Conversation started Mar 1, 2012 at 19:58.
Mar 1, 2012 19:58
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
Active in here. :)
Kitchen renovation is in progress
pictures are being taken daily
I did my project update yesterday... kinda jumped the gun.
24 hours ago, by Karl Katzke
No, I didn't. :( However, i will be doing a bathroom this weekend, and someone will be on hand to take pictures.
I didn't want to say anything because @Tester101's comment shouldn't be scrolled off the screen
(There's pictures to date if you click through)
Mar 1, 2012 20:05
To make sure it gets added to the chat log:
7 hours ago, by Tester101
DO NOT connect your Stink fan to your Stink pipe! Bad things will happen.
Alright, so everyone else? Updates? Step on up, don't be afraid. We don't bite unless you ask.
Is there a baseboard that is guaranteed to be made forever?
Ranch casing. But it's kinda plain.
Renovating and dealing with adding new trim in places where there wasn't some before is a real headache
The only one I know that's guaranteed to be made forever is one you cut yourself from stock.
Mar 1, 2012 20:13
@KarlKatzke I was going to suggest finding a router bit that matches the profile you buy
@Doresoom Doesn't always work. Most of the profiles you buy are cut with knives (like a staggered dado saw) and the contours are impossible to get with a router bit.
And then making copies and storing them in a safe
Like the "kilo"
@Aaron bahaha! don't forget the glass enclosure
@KarlKatzke I learned something new today!
grin You can have a real millwork shop match any old profile, though they will charge you an arm and a leg to create the knives for that profile.
My latest code changes are checked in, no pressing email message, 65°F outside... I'm outta here. You guys can turn the disco ball on now. I'll be back to close up shop in an hour or so.
Mar 1, 2012 20:24
Alright, if no one has project updates, what about future projects?
Just got the last windows in, I'm planning on finishing my exterior siding, and getting flooring in the living room this summer.
Paint, move a bunch of stuff, paint some more, move some more stuff, paint. Oh and maybe take my dishwasher out back and shoot it.
Office space moment with your dishwasher?
Gettin there
Oh, and I forgot -- I really need to get the garage cleaned out after the siding is done and I have two pieces of furniture to build.
I think we're painting this weekend..i might get to some electrical troubleshooting...
Mar 1, 2012 20:27
Oh, I hate electrical troubleshooting. I always get into WTF zone.
The best part about my dishwasher is they installed the tile floor after the dishwasher was in. I'm not sure it's coming back out of there.
Attic insulating and flooring is all I have on the horizon. Not exciting, and I'm only doing it in bits as there is so much junk up there, but it needs doing
Like finding the aluminum 220 for the furnace at my sister's house mated to copper without any anticorrosion goo and just wrapped in tape, in a box in the basement with the back open to the OUTSIDE ... in San Fran CA, where there's no salt to corrode anything.
Steve: Yeah, I just did that myself at my house. I hate myself for it, but there was no way to jack the counters up to tile under the dishwasher and no way to remove the cabinets without destroying them. I will end up lifting the countertop if I ever need to remove the dishwasher.
Is that an option for you?
@Karl My counter is a pretty nice tile job - I think I'm stuck. I can probably chip up two floor tiles, but matching them will likely be an adventure. Hopefully I can just keep the dishwasher fixed for awhile.
I keep eyeing it as well, I might just get lucky. There's a little gap between the top of the dishwasher and the counter. Cross that bridge when I get there I guess.
@SteveJackson You don't think the counter could lift as one piece? I guess that's why I stick to formica countertops ... that, and I'm cheap. I suppose it wouldn't work in a house that has an L-shaped counter, but mine's a galley kitchen.
On the bright side, I bought a new dishwasher before I tiled the old one in. :D
Mar 1, 2012 20:33
I hadn't considered it really. Even if the whole thing wouldn't lift out I might be able to cheat and cut it under the sink edge.
Mar 1, 2012 20:48
Use one of the new oscillating multitools... you'll be able to cut it free of the countertops easily.
It'll cut the cabinet flush with the surface.
