Conversation started Jun 7, 2012 at 18:50.
Jun 7, 2012 18:50
Welcome to Project Update Thursday!
okay, @forestman go on and tell us more about your troubles
You all actually have projects in progress? I'm busy procrastinating on all of mine :-(
@derobert we talk about those, too!
haha. @Aarthi had to start the clock.
@Tester101 :P shut up and put up the disco ball
"Tell me about your mother"
Jun 7, 2012 18:51
And hey, where's @Aaron??? He's missing all the fun! and @TheEvilGreebo toO!
@forestman 90% of all DIY projects do this.
okay, so the existing floor was linoleum sticky tiles over 1/4" luan, over hardwood.
;___; the hardwood! so beautiful.
I'm crazy busy at work spammy!
Jun 7, 2012 18:53
a long time ago, it was hardwood, but they put an addition on and didn't bother putting hardwood down, but just did subfloor, so half the area we're replacing is hardwood, and half is plywood
And the whole reason we're replacing it is her dog keeps peeing in this area and has ruined the luan, and started to mess up the hardwood underneath
@Tester101 consider it stared :)
Sorry @BMitch we lit up the disco ball without you
That's ok, if @Aarthi wants to party, she's allowed
I didn't know about the hardwood, so I was planning on ripping up soggy subfloor and just replacing it, which would have been comparatively easier.
@TheEvilGreebo pssh, work :P
@forestman yeah, I bet. So is the hardwood underneath damaged, after all? And if so, are you going to have to tear that out too or are you thinking about extending hardwood out to the addition?
Jun 7, 2012 18:57
So I see @Aarthi has been screwing around in her new place
The other rub is that the original outer wall runs across the space, and creates a rather pronounced ridge, on the order of 1/2" in 16" or so.
And -- welcome @kavisiegel!
@BMitch you know me, breaking stuff.
@forestman :o
@Aarthi that's what power tools are for :)
@BMitch apparently she actually used her drill yesterday :)
@Aarthi it does have some damage, but we're gonna see if we can get it dry in the next day or so with kitty litter and baking soda and a dehumidifier. pulling up 2" tongue and groove is a bit above my expertise
or rather, pulling up 2" T&G /selectively/ is above my expertise
Jun 7, 2012 19:00
Someone here actually knows a lot about flooring. Which one of you is it again?
Greebo, right? /me is genuinely having trouble remembering
@TheEvilGreebo Is working too hard to answer questions.
Actually, the moisture damage doesn't concern me nearly as much as the ridge.
Does that work under hardwood?
I'm thinking power plainer
@Tester101, that's what I'm thinking, but there are few hitches
"Used to level floors prior to the installation of ceramic tile, natural stone, resilient flooring, carpet, wood and Parquet flooring"
Jun 7, 2012 19:03
That's the space
ridge is along top left
white powder is baking soda
the area off camera to the bottom left has the same "topography", so if I level things up, it'll make an uneven ledge where it ends
What type of floor covering are you planning to put down?
we weer thinking floating laminate from Lowes, but after doing a lot of reading on here and other places, I'm thinking we should use floating vinyl instead
sorry what?
don't cover up the pee damaged floor until you treat it properly
cat litter wont' do squat
@TheEvilGreebo we're talking about flooring. he has hardwood under shitty peel-and-stick laminate.
get industrial strength odor neutralizer from local box store
after that dries, seal sub floor with oil based primer
if there is a ridge to lower, do that before treatment
if you're using self leveling compound do that after sealing
Jun 7, 2012 19:11
(Aside: welcome @woodchips!)
well, for our purposes, the hardwood is the subfloor
will the primer act as a vapor barrier?
vapor no, but it'll lock the cat pee into the wood
it wont stop vapors from downstairs
@TheEvilGreebo locked in for freshness.
it's ground level with no basement
@waxeagle Hehehewwwww
risk of moisture/flooding?
