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5:01 AM
@godskook Also, Dark Souls markets itself as a difficult game, and that's fine. But there are plenty of games that market themselves for my younger sister (for example), without actually being games that she can realistically beat without spending a lot more time on it than would generally be considered reasonable.
@godskook What Miniman said is ekfellent, as long as it's apparent on the tin so the player knows what they're buying.
@Miniman, its perfectly fair to say that SOME games should cater to allowing players to "he should be able to select his level of sense of achievement and level of time investment", as Chemus put it.
But that's not a point of contention.
@Chemus, so you're saying you lose that objection point if Dark Souls properly labels itself as a game for hardcore players?
@godskook Incidentally, I keep forgetting to mention - with your Approach system, are races with LA allowed?
@Miniman, no. Partially because many of them would be absolutely broken.
Lesser Planetouched that hit ECL+0 are fine, though.
@godskook Yes, in essence. However, such games will likely sell to a smaller audience and so be either more expensive to purchase, or be less expensive to make is some way (usually in production quality). That's not to say that accessible games are superb, but the risk of badness would be greater with a small market game. Usually.
And being elite is great, but the non-elite often resent the elite, for various reasons and to various degrees.
5:10 AM
@Miniman, mostly, I'm curious for the sorts of exploits or high-end optimization possibilities taht a player would be able to sneak past a good DM.
@Chemus, I really can't find a good justification for resenting those who have earned superiority relative to myself. As far as I can see, bearing resentment to them is just me being hateful when I could instead either accept a hard reality or strive to match them.
With a caveat
@godskook I'm sorry if I implied that such resentment was justified; I merely meant that it's often present.
That there's a difference between "elitism"(read: earning achievement that others cannot) and arrogance(read: making others feel bad because they're "lesser" than you)
(and by "making" I mean ACTIVELY making, not just incidentally)
@Chemus, it came out of the assumption that you were making a point by even bringing it up. Cause if you're not insinuating justification, I don't see how you're making a point at all, hence the assumption that you must've been calling it justified.
An assumption on my part, to be sure.
I was listing the 'costs' of having an inaccessible game.
If you remark that you play Super Hard Game X, some who understand that it's super hard will inevitably resent you or think that you're bragging.
5:20 AM
Sure, but honestly, so what? Why should I care about the falsely-based opinions of others?
Down that road lies a madness I care not abide.
Alright. That wasn't my main thrust anyway, but the production costs. If there are more buyers for a game, the price (generally) goes down, or the production values (generally) go up. The smaller the market, the tighter the margins on the game; so it's (often) either more expensive, or lower quality than it could be.
Well sure, but the value of a product is relative to its fitting to the desires of people in the market. People who WANT Dark Souls to not have an easy mode would be less willing to purchase a game that wasn't true to Dark Soul's "genre". You'd lose money on the core player base.
Basically, while a game like Dark Souls doesn't have access to as wide a player base as say....Mario games, the player base it does have access to isn't as satisfied with Mario games and thus are more likely to spend money on a Dark Souls like game and be satisfied with it and create "fans" of the game.
5:35 AM
I accept the right of the people making the game not to want to put in an easy mode, that would cost something for sure
but if they happened to put one in, I wouldn't want to hear certain gamers crying about the fact that an easy mode lessens their accomplishments in the harder modes somehow, that would be ridiculous XD
@godskook I figured - to be totally honest, I'm pretty bad at this kind of stuff.
@godskook I'm not sure that logic holds up in the current marketplace. In a world where AAA titles have $99 price tags and sell like popcorn regardless of their actual content, pandering to your core fanbase rather than selling out to the wider population isn't really a commercial strategy.
@Miniman, honestly, so are my players. None of them really know how to power-game.
To put it differently, they didn't make Dark Souls 3 at a similar level of difficulty to the previous 2 because they thought it would make more money.
@Miniman, I basically don't play console games anymore. Dark Souls is one of a very very few games I'd buy a console to play properly.
There were lots of really good reasons why they did that, but "to make as much money as possible" wasn't one of them.
5:40 AM
If I had the ~$1k to buy a console, a tv, and the game in extra spending money right now, I'd seriously consider it.
@godskook Why, given that you can play Dark Souls on PC?