Bring over three strong friends and offer to buy them beers after the job's done, make sure they lift it level and don't crack it...
future projects includes a garden bed
with some pressure treated lumber and then some lawn fabric, with mulch on top of it
@Aaron There's a stack for that :)
wrong site, close and migrate thread, ban user.
@Aaron I'd use cedar instead of PT. It looks nicer, and no danger of poisoning the plants.
So what's the deal with PT twisting on fence posts? I'd never heard of that before last month.
Mar 1, 2012 20:57
Hey, anyone have advice on how to get the significant other to stop spending money? ;) I told her not to buy curtain rods, because I can make some out of closet rod and we just have to buy the finials, and total cost was going to be something like $50 for two huge sets of windows. What does she do? Buys Pottery Barn curtain rods with all the accessories, total bill something like $250 and they sag.
@SteveJackson Usually wet wood, in my experience.
@KarlKatzke I think you're in the wrong SE chatroom for that question
@KarlKatzke lol when you figure it out let us know :). Also keep her off pintrest :)
@waxeagle did not know about the gardening one
(unless she cooks, and then get her on Pintrest asap)
I do the cooking, usually. :-P
Mar 1, 2012 20:58
@Aaron come on by we can use your gardening questions :)

Proposed Q&A site for people seeking answers to questions about dating, long term relationships, love, marriage or other commitments, and everything else typically considered a "relationship". (Intended to encompass the Love and Dating sites and extend them.)

Currently in commitment.

That sounds like a dumping ground for horrible whiny questions.
currently "in commitment" I C WHAT U DID THERE
So, we had a bunch of drain work done for the gutters etc because they all sucked
Mar 1, 2012 20:59
Only 8%. seems like it has commitment issues.
Oh, french drain and whatnot?
in reference to my question from earlier in the week about the slipped staircase, they put a brick course around the top stair, and there's a tiny 1" pipe maybe at the "low point" of that step
The problem is they didn't put a screen on it (it's horizontal (but sloped down, so it does drain), so there is the possibility for stuff that falls to block this little pipe
and I think some dirt has gotten in there, and typically the flow rate on this little pipe isn't enough to really push stuff out of the way
So, question: fire up the pressure washer to blast the stuff "in" the pipe into the larger pipes downstream of it (that tie into the sump pump/gutters/etc), or just pull all the leaves away once in a while
@KarlKatzke A little bit of french drain, but mostly running the drains underground with a slope so the water goes away from the house rather than towards the house
I'd remove leaves and things when possible, then flush it with garden hose or snake it if it gets clogged.
omg @KarlKatzke
Mar 1, 2012 21:06
@Aarthi OMG Aarthi!
@Aarthi @KarlKatzke had a question about stopping women from shopping earlier. any advice?
@Tester101 budgets, tell her you prefer her naked anyway, ummm
HAAAAHAHA. Oh, man, on the topic of structural engineering: $100 bras.
( and the room goes dead silent. )
see, me, a good bra is totally worth that money
Mar 1, 2012 21:10
@KarlKatzke but at least you've learned not to put them in the dryer
especially one that will Get It Done
Well, they're supporting things that definitely need support, and they look a lot better, but sheesh. And yes, they don't get thrown in with the normal laundry, since I'm a GUY, and don't separate things as I dump the entire hamper into the washer. Everything gets pre-sorted and we're a lot happier.
I will have lots of updates next week from the work we're doing this coming weekend. Packing up my saw and stuff tonight .... why is it that I sort of get excited when I get to bust out the wet saw?
What's people's opinions on these:
$100 BRA! Does it make coffee or something?
I see it as an easy way to squeeze another receptacle into a crowded area/gang box
Mar 1, 2012 21:15
No, but my girlfriend makes great coffee. Too bad I don't drink it. ;)
@Tester101 bah Karl did it better
@Aaron They're rare to see in professionally done work, so they shout "homeowner modified this" to me when I'm looking at them, sadly.
@Aarthi Actually, it holds the person who does it up, if we're being technical.
man this room is popping!
have we talked about birthday celebrations?
hey, I am trying to keep things on topic here
Victoria's secret... 1,000% markup.
