my camera, and I finally realized it was the lack of good lighting once I found Blepharosis' work.
This is from Shawn Murphy.
@GnomeSlice I like the vignette here...very nice
Nov 21, 2011 18:49
Looks like he's really big on black and white.
@GnomeSlice Love the glow on the water highlights here...and the way curves and shadow meld is really nice.
@jrista People like her made me feel utterly useless in that class.
@GnomeSlice: So what is it exactly that draws you to these artists?
I am generally drawn to artists who do the same king of work I want to do.
@jrista Well, I went to Highschool with Jessica Tozcko, and she's kind of all over the map.
and I like learning from their experience, or simply by analyzing their work and trying to deduce how they managed it
Nov 21, 2011 18:51
I like the more diffused or softer work, like Mr. Murphy's.
@Laura, @rfusca, @RowlandShaw: Who are your favorite photogs?
He does some excellent HDR work too.
@GnomeSlice That was the architecture shot?
@jrista No, that was Jess.
ah, ok
Nov 21, 2011 18:53
Hers have watermarks.
speaking of HDR...I really enjoy Trey Ratcliff's work.
@jrista tbh, not sure I have a fav
@GnomeSlice Eh, never say that. You "currently learning photography"....good happens over time.
@rfusca Who do you currently like, then?
@Laura These are awesome, and he's got a nice website too.
Nov 21, 2011 18:54
@Laura Some of those shots are almost ethereal...
Not sure if I'm inspired by particular photogs
Have bought some of Tony Pick's [ ] images in the past
Ignore the black border, I'm cropping these quickly from his website.
@GnomeSlice yeah, his website is great...chock-full of info about how to be just like him :)
This is one of my favourite photos ever:
@jrista i know! i really love his work and the moods he creates...but I also like national geographic photography, which is at the other end of the purist spectrum. (I know some people don't like HDR because they prefer minimal post-processing for "real photography")
Nov 21, 2011 18:57
@GnomeSlice hmm..there is something odd with the lighting in that one...
@jrista It's HDR, as is the above.
Is all that work HDR?
thats why its so ethereal
This is one of my favourite photos from any photographer.
@GnomeSlice I don't think there's any doubt that they are
(sorry, not a fan of the effect)
Ditto Rowland
HDR done well can be stunning
But too often it's overdone
Nov 21, 2011 18:59
I think that last image is just incredible.
@Laura really depends on the artist. Some people do post-processing work horribly...some do it superbly. I don't really care if a photo is heavily processed, so long as the end result maintains aesthetic appeal, a touch of quality, and a thread of personal style.
@ElendilTheTall seriously
Ha. @Rowland and @Elendil demonstrated my second point. :P (Though I agree - a lot of HDR is overdone)
@GnomeSlice It has a nice aesthetic effect.
Personally I think the two GnomeSlice posted there look like some kind of faux-painting Photoshop effect
Nov 21, 2011 19:00
I thought it looked like a painting too.
sumi-e or something like that
Anyway, here's as much of my photography as I have access to at the moment.
@ElendilTheTall what is sumi-e?
I have a terrible time with lighting and colour correction.
Ink and wash painting is an East Asian type of brush painting also known as ink wash painting. Only black ink — the same as used in East Asian calligraphy — is used, in various concentrations. In Western art, works on paper in similar techniques are generally classified with drawings. History Ink wash painting developed in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Wang Wei is generally credited as the painter who applied color to existing ink wash paintings. The art was further developed into a more polished style during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). It was introduced to Kor...
The real thing is beautiful
The Photoshop effect is god-awful
Nov 21, 2011 19:02
oooh, right
Almost every photo I took that day came out very very blue.
Do you shoot raw?
Depends. I don't think I did for that shoot.
WB becomes a virtual non-issue
I'm just not good at correcting white balance, during shoot or post production.
Nov 21, 2011 19:05
During PP is simple. 30 seconds with the Curves tool
I always have difficulty with it.
Here's another one of mine, but unfortunately, I don't have the 'non colourized' original.
Have you tried a gray card?
They aren't really those colours.
@ElendilTheTall I have, but only a few times for some studio portraits.
@GnomeSlice You mean that's not the natural colours? ;)
I haven't done any photography in quite a while.
