Conversation started Sep 13, 2016 at 0:58.
Sep 13, 2016 00:58
I try to keep all GIFs under 20 MB. Anything larger than this will be posted as a GIFV.
@bwDraco If we're talking about those posted to chat... I'd suggest 10 MB or even 5 MB.
Personally, I think 2 MB is about as big as oneboxed data should go.
I do check GIF sizes before posting.
Problem is people on mobile...
Sep 13, 2016 01:01
I'll limit to about 5-10MB in the future. (I did post a 16MB GIF a while back.)
It doesn't even affect me personally anymore cause I now have more mobile data than I know what to do with.
But... others here aren't that lucky
It's not an issue for me even if I'm on LTE but about 15-20MB is as much as I'll accept.
@bwDraco I really think this is a problem that SE should fix, but they've not done so yet. Bleh.
There ought to be click to play.
@bwDraco Consider a fairly typical monthly data cap is something like... 1 GB. Maybe 2-3 on the higher end.
That gives you some 30-100 MB per day.
Using a good chunk of that (involuntarily) on a single image... :S
Sep 13, 2016 01:04
I have 3 GB and generally don't even hit 1 GB, but I realize some folks have very limited data allowances.
Yea, I'd prod slightly with a "try to keep it down" with something in your <20 MB (<10 MB?) range, but more than that and I'll start moving them out of the room if I see them.
@bwDraco tbh I'm not entirely sure what's normal in US, UK or EU.
Heh, I just stumbled upon your MSE request for click-to-play
I do know @DavidPostill has rather limited data even at home :\
@BenN Yea, I think I asked that after someone posted an 80 MB gif -_-
Oct 17 '15 at 18:57, by DragonLord
@tereško Sorry, but I have to flag this for mod attention. The animated GIF is 73 MB in size, which is dragging my connection down.
There's also the potential for abuse. Someone could maliciously post a 200 MB GIF :O
Sep 13, 2016 01:07
(200 MB is the limit for Imgur)
Of course, that'd probably be followed pretty quick by a banhammer (if malicious), but not until it's had an impact :\
@BenN This one?
Q: Can we make oneboxing optional on mobile chat?

BobAs the title says. It'd be nice to have oneboxing optional on mobile chat, especially if it were something like click/tap-to-reveal. Why? Well... my data plan is crying at the tens-of-MB GIFs that get posted now and then. Related: Add support for .gifv format in chat onebox One of the recent...

Anyone with a server with sufficient storage and bandwidth can post images of arbitrary size. I could easily post a multi-GB GIF on one of my servers and link to it if I wanted to.
Huh, there's GreaseMonkey for FF Mobile now
That's the problem. Once you think about it from the standpoint of an attacker, it becomes readily apparent that this can be an DoS attack vector against SE chat users.
I could do click-to-reveal in a userscript :D
Sep 13, 2016 01:10
...and this is why I need to learn JS.
Hm. Either intercept chat code or do it on DOM mod... the latter might be too late? I wonder if removing the img stops the load.
Eh... if I remember when I get home, I'll try.
@Bob Mind if I add to your post describing security implications?
ehhhh. Unless you're on mobile or have a super limited data plan...
DDOS is a bit of an extreme way to describe it
same difference. Still extreme.
Sep 13, 2016 01:15
@bwDraco Go ahead.
unrelatedly, I'm starting work tommorrow. I think tommorrow is 9-6, but I donno after that...
so any pings during office hours are likely to get responded to much later.
@JourneymanGeek What do you count as super limited, though?
1 GB is common (less than that is still common...). A single 200 MB gif is a good chunk of it.
@Bob a gig or two I guess. I've almost never had a wired broadband connection with restrictions.
I suppose you could say people in RA are more likely to have greater limits.
But, hey... I was on 1-1.5 GB for a few years.
but I think the term DOS is inappropriate here. I suggest "PITA" AKA "My Donkey has agony internally"
Sep 13, 2016 01:17
IIRC @DavidPostill has 5 GB across all devices (tethered?)
@Bob Done.
(just for the record, I think click to play/hiding oneboxes is a good idea)
@JourneymanGeek Eh... I think DoS actually describes the malicious actor case pretty well.
but not everyone is malicious.
Q: Can we make oneboxing optional on mobile chat? (Potential security exploit!)

BobAs the title says. It'd be nice to have oneboxing optional on mobile chat, especially if it were something like click/tap-to-reveal. Why? Well... my data plan is crying at the tens-of-MB GIFs that get posted now and then. Related: Add support for .gifv format in chat onebox One of the recent...

