Conversation started Apr 26, 2012 at 19:01.
Apr 26, 2012 19:01
Let's get this party started!
Is there anybody out there?
Apr 26, 2012 19:18
i am now - something was wrong w/ chat there for a while, had to do a forced refresh
Yay! I was feeling ...
Alright. I'll PUT. Stability issues with Pergola solved.
I added those diagonal braces, and it firmed right up.
Also did the chickenwire and the trim around the base.
srsly? no roof?
That's a pergola.
We're planting climbing roses.
ah, so
I just get tired of them trying to get in the window at night, climbing up ppls legs, etc. =P
Apr 26, 2012 19:34
You've got to beat them into submission
Nice pergola
needs a roof though
good solve on the stability tho
looks really nice
Yeah, I'm rather pleased with it.
Apr 26, 2012 19:40
first roses are climbing the walls, then you are climbing the walls =P
A couple lessons learned -- Always take into account the length of your FINISHED edges. The sides ended up being 8'2", which means I had to buy 10' boards for the perimeter rails. Also, the front was 12' 2", which means I've got an end grain showing on the front.
And cedar is bloody expensive.
Chris: try google sketchup or autodesk inventor. I prefer inventor, but theyre both good
Inventor in particular is built around preventing the kimd of errors you mention
dunno how much it is, we get it free in school
I found some nice Carriage Bolts at Lowes. They're gold in colour, and have TORX heads. 1.5" to 8". Very nice for this type of work. And a nice long unthreaded portion, so they really pull the wood together.
Yea take a look at inventor, the cost of gas back and forth to lowes alone will make it worth your time and money
It's not a job without at least 4-5 trips.
I did 3 years of Civil Engineering before transferring into comp sci. I never felt right drafting on software. I much preferred the freedom of the pencil.
I find myself fighting software far too often.
Apr 26, 2012 19:49
@ChrisCudmore, believe it or not I know exactly how u feel. I hate autocad. Inventor made me a believer.
I'll have to give it a look.
@ChrisCudmore, only thing is it's slightly tilted more towards mechanical than structural, but not by much
On Autocad assignments, I'd do it by hand, calculate the (x,y,z) and enter the drawing that way.
@ChrisCudmore, I look forward to the pleasure you will recieve from inventor, everything is units
Sketch up is far too OO for me. I don't want a wall to be an object that is designed separately. Ideally, I'd like to draw a floor plan, and then stretch it up. Then I'll knock some holes in it.
Apr 26, 2012 19:53
O yes, u will loooove inventor
At $995, I don't think so.
U can get free for a month
and there are cutrate versions online
$100 is the max for anything personal. Unless it cleans my bathroom.
Not gonna say the P word
Nah, as a developer myself, I've decided not to participate in any less-than-above-board economies.
But it's a personal moral stance. Not one I impose on others.
More to do with not being a hypocrite myself.
Apr 26, 2012 19:56
What do u code?
C# apps for a publishing company. I'm not doing any retail apps. But I get paid for my work, and don't see why other developers shouldn't.
Well, there's paid and then there's "paid", but we won't go there
be back in a bit. Duty Calls.
Suffice it to say that companies past a certain size strategize around a given level of piracy and leave it at that
If I find out you been shooting nazis I;'m leaving =P
Photoshop is a classic example of piracy as marketing. Go ahead and steal it for home use. Just remember to tell your boss you need a copy for work.
Apr 26, 2012 20:20
exactly :)
Same with Inventor
They dont even ask for any PoP in the forums
They do not sell the app, they sell the tech support, so if you steal it nobody loses
Apr 26, 2012 20:42
Hey there DIY!
aw man, I missed the party! :(
@Aarthi Party's still going on, whatcha talking about?
omg niall! hugs
Right back atcha
How are you keeping, besides busy, run off your feet, etc.?
not bad! debating if i should push for an election on DIY
you 10k+ users are basically doing most of the heavy lifting anyway
ooo @Tester101 :D
I'd be really surprised if we needed it. I didn't think mod-worthy activity was that high
Apr 26, 2012 20:49
hey if y'all are happy with the arrangements as they are, then that's cool.
an election might provide at least two blog entries "Hey where having an election" and "here are your winners", but aside from that I think the site runs pretty smoothly as is.
I think you meant: "We're having..."
Someone needs to spend some time:
Well, looks like the party is over. Time to break the disco ball
Apr 26, 2012 21:07
righto. I leave @Tester101 to tidy up :P
Oh... Sorry about the mess.
Thanks for joining Project Update Thursday
Conversation ended Apr 26, 2012 at 21:11.