Jun 7, 2012 19:13
the paint'll do
OIL based primer tho
you prob should sand the wood first too to make sure it soaks in
we were planning on using the underlayment foam as a vapor/smell barrier
the existing ahrdwood might not take it well if its got finish on it still
won't do the trick
cat pee smell will penetrate the foam underlayment
thats padding/noise reduction not vapor barrier
ugh, this is not what I was wanting to know
no, but you needed to know
Jun 7, 2012 19:15
i fougth this exact battle in a rental
thats how we did it
industrial cleaner, oil primer
it actually is a rental
and you're putting in laminate? hope its cheap
she had wanted to do tile
IKEA has laminate for $0.29/sqft
She treating the rental like you're gonna live there? big mistake
tenants will **** your floor up
cat pee msell you need to do right - will drive tenants away
Jun 7, 2012 19:16
well, she's lived there for 8 years, and her landlord has been real good to her
I was speaking as the landlord :)
right, my bad for not clarifying
if shes gonna live on it, fine
knock yourself out :) but do it right
right. so, industrial odor knocker-outer, sand to remove finish, oil-based primer, then leveling compound. sound about right?
Jun 7, 2012 19:20
sounds about right
that self leveling concrete bag shown above?
its FLUID - so it'll leak through
i ended up with concrete in my basement when I used that in a bathroom on wood subfloor
heheh, good to know. I actually don't want level, just even
in the flooring section of the box stores you can find a nice premix leveler
its nice and thick and spreadable but won't run
ok, cool
Meanwhile: Hello @Steven!
And hello @BiffMaGriff :D
@TheEvilGreebo yikes! talk about a tough lesson. Like how I learned not to leave stuff on top of ladders.
because my cordless drill proceeded to fall on my head
it wasn't a lot of concrete
Jun 7, 2012 19:27
@Aarthi ow
just a trickle
and a dimple in the otherwise newly self leveled floor
@TheEvilGreebo whew, that's good!
@waxeagle yeah i still got the goosegg.
Hello, quite active in here today.
@Aarthi You need a holster.
@Aarthi hopefully no concussion
Jun 7, 2012 19:28
back to work with me
@TheEvilGreebo everyone knows dimples add cuteness!
@BiffMaGriff It's chat-event day! We're talking about projects we're got going on. :D
@TheEvilGreebo hugs Thanks for popping by! Hopefully I'll see more of you when you're not busy-busy. :D
/waves at @TheEvilGreebo
@forestman an order of magnitude of cuteness!
Jun 7, 2012 19:30
helllo @auujay.
hey there @auujay!
@Tester101 gentle shoulder shove Dork. :P
@waxeagle yeah, seriously, I hope I'm not concussed.
did I join a singles chat room instead of DIY? :P
@Tester101 that thing is way too cool to be a real thing
@Steven hahaha noooo because:
May 24 at 20:04, by shirlock homes
Aarthi, my son is handsome and single... and soon to be rich! lmao
Jun 7, 2012 19:31
heh.. hey a handy guy is definitely a better catch than a non-handy one!
@Steven hahaha true that! Shirlock is seriously proud of his kid; shirlock's son graduated the weekend of that comment.
@BiffMaGriff :O Nice! I take it you're in texas?
Just finished my garden beds..
@Aarthi It would be even cooler if they made a shoulder holster for drills.
those look a lot like the boxes I built!
whatcha planting?
Jun 7, 2012 19:33
@BiffMaGriff ooh, looks like you need Gardening and Landscaping next
yeah heh
hi everyone
@auujay hello
those are mine, plus cute dog :)
a variety of everything, I'm trying to out do my "balcony corn" that I grew last summer in my apartment
Jun 7, 2012 19:34
Nah, you need one of those garter holsters.
very cute dog
@Steven Is your dog hula-hooping!?
ladies' gun holster garter belts:
@Tester101 he's waiting for me to spray him with the hose!
@Aarthi we teach our volunteers not to leave things on ladders because they usually fall on someone else's head (yes, I'm slow to keep up with this chat)
Jun 7, 2012 19:34
Sorry @ChrisCudmore I didn't want that flagged.