Sep 13, 2016 01:18
I for one don't always check the size of the gifs and other images I post.
@Bob Yep, that's the one!
If I THINK its large or know its large, sure I > it and mention its big
@JourneymanGeek Never said everyone is... just thought the potential was there.
@bwDraco -- not sure I like having that in the title :P
@JourneymanGeek I did. The last one I posted I reduced from 22MB to 800KB.
The new title might be editorialized just a little much for my taste
Sep 13, 2016 01:20
Edited out.
Also, sorry about the time I oneboxed a 180MB GIF - I didn't know it was so huge!
@BenN which is why I followed the whole line of "this seems an extreme term"
Wouldn't "this could be a potential security exploit" be better as a comment?
Back in a bit
Pc just died
Sep 13, 2016 01:21
> This has security implications because an attacker can post an image of arbitrary size on any server with sufficient storage and bandwidth and link to it on chat. Because chat automatically loads direct image links from any source, one could, with relative ease, post multi-GB animated GIFs and quickly exhaust user data allowances, effectively denying service to chat users.
This is especially true if the attacker is using a CDN for the image, which isn't exactly expensive.
ehhhh. You're overthinking it
Can't help to think about it from an attacker's standpoint.
That's just how security experts think.
True, but we have a reasonably robust defence too
Sep 13, 2016 01:24
Not that I'm an actual hacker but I've taken a computer hacking course and know about this.
an attacker would need at least 20 rep, and you can usually get a mod's attention within a few hours
ROs should be able to take care of such shenanigans too
@JourneymanGeek Eh. We've seen ... questionable... users in here.
they can kick but... not edit?
Anyway, that was all from a bit of a random thought =>
@JourneymanGeek Nah, move the message.
Sep 13, 2016 01:26
@BenN barrier of entry is higher
the hard part is getting the 'right' mod
@JourneymanGeek read the scrollback a bit :P
I think I said above - I'd probably move (to trash?) anything > 20 MB if I see it
Deleting/moving messages ought to do it, right?
I might be ready to become a room owner but not 100% sure at this point.
(locals, mods familiar with the channel - I'd trust jokerdino or terdon to do the right thing, but we've had some non local mods overracting in the past)
@BenN moving the messages takes care of the immediate issue
@JourneymanGeek The problem is "a few hours" is long enough for a fair bit of damage.
Sep 13, 2016 01:27
not the person causing the issue
And we're talking monetary damage here...
^^^ This.
I've seen charges of 4c/MB, 5c/MB
200 MB can cost $8
@Bob I was thinking the prospect of someone posting a bunch of large gifs maliciously ._.
Once again tho, I think click to view is a good idea
Oh, but when it comes to getting 20 rep, you don't actually have to earn anything
Sep 13, 2016 01:29
Just not the whole .... "OMG PEOPLE COULD ABUSE IT, PANIC..."
Just associating 20 accounts together will do the job
@BenN nope
@JourneymanGeek Whether malicious or not, there's the potential for that damage. Malicious could be much worse - they could post far more...
you need it on one site
I saw a user in here a while back who had 1 rep everywhere
Sep 13, 2016 01:29
and proper earned rep (but association needs 200 anyway)
@JourneymanGeek You're kinda exaggerating the reaction there.
@Bob ehhh, Maybe I'm assuming @bwDraco is overreacting...
It's not so much "INSTANT PANIC".
It's "This could happen. If it happens, it's bad. Please fix it."
^ Yup.
@JourneymanGeek ...y'know, I agree with him here. Heck, I brought it up first -_-
Sep 13, 2016 01:31
Maybe I'm overreacting to the prospect of over reacting. or playing the feline's advocate...
This doesn't even affect me personally anymore. I don't really have a reason to panic. I have some 50 GB now...
But I still want to see this fixed, cause it could seriously affect other users.
That said... I'm somewhat regretting bringing this up in chat/meta now.
@BenN wierd. Coulda sworn the requirement was per site...
@Bob meh, that's what they are for
Certain people who might or might not be here might or might not be the type to do this now that they know...
I actually think its a good idea for other reasons, and asked about in the past.
I consider it a usability issue rather than a security one
Sep 13, 2016 01:33
@JourneymanGeek It's really both, IMO.
@JourneymanGeek The type of person to post random abusive spam is the type of person to do this.
@JourneymanGeek I think I said above - yea, we can probably clean up pretty quick. Yea, they'll probably be mod/banhammered pretty hard. But that's still enough time for damage.
Purely reacting is not really enough... it's a bit different from just saying something offensive.
At the moment, it's a hypothetical. I don't want to see it become a reality.
@JourneymanGeek Apparently they can use 20 x 1rep…
yeah. I assumed they fixed that ._.
Conversation ended Sep 13, 2016 at 1:43.