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java vs node.js ^
voted to close as primarily opinion-based
You can't VTC a fact an opinion!
@zyabin101 I'm with Leaky Nun
@aditsu So, UTC-8?
@zyabin101 i'm paris/europe :)
no, +8
Downgoat is -8
makes sense that downgoat is negative
@aditsu A one-letter change and he'd be in UTF-8!
scary thoughts
I'm in UTC-4 during the summer and UTC-5 otherwise.
@El'endiaStarman huh?
17 hours ago, by mınxomaτ
@hexafraction The offset to UTC is always constant. Only locally that changes. E.g. CET is always UTC+1 (but it might be +2 some time during the year in Germany).
@aditsu "UTC-8" and "UTF-8" have a Levenshtein distance of 1.
@El'endiaStarman Thus, you are always UTC-5
@El'endiaStarman that's not a letter, and who is "he"?
@Sherlock9 Hmmm, alright, I suppose so.
@aditsu downgoat
Hang on
Let me verify that
@ven Downgoat is already in UTF-8
@aditsu C and F aren't letters? (Also, I was referring to Downgoat.)
@aditsu are you sure? ಠ_ಠ
@aditsu UTC vs UTF
oops, my bad
I somehow misread UTF-8 as UTC+8 or something :/
@El'endiaStarman No, I'm wrong. You were right the first time
@Sherlock9 Woot. \o/
too bad I can't delete comments after 2 minutes..
I've been confusing Spaces with Google Tables for a few times now.
DST may make zyabin's timezone chart a little complicated then
unless they put in a note about timezone when DST is not in effect, or something
@aditsu Added!
ok :)
@ven UTC offset?
@zyabin101 At any rate, El is UTF-5
@zyabin101 +1
@Sherlock9 UTC-5?
Gosh darn it, now you guys have me doing it >:(
@ven Added!
Yes, zyabin
@zyabin101 (I think that was a joke- welp, guess not!)
in a few days I'll be in UTC+3 (for a while)
@El'endiaStarman Added!
Universal Time Format :p
> visited 271 days, 93 consecutive
I'm 100% i'm going to mess this up
100% sure
@BassdropCumberwubwubwub Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
@El'endiaStarman I'm really going to try my best not to forget to log in every day
@zyabin101 so are you Liliya Zyabina?
@aditsu I have my Google account registered under my mother's name. >_>
Hmm, I should invite even more people to the Remaining Bytes. :3
@zyabin101 wat
A Google Spaces space for PPCG users, dat!
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ ^
:D My laptop is now completely dark themed
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ :D
So basically, no one wants to get in the Remaining Bytes. >_>
At least I have someone's attention on me.
I wrote a story with 1366 words "meow".
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ So how did you do it?
How do you "install" Javascript scripts and CSS stylesheets?
@Sherlock9 JS: tampermonkey, CSS: Stylish
top right corner
BTW, the dark theme is just CSS
I need to get people to the Remaining Bytes. :/
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Thank you very much
@Sherlock9 Do you use firefox or chrome?
So Greasemonkey
Doorknob's theme folder, if you want, you can get Stylish + install the three SE styles (.css)
brb with 30% of chance this mean in a long time
Otherwise: GreaseMonkey links for design script, SOX (SE, but better)
My bad, SOX, design
Got dammit I'm addicted to Pokémon Go
just spent 4h walking this morning
@Fatalize lulz
mah poor feetses
I'm sure you have an impressive army of Rattatas and Pidgeys to show for it
Evolved all my pidgeys with a lucky egg active to farm experience
I probably won't ever understand those pookymons.. but the exercise/weight loss aspect is somewhat enticing
Don't really need the weight loss aspect, I weigh 55kg
HK is burning hot these days though
(and the game launched here a couple of days ago)
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Which three again?
I forget
@Sherlock9 look in the folder, just copy-paste the three .css starting with stackexchange into stylish > new script
@aditsu HK has seen hotter days
yeah, it's not like a record, but still too hot to enjoy walking outside
Ok thanks
I have a question about pronunciation (linguistics), can anyone help me here?
depends on the language presumably
except at night I guess
Which programming language are you trying to pronounce?
@Fatalize your language also works
Anyway, here's my question:
How exactly do you pronounce the sequence -bs- ?
Wait, @Fatalize your language doesn't work
like absolute?
@Fatalize yes, but in your language, such sequences automatically become /ps/
or bz
but my guess is that's true for almost every language$
absolu > /apsɔly/ (French)
because bs is awkward
but in English absolute is /ˈabsəluːt/
just stop between the b and the s
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Hooray! Stylish works!
And it works without the beta-blue js thing, oddly enough
@Fatalize the things is, in English, final /b/ becomes [p] although the phenomic transcription in IPA does not mark it
@Sherlock9 yeah, when i had beta-blue SE was broken
@LeakyNun i don't see how that's relevant
@LeakyNun Not in kebab. Not an English word, admittedly
@Fatalize if you introduce a stop, then the /b/ would become a [p]
@LeakyNun No? Just stop slightly between the b and s sounds to make it easier to pronounce
I think the /b/ in absolute is aspirated
But I'm not sure
checks which room he's in..
Q: Patch the Paragraph

TimmyDIn the spirit of Patch the Image, here's a similar challenge but with text. Challenge Bit rot has afflicted your precious text! Given a paragraph composed of ASCII characters, with a rectangular hole somewhere in it, your program should try to fill in the hole with appropriate text, so that the...

@Sherlock9 you mean voiceless?
@Fatalize No, still can't
corncob doesn't become corncop
so many cunning linguists here..
I'm actually a master debater.
how did you guys learn those phonetic terms? I could never understand what they mean (I guess I'd need somebody to demonstrate irl)
@TimmyD can you find any pronunciation video online?
