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is that really impotrant?
@Downgoat I never understood them haha. Once I went to android, I understood views and activities easily (though I don't know if android View == iOS View)
@Downgoat If you want to give the full GH experience, then yes
@KritixiLithos in landscape, the Spinner comes to the right of the button when it's supposed to be at the top. This is worse than I thought
@Riker well that's a great idea. I did this with my other app (same problem), but I don't know why I didn't do with this one
.___. apparently there is website that makes you pay to get SVG icon but you can get free SVG from HTML
I don't even think that's incompetence on the developer's part.
Management was just giving them a bad time one day.
It's not like they can tell.
@KritixiLithos I never used the docs
I just figured it out myself
Android studio or Code?
@Downgoat please add. I have a small experience and I have a mac
@KritixiLithos Xcode
Actually both
@wat do you have an ios device?
@Downgoat 10/10
@Riker yeah and I can also use the built in emulator
I have an iPad 2 and iPhone 4S
maybe split follows into following/followers?
2 different tabs
but that might be too many tabs
@wat are you familiar with alamofire?
@wat I personally couldn't figure out heads or tails of xcode
@Downgoat no... from some googling it looks like a networking library
@wat ok, just make sure to branch & PR so they are no conflict because those are pain with XCode project. also be careful to not accidentally make too many request because I have limited API quota >_>
@Downgoat ok , all right
my GH username is dkudriavtsev
@Downgoat can i has view-allowness just because I want to stay updated on it
I can't contribute tho :(
Me too ^^
I don't think I ccan do that on GH, I can only give R/W perms
what is repo name?
actually I need to push so wait a sec before cloning
Not GoatHub? :P
@KritixiLithos this is susceptible to typo with... errr... :|
@Downgoat What makes this better than, say, codehub
@Downgoat with what?
@wat all existing ones suck and have bad UI and very difficult to use
also not completely free
ironic that app for Open Source apps, is not open source itself
also @wat I'm using cocapods so make sure you have that installed
I probably can't clone hte repo rn because i am on my desktop comptuer and it runs linux
I can work on it later
also, switching from mac control scheme to windows like control scheme is always "fun"
@wat okay, just remember to do otherwise won't build
actually macos is so nice that I've almost stopped using my desktop
@Downgoat aight
is there a way to have multiline code in a bulleted list without super long line breaks?
@muddyfish I can mobile tnb thank you very much ;p
no discord tho
@muddyfish you could have a bulleted list in multiline code
@JanDvorak but then it shows it as code
@TuxCopter Question: are y and ici interchangable? Like is J'y suis and Je suis ici both valid (I mean first one does have little ambiguous meaning but like in terms of grammatical validity0
@Downgoat I think yes, lemme check
Ne vous y fiez pasNe vous fiez pas ici
There was a drug bust at my sisters school. (Middle) and a kid got caught that stole his dad's weed and he sold it to a bunch of different kids.
Idk how to feel abou this
@ChristopherPeart o_O
I was like 4-8 kids were caught
What is wrong with the school county here
They smoked it in school also
y like every word in French has different meanings depending on context (>_>)
PSA: If you want to do drugs DO NOT buy and sell and smoke at school
@ChristopherPeart eh, it's pretty common where I live
around 25% of the time when you walk into bathroom people will be smoking
I think I have walked in on about 5-6 people doing drugs
I wasn't sure so didn't say anything
I also live in a decently wealthy area so I guess drugs are basically ubiquitous across schools in america
Just walked out nopeing super hard
My area as my older siblings and I call it "redneck high"
As in drug high
@Downgoat 404
@TuxCopter that's because you are not invited :P
I can invite you if you want
Oh it's on a private repo
Well, I can't be of any help on this because I don't know how to iOS
Updated my profile bio
Tell me what you think
This is looking pretty solid
@Downgoat Neat
@Downgoat that is so astatically pleasing to me you have no idea
> astatically
I used the right word
It was good enough to make me stop being jittery and actually focus
Unsteadily pleasing?
eh close enough
@muddyfish Isn't that a PS1?
oh wait nvm
@TuxCopter I have no idea
That's ... not disassembly.
I can't deny the efficiency of his approach, however.
@Downgoat Why did noone suggest the name downgit?
@DestructibleWatermelon this is great too
If you could hit your best friend with your car for 2 billion post tax dollars what color would your Lamborghini be?
I would not hit my best friend
^ same
but for me it's because I don't have friend :(
I might hit my best friend if it wasn't very hard
then I would share the $ with him/her
also I'm not sure I have a best friend anyway...
I would hit him gently with the car
Then have him hit me with his car
We pay our medical bills and leave
@Downgoat I will be your friend :)
@ChristopherPeart ok, brb hitting with car :P
Owch that hurrt
Split the money and collect insurance
You didn't say anything about how hard, so it's pretty easy to answer
@ChristopherPeart shit, did that dent car? :P
@Downgoat no
I had bubble wrap on wrapped in microfiber clothes to avoid scratches
someone's spamming flags :(
(not here)
If only Cubix had a power operator...
feature request registered
Would've made this a lot easier...