@BMitch haha it's okay. and yes, now I will NEVER FORGET to bring my drill with me.
@BiffMaGriff and @Steven your gardens look awesome!
thx! now that its hot here and lots of rain things have expoded, espcially the brocolli which you can visible see is larger every day
Who'd flag that? It's pure texas christianity!
I had my drill fall off of some scaffolding while 2 stories up, people learned not to work below me.
@ChrisCudmore Better safe than sorry, imho :D
who in their right mind would mess with Texas?
Jun 7, 2012 19:37
@BMitch yeah that'd do it pretty damn quick. I'm just thankful it landed on me battery pack first, and not bit-first
@BiffMaGriff nice! Your beds really do look amazingness
I miss working on scaffolding and in the attic, we outsource way too much these days
you know what sucks even more then stuff falling off a ladder? ME falling off a ladder! ouch i still have scars 1.5 yrs later
Just out of curiousity... Why do you build up the beds so high?
@Steven true dat. I do arborist work, and have had a few scares up in the trees, but thankfully have a healthy respect for the dangers involved
@BMitch :(
Jun 7, 2012 19:41
mine are 12" deep - for drainage
Lots of bunnies in my neighbourhood. :)
@forestman @Steven omg yes. I was using a pretty rickety ladder and my hands were shaking from my nerves
@BiffMaGriff eek! yes, for them it's either chickenwire or epically high beds
My garden was short lived, but the bunnies are looking much bigger
@BMitch sounds like you need @waxeagle
I have provisions to put a cage over it (some PVC pipe around the edges to insert a cage into)
Jun 7, 2012 19:42
I've got tons of bunnies. I just plant sacrificial lettuce as an edge plant, and everything else gets left alone.
sacrificial lettuce
I also found out that bunnies won't touch my arugula.
i like that
oh my god, of course not
even I won't touch rocket, that stuff is nasty
to be more accurate, my gf's garden that she refused to put chicken wire around is all gone
@ChrisCudmore hahaha
Jun 7, 2012 19:43
@BMitch hahaha
so far the racoons seem to like my garbage more than my garden
No racoons in my neighbourhood, which is pretty unusual for Toronto.
yea they all migrated up to richmond hill :P
hmm this makes me wonder if I should be more worried about pests in my garden now that I live by the woods...might have to keep an eye out
@ChrisCudmore Arugula, isn't that the thing that hangs down at the back of your throat? :-D
Jun 7, 2012 19:44
Only if you don't chew it properly.
@forestman uvula
@forestman i think that's a uvula?
@chris I'd be more concerned with mayor ford eating it (sorry, couldnt resist)
@Aarthi ninja'd again :P
He wouldn't touch a vegetable. Unless it's deep fried.
Jun 7, 2012 19:45
lol good point
For those not in the know, this is our mayor:
"Dr Evil, I'd like to eat your baby. Get in my belly!"
oh my god
he looks so bored
he reminds me of homer simpson
Jun 7, 2012 19:49
He's had a tough go of it. He's a bit of a Tea Party Conservative, but council is all urban hippies. So they keep voting him down.
But he's got no negotiating skills.
I'm amused by this.
And we have a weak mayor - strong council government up here.
the big joke is that he started this big weight loss campaign, only to be caught eating at KFC and eventually bailing on it - as you can tell, not much weight lost.
As opposed to the Americans whose mayors have near dictatorial power.
Jun 7, 2012 19:53
Here's the great "Bicycle riding pinkos" speech from Don Cherry at his Inauguration:
Who is Don Cherry's tailor?
@Aarthi Yes we should. I'm probably the last person who should do this as I assume Stack Overflow levels of fail by people (and I really shouldn't)
He's famous for those suits.
suits, shirts and ties!
That's a story on his tailor
Jun 7, 2012 19:58
@ChrisF ah, yes, that's not...constructive on this site.
wish Jeff or Vebjorn were around more. They used to provide good guiding comments!