Oh sure, I'm not trying to say that its the best money-making strategy, just that there's more than one market force at play.
I suppose I could buy a controller and play on PC.
I keep forgetting how much that PC is the masterRace :P
Or just...yanno, buy the game and play on PC.
That would be a required step, yes.
@godskook No, I mean, why are you looking at buying anything other than the game?
5:44 AM
Because 3d-Zelda-likes are controller games, imho, and afaik, Dark Souls does nothing to change this.
@godskook I can say with absolute certainty that Dark Souls is vastly easier when played with a keyboard and mouse than with a controller.
That might not be true for everyone, of course.
"easier" is not a concern
Its by far easier to eat ice cream if you melt it first.
@godskook So what is your concern? Seriously, people keep telling me that Dark Souls "should" be played with a controller, or is "better" when played with a controller - why?
@godskook That's the purpose of a controller, yes. It's also the purpose of a keyboard and mouse.
5:49 AM
Loafers and Sneakers are both made for interfacing with the ground. Wanna guess which one I think is appropriate to wear when I go running?
That's not an answer. Yes, sneakers joggers are better for running. They're better because they are made to cushion impact, suffer less wear, allow your feet to breathe, etc.
I'll be honest, I don't have good answers that can be translated OUT of head-speak and into English. Its "intuitive" that a controller interface is appropriate, though.
If you wanna head-jack so I can show you my head-speak logic, I'll be happy to oblige.
Appropriate =/= optimal in all cases.
@godskook Hey, I'm fine with that as an answer.
But I CAN get to metaphors, and despite your objections, I'm quite sure that Sneakers are to Jogging what Controllers are to Dark Souls.
I just have to figure out how to parse the head-speak to get at a more verbose english answer.
Anyway, gtg.
5:55 AM
@godskook Ttyl!
@godskook Bye :)
1 hour later…
7:19 AM
Great. We've reached that part of the rainy season where the ants are looking for any excuse to come inside.
yeah, some in my car
and I didn't even have food in there
normally it's too hot in there for them to hang around, but like 3 or 4 scouts were on the windshield
7:55 AM
I left my coffee on the table under the window for 45 minutes on Saturday night and it was swarming with ants.
didn't even know they liked cofee
they like a lot of things obviously, and depending on species, but I didn't know that was on the list
To be fair, it had almond milk and brown sugar.
ah yeah they want that stuff
8:33 AM
coffee is toxic for ants
I know that from a friend who have ants nest at home
seems like it's a drug for them
@nitsua60 sorry for answering so late, but that's gold!
8:49 AM
I've never seen anything from people who actually use coffee grounds to indicate coffee being an effective deterrent, much less a pesticide--in fact, all the tests I've seen indicate it's at best a physical inconvenience for them.
I use a mix of vinegar, dish soap, and lavender oil; put it in a spritzer and spray on the trails, let it sit a few minutes and then wipe it away.
It destroys their scent trails and makes them disinclined to return. Apply a few times a day for one to three days and they give up entirely. Nothing else nontoxic that I've tried is more effective.
(Most of the ants we get, aren't anything I actually want to wipe out; I just don't want them foraging inside the house.)
1 hour later…
10:39 AM
@BESW yeah usually they are the black ants
the red ones though, those can go die in a fire
Mm, even the red ones aren't too bad so long as they aren't fire ants.
at least if they are anywhere near my place of residence
usually the red ones are fire ants though
the really really red ones at least
there are some reddish brown ones I guess, those are ok
11:04 AM
Words to GM by:
The Word of the Lord, aka David Lynch For every film director out there, or anyone who wants to be part of a produ… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/855468663633190912
11:15 AM
everyone look at this wizard horse https://t.co/UVy03SNtXM
@BESW I feel like that horse is going to rope me into a quest with some dwarves.
Or give you a pig to take care of.
@BESW Gandalf once gave someone a pig to take care of?
I don't recall that no
No, Dallben did.
Granted Hen Wen was an oracular pig, but a pig nonetheless.
11:33 AM
nice to see ya
(I was once told saying "likewise" to people is a horrible insult and I should die in a fire for doing so, I refuse to believe this is the case)
@eimyr I think that might be a UK thing?
I have never heard that as being an insult, or been told by anyone that it is
@trogdor The person who said it is definitely not from UK, nor has ever been there, AFAIK.