If anyone feels like reading a Sandbox post, I'm getting ready to post this
Also, the visual IP on your interpreter was really helpful...
I think Ruby is crazy
When I don't print debug info, it crashes, but when I print debug info it don't
@Luke Oh my word... that is the longest Cubix program I have ever seen by a factor of about 7
And the debug info is just a print
I wasted at least 3 hours on it...
@ETHproductions Looks good to me, no complaints before you post it
@Luke I think you can save 4 bytes by changing the Us at the bottom to sU at the lower left corner of the left-most face
The ;;/ is trickier to move because of the w
When I have more time, I'll take a good look at the algorithms to see if anything can be improved there
There are 2 loops, 1 main loop that outputs a number and character code, and an exponentiation loop. The latter is sort of hidden, but the former is in the middle.
Only one more +1 for my bronze code-golf badge :-)
can someone please explain this color naming to me ._.
@Downgoat Idk
CkC (Chat kilo-Challenge): Create a second-order logical expression equivalent to the one below using only the operators and quantifiers ∀∃∈∧∨¬→↔, parentheses, whitespace, and Latin letters. Your score is the total number of operators/quantifiers used (34 in the original.)
∀b((b ∈ a) ↔ (∀c((c ∈ b) ↔ (∀d((d ∈ c) ↔ (∀e((d ∈ e) ↔ ((∃f((f ∈ e) ∧ (∀g(¬(g ∈ f))))) ∧ (∀f((f ∈ e) → (∀g((∀h((h ∈ g) ↔ ((h ∈ f) ∨ (∀i((i ∈ f) ↔ (i ∈ h)))))) → (g ∈ e)))))))))))))
RGB is the same on Red, green, AND blue
@Downgoat Name trolling?
awww yissss
@Downgoat Maybe it's a joke based on interior decorating paint colours, which have a wide variety of esoteric sounding names for colours which all look white
@trichoplax But... but... but... it's gray
A very light shade of grey...
Or perhaps a psychological trick, to make people think there might be red there and actually think they see it
Because if you look for red in it, I guess you might be able to think you see it?
something like the gold and white dress that's actually black?
@JanDvorak Or how the brain auto-colors monochromatic images
@Downgoat Membean-Hacks?
just to show @Downgoat
It has to. There are no cone cells in the peripheral vision.
Perhaps the hex code is truncated from a high dynamic range colour that can't be shown on a 24 bit display, and has a hint of red so subtle it only shows up on HDR displays. Like #F9FF90F90
No, no, no. It's self-referential. The name is the hint.
@ckjbgames Is that a recursive 8 ball, that refers you to the 8 ball?
@trichoplax I don't think PNG supports that
@Downgoat that is amazing
@LegionMammal978 My comment was entirely unserious :P
@trichoplax Perhaps in some random PNG-supported color space it's slightly red but rounds to gray in RGB conversion?
@Downgoat I do see a hint of red. This name is messing up with me.
@LegionMammal978 That was my joking suggestion, but I don't think that's really the reason. I don't know what the real reason is though...
PNG doesn't support 64-bit colors, but you could extend the format easily.
@TuxCopter That's what I was thinking
@JanDvorak Do you mean the Hint of red? I'm curious now
@JanDvorak ik, but it uses some random commercial colorspace
why are brains so stupid
@TuxCopter Computers are.
@JanDvorak Computer brains are.
@TuxCopter They're not stupid, just tailored to be error tolerant, like Javascript...
Hence Skynet
@LegionMammal978 Brains of computer brains are.
@TuxCopter Computers of brain computers are.
@trichoplax But JavaScript is stupid
@JanDvorak javascript is stupid.
you can't deny
it's useful sometimes, but it's still stupid
I can, and I will.
@Downgoat too me_irl for r/me_irl
@Downgoat nj!
looks pretty good
@ETHproductions, I succesfully removed the bottom row. It's about to transform into a 6x6x6 cube though, so I'm afraid we won't be able to shave off a lot more bytes...
I'm leaving now, I'll respond to messages when I wake up again...
Thanks, you too
SO when trying to programming that program I ran into some issues
Need help
Anyone have ideas?
ok my dwarf fortress died
Was it fun?
It was entirely due to my own stupidity
if I kept the drawbridge closed they would have been fine
but I felt like killing some goblins
In my world, a lot of stuff went down in the crystal praries between humanoid races and giant dingoes
Mosus helmscrevice is a legend
he somehow managed to kill the titan that devastated my fortress
note that we might have been fine if the dwarfs had just pulled the lever when I told them to
Feb 17 at 23:43, by Riker
please don't start redirecting idle DF chatter into here, people have already expressed their displeasure with nethack talk
@DestructibleWatermelon you good with PJS or even JS
@MatthewRoh you good at JS?

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