Conversation started Jan 4, 2013 at 10:49.
Jan 4, 2013 10:49
When somebody asks me to make pictures by camera that are gonna be 400-600 DPI..... what megapixel ( resolution ) shout the photos I make be?
Or DPI and megapixel/resoulion of photo are 2 different properties?
The answer is: It doesn't matter.
@slhck no more free will !
@EinsteinsGrandson because everything is an illusion
@EinsteinsGrandson You can set a 300 megapixel photo to 600 DPI and you can set a 1 Megapixel photo to 600 DPI. It doesn't matter.
The real question is: What print size should the photo have?
I should make a paper in MS Word.... so the size will be small
Go the other way when calculating: You want, let's say an image with 3x3 in.
Jan 4, 2013 10:53
ok , then?
When you print something you want to print at least with 300 DPI. Better 600 DPI.
That's how many pixels are actually put in a square inch
So if you want to print 3x3 in with 300 DPI you need a 900x900px photo
And if you want to print at 600 DPI you need a 1800x1800px photo
But this all depends on what the print size should be (in that case 3x3 inch)
See what I mean? :)
So you first need to know how big the result should be on paper.
Just imagine each picture will be square
Okay. How big are they going to be on the paper? 5x5cm, 2x2in?
Jan 4, 2013 10:56
and the maximum lenght of one side will be 16cm
which is 6.3 inches
Okay. So 16cm is 6.3in. 6.3 * 600 is 3780px.
That means your original photo has to be at least 3780x3780px for perfect print quality.
and when I only need 400 DPI ?
6.3 * 400 = 2520px
6.3 * 400 =
exactly :)
Jan 4, 2013 10:58
2520 x 2520 is how many megapixels?
Roughly 6
6.3 megapixel ?
do you have a link to the website?
What website?
@EinsteinsGrandson That's Photoshop, actually
But I guess any half way decent image editor should do that
IrfanView probably has that as well, for Windows. Or Paint.NET
Conversation ended Jan 4, 2013 at 11:00.