11:36 AM
@eimyr maybe it was just that person then, who knows
@daze413 basically, two things: 1) strongly behavior-locking something that's still sentient under the hood strips them of free will, which is something that I have trouble supporting, and 2) I perceive a strong ecological pressure away from two-legged prey towards four-legged prey (four-legged prey doesn't try to hunt you back ;)
@eimyr i'm not familiar with this treatment of the word in Australia or the UK
11:56 AM
Anyone knows good resources about what essential elements must every good RPG mechanic system have?
like, an escalation mechanic, catchup mechanic, narrative-mechanical ties etc. etc.
@eimyr Choice is the only thing I think is universal.
@doppelgreener do you really think so?
note I used the wording "Good RPG mechanic"
@eimyr There's a lot of things I could list, but I could also imagine RPGs where those things deliberately don't exist to create a certain atmosphere.
@doppelgreener wanna have a go?
Agency is a thing, but there are games designed to limit or undermine agency. A logical tie between narrative and mechanics helps understand things -- Mark Rosewater lists "flying" in Magic: the Gathering being an enormously easy mechanic to teach people, because it does what it sounds like -- the mechanic is intuitively accessible based on the narrative.
However not every mechanic needs narrative basis
Catchup mechanics aren't strictly necessary, nor are escalation mechanics.
RPGs aren't something we can make universal generalisations about, hence lending to it being so hard to define what an RPG is and our best measure being we know it when we see it.
12:03 PM
what would you say about failure-success cycle?
What kind of experience are you going for in your RPG?
...have you played or read Witcher?
@eimyr Played a tiny bit, not read, have friends who are a fan.
The essential elements to every RPG system are: mechanics that push the intended play experience, and the removal of mechanics which are either not contributing to, or coming at the detriment of, the intended play experience's detriment (because they're either unnecessary baggage or counterproductive, and unnecessary baggage is extra work for no benefit which is counterproductive to ask of players)
> Universal generalization. When you gain a boost by succeeding with style, spend a fate point to apply it to everyone in the same zone.
Consider that there's no one universal thing every good sport has, not every tabletop game has, not every board or card game has, and not every video game has -- beyond the things that are definitional of that kind of game itself.
Sport has physical activity, board games have boards (usually, but sometimes tiles), card games have cards, video games have control input. Those things are the case by virtue of what kind of game it is though.
12:10 PM
@doppelgreener Well, if so, I want a game about the players engaging with a world which is miserable, but stable in its awfulness. The PCs are the disruption and players should be motivated to steer the new order towards something they perceive as more just.
@doppelgreener Well, every good sport must have a defined set of rules (otherwise it becomes play), conditions that reward athleticism, some scoring or judging system, some value to the spectator... otherwise it's not a good sport.
"Games" by virtue come with a set of rules, an objective, and an obstacle or challenge that makes that objective nontrivial to accomplish.
That reminds me, I want to read Misspent Youth but I only have the Eyebleed Edition.
(that's pretty much the simplest definition of a game available to us)
now add role-playing and extrapolate mechanic elements that support each of these features
@eimyr I would disagree sports have to involve any real spectator value, but they do tend to be competitive & have an objective measure to determine success (in the form of scoring, usually).
12:17 PM
@doppelgreener Name a sport that does not involve spectator value which you also consider a good sport.
@eimyr That's kind of a "no true scotsman" thing, but squash and rock climbing.
There's a reason we have the term "spectator sport" -- they are sports that are popular for spectating on.
@doppelgreener I realise, that's why I put the onus of determining "good" on you.
Well, I'm pretty sure squash tournaments are viewed. Not sure about rock climbing, I didn't really have much experience with it.
Let's get back to discussing RPGs rather than debating what makes a sport, actually. I realise we've gone on a tangent here.
@eimyr So you want an atmosphere of discontented content & a drive to improve the situation?
The problem is that if you put the onus of determining "good" one someone, it's not objective anymore. Same with rpgs; if you want to know what "all good rpgs" have, you just need to find out what YOU like and put that in.
If you want some good resources on game design though, there are plenty.
Happy Monday!
