Conversation started Feb 3, 2018 at 10:37.
Feb 3, 2018 10:37
@gparyani probably, doesn't really matter though
tpu- by Jarko Dubbeldam
Hardly any of em know about it anyway
@ArtOfCode So if we were to temporarily start making metasmoke pages only visible to users with privileges, would it reduce our spam?
@gparyani no, because it's not part of SE and Charcoal doesn't get spammed
chat doesn't get spammed because of the rep barrier
Feb 3, 2018 10:40
Because why spam, if it's detected and nuked within 15 seconds? Most spammers need to show their employers a link to a page where spam is visible to the public. Can't they just give them the metasmoke link?
I'd say limit visibility
@gparyani dont think MS contributes much to improve SEO or clicks
They used to do that with the /review/suggested-edits link, with edit spam, until SE started employing measures wherein certain edits would show as false 404s.
@SurajRao Neither have /review/suggested-edits links almost always, but they still did that for years after they were excluded in robots.txt
It's not about SEO. It's about keyboard pushers getting their pay.
I think a big difference is that the suggested edits are still on SE, while these are on another website. I'm not sure if that matters for the spammers though
Feb 3, 2018 10:44
A: Can we get a lock on this suggested spam edit magnet answer please?

OdedWe have introduced a recent measure to help against suggested edit spam. We were wondering why even spam via suggested edits, given they get rejected and it occurred to Jon Ericson that what spammers need is a place to point their clients to in order to show that the paid for spam is on a public...

All it takes is one spammer to figure out that SE feeds into MS. And Smokey is pretty big on meta these days.
"We were wondering why even spam via suggested edits, given they get rejected and it occurred to Jon Ericson that what spammers need is a place to point their clients to in order to show that the paid for spam is on a publicly available page, which, in this case is the review queue item for the suggested edit." @ArtOfCode
Spam that never gets removed by design? Ka-ching!
"We were wondering why even spam via posts, given that they get nuked within seconds, and it occurred to me that what spammers need is a place to point their clients to in order to show that the paid-for spam is on a publicly available page, which, in this case is the metasmoke page for the spam post."
@ArtOfCode ^
Conversation ended Feb 3, 2018 at 10:53.