@AdmBorkBork It appears he deleted his other challenge from the sandbox but I think it was ais523 who said it didn't seem interesting when it was in sandbox
It appears that the posted challenge was changed into the fortress chess but he posted the original challenge anyway
There's this one (ability to view deleted posts required), but that's even further from what got posted. It also as the comment from ais as you recall.
@LliwTelracs Yes, that's accurate. Thanks for clarifying that.
A string consisting of small english letters.
Determine the number of permutations of the original string that are a palindrome;
Given that the string has up to 100 digits the result must be %666013.
Output: 3
Possible perumtations:
A while ago, a user on Programming Puzzles and Code Golf had an idea:
How about a language where all of the core commands are PPCG usernames? -- Helka Homba
A list was made of username/(keyword|builtin function) pairs, but nobody really wanted to actually make the code, so it kinda went o...
PSA: If you want to be added to The People's Python there are still assignments available! Ping me with your name and which of these builtins you'd like and I'll get you added to the list.
In the wake of the many (two?) FizzBuzz-related challenges posted recently on PPCG, I've been tempted to come up with my own. Behold...
Fizz Buzz Lightyear
Write a program or function that takes an integer n and prints out FizzBuzz for any number divisible by 15, Fizz for any number divisible b...
@ETHproductions: I just updated my answer (this one), because I just fit the program on a 5x5x5 cube. If you have any suggestions (improvements to the code or explanation), please let me know.
@ETHproductions: Cubix feature request: command to let IP go through the cube. See here for an illustration (if the IP would come across such a command on one A, it'd jump to the other A, and likewise for all other characters).
@Luke Hmm... so it'd be one character that sends the IP to the corresponding spot on the opposite face, or a "teleport" instruction with sending and receiving ends?
PSA to all TIO users: I rewrote the entire API and it just went live. Best case scenario, you shouldn't notice any changes. Please report anything out of the ordinary in talk.tryitonline.net.
About the minimal TC charset challenge: Is I/O required, or can we just assume input/output can be given in some other way (e.g. on the stack before/after execution, in a specificied variable, etc.)?
@ETHproductions the only I/O you require for Turing completeness is no input, and output signalled via entering an infinite loop versus not entering an infinite loop
(note that being able to enter an infinite loop is required, not just an easy way to signal output; it's normally considered that if you have no way to exit, you can do something else to signal having halted, though)
@ETHproductions the mathematical definition is along the lines of "given any computable program whose only I/O is in whether it halts or not, you can translate that program into the language and it'll halt or not accordingly"
@Dennis agreed, but a language itself can be Turing-complete, and many real-world languages are; it's just that the implementation can only be an approximation
(this is part of the reason why Esolang doesn't define languages by their implementation, but by their specification)
my comment will move the messages, so that the mouse is now over the chat reply location for a different comment, and so if I bump the touchpad while I type, it'll end up pinging a random person
@Dennis it isn't, except possibly via the file API; the culprit is that the existence of sizeof makes it impossible to allocate unbounded amounts of heap memory or non-register stack memory, and register stack memory can only be used in the reverse order it's allocated, which isn't enough for Turing-completeness
@Dennis But the point is that C is designed to only have finite-sized data. Other languages can use as much memory as they want, so long as there's memory available
I was trying to explain to someone that C is Turing-complete, and realized that I don't actually know if it is, indeed, technically Turing-complete. (C as in the abstract semantics, not as in an actual implementation.)
The "obvious" answer (roughly: it can address an arbitrary amount of memory,...
it's possible to define the file API in such a way that it doesn't defy the C standard and allows for Turing-completeness, but such an implementation would be very weird (it would violate POSIX, for example)
oh wow, the accepted answer makes almost exactly the same points I did, as well
Speaking of Turing completeness I was going to implement an esolang that's Turing completeness is dependent on an unsolved problem in mathematics (probably Sophie-Germain primes) and was looking for some suggestions
@WheatWizard something like that almost happened accidentally recently, in my five-char Brachylog; that was dependent on the number of repunit primes that exist, but it turned out 3 is enough
I was going to make it so that every time it needs to allocate new space it first finds a Sophie-Germain Prime. This way if the SG primes are unbounded it is TC but otherwise it has finite memory.
@ETHproductions so a quick "mental checklist" for Turing-completeness, which is not 100% reliable but is at least 95% reliable, is unbounded storage + a control flow construct at a similar level of power to while + some way to work around any restrictions on command sequencing that the language might have
I was considering implementing SKI combinator calculus in JS, but then I read more about it and realized that JS's control flow doesn't allow for those type of calculations
Most computer keyboards feature a small integrated LED light,
indicating the current input mode, as controlled with the CAPS LOCK button.
Your task is to blink it:
Turn it on;
Wait for 0.5 (+/-0.1) seconds;
Turn it off again.
Video footage of the LED blinking is highly appreciated !
The only purpose of ! is to create true/false, which can be done with any of <, ==, >
We discovered a while ago that it isn't possible to do everything with []()+
@TuxCopter Type coercion, mainly. []+[] == "", +[] == 0, ![] == false, ![]+[] == "false" and so on
Then you can build up strings, e.g. (![]+[])[+[]]+([![]]+[][[]])[+!+[]+[+[]]]+(![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]]+(![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]] for "fill", get the constructor of a function (which is the Function function), and use that to eval whatever code you want
This is not a challenge but a question, I figured it was on topic because of
Non-challenge questions that are related to solving programming puzzles or a particular type of challenge are also on topic.
Now on to the question:
Is it possible to write any JavaScript code with only 5 letters?...
Implement a Language of Unknown Computability Status
Determining whether a Language is Turing Complete is a difficult task to begin with, but lets kick it up a notch. Your task is to devise and implement a language whose Turing Completeness relies on a major unsolved problem in Mathematics.
Caps Lock Morse Code
Inspired by Blink the CAPS LOCK
Input will be a string that contains only characters that can be represented in morse code.
Convert the input string to morse code and then output it using either the Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock indicators on the keyboard
Thoughts on...