Mar 1, 2012 21:17
Victoria's Secret is cheap fabric :<
Wow, markdown is retarded, it rendered that I for a half second as a I with two stars around it before it figured out it was supposed to be bolded
yes yes all the cake
Oh, Vicky's secret doesn't work for what my girlfriend's packing. It'd be cheaper, I think. We have to go to a specialty shop.
Victoria is a lie?
Definitely a lie.
Mar 1, 2012 21:18
@KarlKatzke Ah, she's an E+
Like I said, we're talking structural engineering here.
@Aarthi 32G, actually.
:o holy shamoley
The G is for "Gee willikers!"
Everything is bigger in Texas.
There's a joke in there somewhere about making sure to use the approriate header or king stud when engineering to carry the load, but I'm too lazy to actually find it
Mar 1, 2012 21:21
/me shrugs
I have no complaints
except how much everything costs when I'm trying to finish a renovation so I can sell the house and we can buy the next one where things will cost even more
yaaay reno
@KarlKatzke you were gone forever. how did all of that end up going? your servers no longer on fire?
srsly. Just got my tax return. $1000 in self leveling cement - ordered.
So is self-leveling cement just a little more runny so it flows to a level surface like water?
It's magic. Or science. I always get those two confused.
Mar 1, 2012 21:24
@Aarthi To an extent. I'm still working on that project -- things will light back up here in about another two months when we get the $100k of equipment ordered and shipped, and I have to fly up to put it all together. There's a bit about the hardware testing I've been doing on my blog, not that anyone's actually interested in that.
write it up for the SF blog!
@Aaron Yeah, and it usually sets up pretty fast to a smooth surface that's good for tile adhesion. If you've got a dip in your floor that would normally show through tile, SLC is a good way to remove it, but it takes a lot of skill to pour.
'cause right now that blog is All SE Employees, All The Time
The SF blog?
Mar 1, 2012 21:26
SF in this context = serverfault
Ahhhh. Yeah, as long as they don't have a problem with it having been published on my blog first, they're welcome to borrow this entry: ... based on this SF question:…
Speaking of blogs... @Aarthi what ever happened to the IKEA post?
... hides
uh oh
now @RebeccaChernoff is here too
Mar 1, 2012 21:31
Did we do something wrong!?
@Aaron lies. all lies.
Watch chat empty out like someone just shouted "La migra!" at a tract home job site.
@RebeccaChernoff! stealing my community! :< (clutches DIY)
@KarlKatzke :o
you just said that!
@KarlKatzke or at Home Depot at 9am on Saturday morning
@Tester101 I am about to nom on all your precious reps q:
Mar 1, 2012 21:35
sooo can I change my gravatar without having a gravatar account?
@KarlKatzke At my rehearsal dinner I had flown into town without a jacket and it was a little cool. My future uncle-in-law let me borrow his jacket. Strangest service I'd ever had, but I figured it was because I was the groom, there was a lot going on, whatever. Realized later, I was wearing a CBP jacket at a tex-mex restaurant.
@Aaron I don't think so. I've had one for so long though that I can't remember.
LOL @SteveJackson
@SteveJackson Did you check your food for cucaracha parts?
I did feel awful the next day, but that was more likely alcohol-induced - probably killed anything I ate.
@Aarthi when is the birthday contest supposed to happen?
Mar 1, 2012 21:44
@Aarthi By the way, the reason I've been hanging around again is the gift package that I got with the T-shirt, hat, pen, stickers, etc. I had kind of forgotten about hanging around online a bit since I was so busy with projects at work last winter, but the package reminded me of what I was missing. Just an idea if you need to re-attract some of the better contributors. :)
... not that I'm one of the better contributors, just that it brought me back from semi-retired. :-P
We should give free stuff to people who actually use a question as a title. Putting a ? at the end of a bunch of words, does not make it a question.
"Finishing window installation?"
Can I earn the Copy Editor badge again?
Yeah, there needs to be more rewards for people to copy edit stuff. I wish I could upvote the editors.
Ok, I'm gonna close up, but keep the party going. Don't kill the disco ball just because of me.
Thanks for joining this weeks PUT
Conversation ended Mar 1, 2012 at 22:00.