12:22 PM
well, so for the "witcher-feel" game... I kinda want a situation where NPCs exist in objective misery with no clear way out. I want PCs to represent a disruption to that situation whether they like it or not. I want the players to be motivated to take sides and steer the situation towards betterment at some personal cost OR to have to play the price of neutrality if they don't.
@NautArch \o/
then, the situation needs to settle into a new order, where misery is still present, but it's distributed more justly in the eyes of the players
it's not really a game with lost of objective player agency, but rather a game where you examine outcomes of player decisions, some made with more agency than others
So the total misery is sort of constant, but the players get to push it onto other people who deserve it more?
@eimyr our of pure curiosity...what is the "price of neutrality"?
@NautArch well, name of one of the witcher stories. Witchers were supposed to be "neutral", as in ones with no political affiliations, no societal fetters etc. Witcher stories are full of instances where trying to remain objective, neutral and withdrawn cause or sorts of trouble.
essentially, if a conflict between two factions escalates enough, folks who support neither are seen as enemies by both
12:31 PM
Q: How to give feedback that is not in line with Mod opinion without getting banned?

nvoigtShortly before the moderators opened their feedback thread I was banned for 7 days. If you know me, you may have wondered why I did not participate (and maybe you were happy about that, that's perfectly fine, everybody is allowed to not like what I say or how I say it). we have asked you to n...

@eimyr ah - gotcha. I was thinking about an issue I have in our rotating-DM storyline where a couple of pCs are "True Neutral" and have used it to basically be pure murerhobo.
nah, it has nothing to do with adventure-style play
In fact, even though witcher stories are ostensibly about slaying monsters and resulting complications, this is just a backdrop for an examination of the human condition and the nature of evil.
@eimyr have you read the books?
@NautArch Of course I have.
@eimyr hehe. THe relationship between Geralt and Yennifer is amazingly complex.
12:42 PM
@NautArch It is. The books aren't perfect and you can see what sort of person the author is through them, but overall I'd say it's a genre defining piece.
Is Yennifer's last name Haircut?
And I'm not sure what the joke is...
A lot of people seem to think that "Yennefer" is a mutation of Jennifer, whereas it is derived from Guinevere more directly, highlighting the similarities between these characters.
It's a running gag in the Netflix series A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Oh. I didn't see it. What's the gag, exactly?
A fake identity literally named "Jennifer Haircut", if I remember well
(I probably don't remember well)
12:52 PM
Count Olaf is accidentally saddled with the alias "Yessica Haircut."
Seemed reasonable Yennefer would be his sister.
is this in The Miserable Mill arc?
I think it's in the second episode.
of the first arc?
Yeah, of the whole show.
It's in the flashback to explain how the orphans got saddled with him as their first guardian.
Yes, right at the beginning.
He approaches the bank in character as an Expert Consultant (or something) and someone asks him for his name. He can't call himself Count Olaf, so he scrambles and looks around and says "Y-Yennifer... uh.... uh..." [sees word scribbled in the receptionist's diary] "... Haircut" Yennifer Haircut."
"Your name is Yennifer Haircut?" ".... Yes."
(Neil Patrick Harris has an amazing delivery in the whole thing. Where "the whole thing" could be interpreted as "that scene" or "that show".)
12:59 PM
(or "his whole cinematography" :))
@AnneAunyme was he engaged in the cinematography? O:
(definitely the show's cinematography was very good.)
1:29 PM
@AnneAunyme Glad you liked it. It's a nice one that one of our lit teachers often uses to challenge students' notion of form.
sooo... RPGs, huh?
@doppelgreener I think climbing's an excellent example: I go every chance I get, but I get nervous, clammy, even nauseated every time I watch someone, even just bouldering.
good morning
So, nayway
1:38 PM
@JoshuaAslanSmith Morning. I actually had a question for you about Risk:Legacy. Have a sec?
I want ot include some sort of win-lose cycle to my system
and I do have some bits that I'm undecided about
anyone willing to volunteer to give feedback?
@nitsua60 I do
give it to me
NAB? (So to avoid spoilers.)
not familiar with that acronym
you want a new side chat room?
Not A Bar
1:41 PM
The "Not a Bar," a chat-room to which I just sent you an invite.
ah yes, a chat near to my heart
I didnt know you guys had acronymized it
@JoshuaAslanSmith Gotta love TLAs
(Three Letter Acronynms, since nobody's asking)
@Zachiel nbd.