@Aarthi Indeed. I always have to stop myself and think about what I'm typing on the smaller sites.
@ChrisF Honestly, I'm the same in reverse; I always have to remember to be "meaner" on MSO.
@Aarthi When you've been around another year....
@ChrisF heh, yes, I know.
Oh! For those of you who are new (@BiffMaGriff @forestman @Steven) this is our DIY mod, @ChrisF :D We have three (Chris, JeffWidmer, Vebjorn) but ChrisF is the one you'll likely see the most.
/me waves, Hey Chris!
Jun 7, 2012 20:01
Hi guys. I'm not the only mod - I just happen to be around more than the others.
IMO, the best mod around (not to discourage the other mods)
Can't stop. Still not had my tea.
The other mods are ninjas.
@ChrisF No worries! We'll see you around, I'm sure. :) Enjoy your tea and tea!
@Tester101 That they are
Jun 7, 2012 20:02
@Tester101 they're so ninja even I can't track 'em down.
Or ghosts. I'm not sure which.
are mods like cameras?
The best one is the one you have with you...
hahaha :D
the comparison is apt
oh hey! I did a project yesterday!
So here's what my apartment looked like on Saturday
And here's where I left it last night:
Plus I took down closet doors:
(sorry about the sideways :( )
and replaced them with a cool curtain:
@Aarthi I think everyone just fell over
@Aarthi Your stripper pole is too close to the wall.
Jun 7, 2012 20:07
eek apparently~ what just happened? we lost like 8 people
@Aarthi nice
roller chairs plus turning your head sideways can have unfortunate consequences
@BMitch You need a monitor that can swivel.
well uh
this just got super quiet
@Aarthi lol
gotta fun - cya later folks!
fun = run
Jun 7, 2012 20:12
ha no worries! /waves @Steven
fun != run.
I actually need to spend some focus time on stuff, too. @BMitch @Tester101 y'all think you could wrap up for me? :D
Hmm, maybe these should just be an hour...
@Tester101 depends on who you're chasing
@Aarthi nice curtains I like the new colour
Jun 7, 2012 20:14
hour 2 is usually when shirlock shows up
There we go
hola peeps
@Aaron howdy
Almost forgot to mention the BLOG.
My problem with the blog is that if I stop to take photos, the job will never get done.
Someone write up an answer for this one so it can get accepted:
Q: Why won't my new water valves turn on?

RickAlright I just replaced my bathroom sink and faucet had some problems but managed through. Turned my water back on and the went back to the bathroom sink to turn the valves on but they won't turn. The valves are brand new quarter turn Sharkbite stop valves. What could I have done wrong? Both ...

Jun 7, 2012 20:22
You need a dedicated camera person.
@ChrisCudmore give your camera to your assistant, even if its a toddler :P
My boys are the anthromorphic incarnations of the second law of thermodynamics.
I'm not letting either one of them touch the camera.
Remember "Pigpen" from the Peanuts comic?
@Aaron suggested user do it himeself :)
@waxeagle even better
@Aaron if someone upvoted my comment that'd be swell..
Jun 7, 2012 20:26
Just upvoted.
He's got a rep of 1. Can he even post an answer?
@ChrisCudmore after a few hours he can
New users can't answer questions?
actually now I think he even has enough rep to have done it as soon as he posted it (I think the lowered the needed rep to like 15 or 25 or something)
@Tester101 can't immediately answer their own questions
Jun 7, 2012 20:29
@waxeagle I need to learn the rules.
Yeah, he's at 21. New User is now removed at 10.
@BiffMaGriff Thank you! the yello is my faaavorite
and the b&w worked out surprisingly well
yes, okay, xoxo guys, I gotta roll out. Thanks for your time! You guys are rockstars. Next week, I'll have before and after pics of the bathroom!
Back to work.
Thanks for joining this week's PUT
Conversation ended Jun 7, 2012 at 20:40.