@Downgoat I never understood them haha. Once I went to android, I understood views and activities easily (though I don't know if android View == iOS View)
@Downgoat If you want to give the full GH experience, then yes
@KritixiLithos in landscape, the Spinner comes to the right of the button when it's supposed to be at the top. This is worse than I thought
@Riker well that's a great idea. I did this with my other app (same problem), but I don't know why I didn't do with this one
@wat ok, just make sure to branch & PR so they are no conflict because those are pain with XCode project. also be careful to not accidentally make too many request because I have limited API quota >_>
@TuxCopter Question: are y and ici interchangable? Like is J'y suis and Je suis ici both valid (I mean first one does have little ambiguous meaning but like in terms of grammatical validity0
There are 2 loops, 1 main loop that outputs a number and character code, and an exponentiation loop. The latter is sort of hidden, but the former is in the middle.
CkC (Chat kilo-Challenge): Create a second-order logical expression equivalent to the one below using only the operators and quantifiers ∀∃∈∧∨¬→↔, parentheses, whitespace, and Latin letters. Your score is the total number of operators/quantifiers used (34 in the original.)
@Downgoat Maybe it's a joke based on interior decorating paint colours, which have a wide variety of esoteric sounding names for colours which all look white
Perhaps the hex code is truncated from a high dynamic range colour that can't be shown on a 24 bit display, and has a hint of red so subtle it only shows up on HDR displays. Like #F9FF90F90
@ETHproductions, I succesfully removed the bottom row. It's about to transform into a 6x6x6 cube though, so I'm afraid we won't be able to shave off a lot more bytes...
I'm leaving now, I'll respond to messages when I wake up again...