@Zachiel i love TLA acronyms
@doppelgreener You're awarded the Award of Head of the Redundancy Department of Redundancy Head Award.
1:48 PM
@eimyr Oh boy. Thank you!
all solved
The department proud to have the highest bus factor of all departments.
@doppelgreener I also love Three Letter TLA acronyms!
Not just the highest bus factor; also a train factor and a taxi factor as backups. Just in case.
@Zachiel I as well also in addition do.
1:50 PM
my 3.5 dwarf died in a valiant last stand saturday
@DForck42 Was it against a bus?
@Yuuki no, an "evolved" reaper
@DForck42 Was he made redundant?
What's your party's reaper factor?
see when you said TLA I thought of the concert venue that has that ancronym in my city
1:52 PM
@JoshuaAslanSmith that's a great name then
Theatre of the Living Arts
@DForck42 like the one I just posted?
@Zachiel sigh no
y'all are in a special mood this morning, lol
Well, did he go down bravely?
Or was it more of "Have at you, you foul creatures!" instantly gets crit sort of deal?
@Yuuki well, he was boiling from having his essence ripped out while standing in the reaper's way to keep him from following the dwarf's friends. so, yeah
@DForck42 On a tangential note, but still about three letter acronyms, was it you suggesting me a three-letter software (or software typology) used to organize and maybe refactor the structure of human-readable database files (e.g. JSON)?
@Zachiel if by that you mean SQL, then probably
@DForck42 No, I think it started with M and it was not anything I had heard before
... Mongo?
No, I've heard about MongoDB before.
Also, it's not a DM, it's some sort of program that (if I remember what was told to me correctly) had me start creating a program with a JSON structured in a certain way and, if I ever noticed that I needed it some other way, let me move all pieces of all instances of existing entries in the desired way at once. But I probably read too much into it.
2:02 PM
@Zachiel probably wasn't me then
@Zachiel People were talking about ORM (Object-relational mapping) recently in here, is that it?
@diego that might be it!
(of course there was a M but it was last, not first. I'm really bad at playing bulls and cows)
So I think I've maybe finalized the backstory for my lawful good rogue. Former member of an Assassin's Guild, framed for the inhumation of a person who was on the "do not inhume" list.
Speaking about redundant stuff, I will never forget this witness in a film noir intrigue campaign we had. He was describing what the murderer put in his bag: "something long, something sharp, something green, something redundant and something squamous"
one of the worst witnesses ever
@AnneAunyme Something new, something old, something red and something... wait, was that a marriage mistery?
2:12 PM
Brushing up on my Discworld, I forgot that Nobby had an open contract but for such a comically small amount, no self-respecting Assassin would take the job.
@Yuuki Which book is that in? I don't recall coming across it.
@Miniman As I don't have any books on hand, I was actually looking through a wiki.
@Zachiel I don't get this reference, but no, just a regular murder mystery. We never knew if we arrested the correct person.
And unfortunately, they don't provide a source.
Hmmm, interesting.
2:14 PM
@Zachiel I think it's "something borrowed", not "something red".
@AnneAunyme IIRC, it's a wedding thing.
something borrowed and something blue
not red
ah, ok
Nominations close in 5 hours.
@Miniman It definitely sounds like something Pratchett would write and something that would happen to Nobby though.
2:15 PM
@JoshuaAslanSmith Ah... sniped =\
@JoshuaAslanSmith Do you have time to edit in a link to the election page?
did I link poorly?
i shall unstar, since i think having a starred version with a link is a good idea
in fact i was going to swap my star over to nitsua60's message had it not been deleted right that moment :D
Self-nominations for the RPGSE moderator election close in ~5 hours. Nominate yourself, read nominations, check out candidates' statements.
@doppelgreener This feels like some WWII movie where three different snipers are in some sort of long-distance Mexican standoff. JAS sniped me, so I deleted, sniping your attempted star-switch... all the while we both know you're the one who'll end up winning the whole thing =)
2:20 PM
Oh I see I didnt ever go back and link to my Questionnaire
but maybe you mean in my comment
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yeah--I meant in the comment here.</sniping>
@nitsua60 I did need to add a link to my questionnaire answers
so thanks for that unintended reminder
2:43 PM
Oops, I added my questionnaire link, thanks @nitsua60 for the reminder.