@RowlandShaw Surprisingly, no.
I tried a bunch of different contrast levels with that one.
Sort of arbitrarily picked one.
Nov 21, 2011 19:07
That's a good 'un
Nice and punchy
so outside of @GnomeSlice and myself, no one else really has any photographers that inspire them?
@jrista I did mention Tony pick [ ] earlier...
I've got one on the tip of my brain, but I can't remember who it is, or what kind of work they do.
TBH the only photographer I can name off the top of my head is Ansell Adams
@RowlandShaw oh, sorry...missed that
Nov 21, 2011 19:09
oh, and Annie Liebowitz
@ElendilTheTall Of course.
I have a really hard time remembering photographers' names unless I see a ton of their work (same goes for other artists). I went to a photo exhibit last summer that was shots of french villages during WWII, and I loved the photos...but I can't remember the photographer's name because I had never heard of them before that :(
Robert Capa?
Perhaps the most famous WW2 photographer
Nov 21, 2011 19:11
@ElendilTheTall no...
Then you've exhausted my list of WW2 photogs :)
They use MS paint for their image editing.
And it's easily the worst website I've ever seen.
@GnomeSlice What did we do to deserve that? ;)
Nov 21, 2011 19:13
See if you can find their road map.
It's drawn in MS paint.
@GnomeSlice MY EYES! I'M BLIND!
I don't know if you guys have sound, but there's a music player hidden somewhere on the page.
You have to find it to turn it off.
Christ on a bike.
That replaces a website I saw a while back made in Powerpoint as worst ever
@ElendilTheTall You bet it does.
Nov 21, 2011 19:15
Though it is lacking 290 animated GIFs
@GnomeSlice I can find a child's scrawl of a map :)
@RowlandShaw That's the one.
I like how the photographer and site builder always refers to himself on the site as WORLD FAMOUS ARTIST SEAN TERRENCE BEST
And there're all of these random pages with completely unrelated short stories on them.
It's almost like a photographic version of
wow...there are like...screenshots of some early 1990's 3D program...or game...or something...
> the email address associated with the PayPal account of the World Famous Artist Sean Terrence Best is: [email protected]
Nov 21, 2011 19:18
That explains a lot :)
See what I mean?
It would be improved in crapulence no end by Comic Sans
You know what, it must be a joke.
> Yvette's Site is for sale!! price: $2,000,000 !! *~V8~*+ YOU!! can purchase for the affordable price of only two million dollars !! *~V8~*+ buy today!!!!
He should pay ME for buying that site.
Yes, I think it must be a spoof
Either that or it's become an institution and they'd actually lose business if they took it down
Oh, don't forget Steve Bloom
Incredible wildlife photographer.
Nov 21, 2011 19:23
oh, yeah
I forgot to mention Nick Brandt. He's probably my favorite wildlife photog:
I was trying to figure out the photographer I was thinking of, but that's not working out...however, I remembered a Robert Capa + friends exhibit I saw this past year. "The Mexican Suitcase"
@GnomeSlice that is such a great expression!
@Laura I know, it's amazing.
Here is a great gallery of work from Steve Bloom.
I love this one. The lions are all watching the Elephant.
...I would not want to be that elephant.
Nov 21, 2011 19:28
My money is on the elephant, as it happens
@RowlandShaw That would be why they're all watching him.
Here's another awesome gallery that includes some non-wildlife shots.
They're a bit low rez though.
Wow. This is probably the best gallery of the three.
Alright, that's enough spam.
Nice discussion, everyone. =] Ciao.
@GnomeSlice wow!
sorry, work has picked up
@GnomeSlice this one looks like a watercolor
@GnomeSlice I like that one
@jrista this is a good time for me to chime in and say: Thanks to all of you for tuning in to this chat event!
This was fun; I'd like to do this again, and try to get a couple more people in here. You guys have been great; I've got lots of stuff to look at over the next few days :)
Nov 21, 2011 19:43
lol @GnomeSlice came by accident ;)
hey, I'll take it :)
(also, "accident" isn't really the right term..."was prompted by the notification" is more accurate, right?)
@Laura indeed
that's why we have chat notifications ;)
Conversation ended Nov 21, 2011 at 19:45.