@nitsua60 Not necessarily in that order.
3:01 PM
hey now that there are people on vs yesterday quick question to everyone
does anyone have a handy google form or the like for using the same page tool online for a group of players
if we were meeting in person Id just do printout but was just checking to see if someone had already done it up
@Yuuki =)
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm not sure what you're asking for
you know of the same page tool?
@JoshuaAslanSmith nope
same page tool is a questionnaire meant for the players and GMs to share expectations about what kind of a game experience they want
to make sure
3:10 PM
@JoshuaAslanSmith Have not enformed it.
"Everyone is on the same page"
ahh ok
cool, I'll whip something up
yeah was just looking to see if anyone had digitized it into a google form for easy polling/multiuser use
@JoshuaAslanSmith make a google form - but online questionnaire kinda goes against the spirit
it will be done collaboratively
3:11 PM
SPT is supposed to be discussed over rather than filled
google form
3:28 PM
Joshua, are you looking for Bankuei's web site? Or a google.docs thing?
also another musical choice for when you vote in the election
@KorvinStarmast I have his page, I meant a google docs thingy of it, its fine Im creating a google form on google drive right now of the questions
@JoshuaAslanSmith The holy Trinity of Spaghetti Westerns ... good stuff!
haha it is I guess
Im really only a fan of a few dollars more
I like all three, but each has its own charm
I like to feel really invested in a character arc for a story and none of his other films manage to do that for me, except Mortimer (lee van cleef) in for a few dollars more
3:30 PM
Had a soundtrack of a lot of his stuff on vinyl, but the record seems to have disappeared, and the tape broke five years ago.
Van Cleef is awesome.
yeah I will say ennio morricone certainly writes a good score
For a few dollars more stands out to me in terms of storytelling, the matching watches and their lullaby chimes works throughout the film
I regret to report that I find the SPT an overcomplicated bit of angst. I think that's the old grognard in me, though.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm a "Hang 'Em High" kinda guy.
(Both for film and soundtrack.)
@nitsua60 hang em high is pretty great as a pure revenge movie
love the line WHEN YOU HANG A MAN YOU BETTER LOOK AT HIM pulls down kerchief to show ropeburn on throat
Sup guys
So I'm building a new 5e campaign, I'm looking at making villains
@Skathix what sort of campaign?
We haven't had a session 0 yet, but my idea so far is an adventure that starts out at an adventuring guild, and eventually has the players at level 20 fighting a world eater.
Moderately serious campaign, the world is called "The Cog" and I'm playing on the thought that "What if plate tectonics was just a city of gnomes moving the continents around" eventually "pangea" will be formed and something something unlock something something Cthulu
Hey all. Any suggestions on where to get a cool RPG miniature?
@Skathix So what do you need to figure out your villains? Is there any particular bit you'd like input on? I relaly like villain-building, but my expertise lies with the narrative background rather than statting'em up
@Ryan what are you wanting the mini for?
3:55 PM
@Skathix D&D tabletop grid
@eimyr I think what I meant to say initially
@Skathix looking for advice?
what size should the base be that I'm looking for to not overcrowd too much?
@Ryan Price constraints or anything else?
Was I was thinking about creating characters to play against the party, and wondering what some creative characters would be, a la an illusionist wizard
3:57 PM
@Skathix playing a character against the party is a very easy way to spoil your villain
reaper has a large selection from normal hero sized minis to large and giant monsters for all sorts of genres
@JoshuaAslanSmith not really. I mean I'm not going to get some $100 figure or anything nuts
they also have all of their minis sorted by tags
so you can look them up by these tags
I do want something thats already painted
so if you really want a human with a sword in plate armor you can find all ofthose
3:58 PM
@eimyr There's only one major "villain" that I'm planning on having, I just think having a character would be more interesting than a standard MM baddie
not reaper then
@Skathix Fantastic! So you're after a good story-driven character that also happens to be in opposition to character goals. Is that correct?
@Skathix what doyou mean by "creating chracters to play against the party"?
I agree with @eimyr. "creating" your villain will help you develop them.

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