@aditsu how may I help you?
:D I can toggle sidebar now
@LeakyNun well, what's fricative? velar? voiced? glottal? and all those other things?
@LeakyNun I wouldn't even know where to start looking. But I can say that the cob from corncob is pronounced just like the cob in cobbler (a person who repairs shoes) or cobbler (a type of dessert), even though those are pronounced slightly differently (3 syllables for the first, 2 for the second).
@aditsu "fricative" refers to manner of pronunciation
like for example /s/ and /θ/
where the place of pronunciation is almost closed and you force air to pass through it
velar is a place of pronunciation, where you pronounce "with the back of the tongue near the soft palate, as in k and g in English."
> The "--progress" tag reports on each file individually so you see tons of unfamiliar stuff scrolling by very fast.
^ from the official Ubuntu wiki
@aditsu these things can only be understood clearly through comparison, where I give you examples of things that are not fricative or not velar, etc
Hey look I have 9.88k rep, will get to 10k any day now
@aditsu are you with me?
kind of..
@aditsu just chime in anytime to ask me a question
well, how did you learn these things?
Yeah, always wondered what those crazy IPA-related terms meant
@aditsu by searching online lol
@LegionMammal978 how can I hel pyou?
IPA is another can of worms :p
@LeakyNun Continue explaining things
so, voiced is opposed to voiceless
for example, /z/ and /s/, /z/ is voiced but /s/ is not
@LeakyNun you must have a deep interest in that.. I also searched, then fell asleep after reading 1 or 2 paragraphs
it refers to that when you pronounce /z/, the vocal cord vibrates
without understanding anything
@aditsu I do have a deep interest in linguistics
but when you pronounce /s/, the vocal cord does not vibrate
you can feel the vibration by putting your hand on the front neck
glottal is another place of pronunciation, which refers to the vocal cords
@LeakyNun good thing I'm not near anyone else right now :p
for example /h/ is glottal because when you pronounce /h/, air passes through the vocal cords to produce the sound
@LegionMammal978 lol
@aditsu are you with me?
@LeakyNun (Kermit): God I'm stoned :p
@aditsu just ask me if you don't understand
@LegionMammal978 how many languages do you use?!
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ ?
for golfing
looks like pretty evenly distributed between JS/C#/Mathematica
Hope it doesn't get detected as serial voting :)
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I mostly use Mathematica, occasionally C#, some esolangs/new golfing langs for easier challenges
@LeakyNun I guess I understand, now remembering is a different matter :p
@BusinessCat Well, just got 100 rep's worth
@aditsu eh, good
@LeakyNun No, I thought that I was pronouncing /b/ with a breath of air, aka aspiration. I am mistaken
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Don't really use JS much, I can't use it without MDN open at all times
so, what's sibilant? and aspirated?
@Sherlock9 oh, that's aspirated?
If I remember correctly, yes
The full list of what I can speak:
May 27 at 15:15, by LegionMammal978
@LeakyNun Mathematica, C#, C, l33tsp34k, American English, JavaScript (if I have MDN open), Coq proofs, and a few others
May 27 at 15:19, by LegionMammal978
Oh yeah I also speak some Java
ooh, speak Java to me baby
@aditsu System.out.println("Heyyyyy babe");
Coq proofs!
Learn Agda and Idris then; they're amazing
@LegionMammal978 Well, I pretty much can't use anything without documentation open
@TùxCräftîñg System.exit(0xCAFEBABE);
@aditsu yes
@Sherlock9 eh, voiced aspirated?
Really, I can only use C# fluently (let's be honest, Mathematica has so many commands that it requires integrated documentation [which it has!])
i can use python, c#, javascript, perl, c and c++ without doc
or without the doc permanently open
"You can't delete this accepted answer"
@zyabin101 Syntax error on token "++", * expected before this token
@TùxCräftîñg You can use C stdlibs without docs? o_O
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the most used functions
like f?printf, etc...
@LegionMammal978 D:
Yeah, needed to look in ~10 different places for the networking docs
@TùxCräftîñg You use regex? o_O
I can use C# with VS' autocomplete
I thought regex was evil[^the Remaining Bytes]...
^^^, I do depend on VS'/MonoDevelop's autocomplete sometimes...
Can use a few parts of node without documentation, and python and none of its modules
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ I try not to use node whenever I can
@LegionMammal978 why
For one, it adds extra browser cookies to every site with node on it
Only langs I can do mostly without docs are Java, JS, and PHP
Also, I find that it just isn't needed much
@LeakyNun voiced but not aspirated. Ab is aspirated, but in absolute, I pronounce /s/ aspirated, not /b/
@LegionMammal978 ??????????
But I always have to look up substr and substring in JS because I never remember which is which
@LegionMammal978 what do you mean/link to evidence?
@Sherlock9 "Ab is aspirated"?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Check your cookies for __utma and __utmz
@LegionMammal978 That's google analytics, not node
I just disapprove of node
^ wat
Yesss, I hate node
node is good because it has a module for everything
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ OHH, node, I thought you meant jQuery :p
which makes it really hard to get into developing for it
Yeah, node is fine with me
everything's already been made ;-; nothing new to make
wat how did you confuse jQuery with node
How do you disapprove of JQuery?
@Quill not everything
The only problem I have is the fact that you need to use CPS for everything for asynchrony
@LegionMammal978 CPS?
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Continuation-Passing Style, i.e. everything takes a callback
node is async by default because it's focused on server usage
@LegionMammal978 ES7 introduces C#-style async/await
So you can't use normal linear functions
If I want to read a file, I have to define an entirely separate callback function for what to do with the result (namely process it and pass it to the outer functions callback, with is just crazy)
looks like no async/await support yet :(
@LegionMammal978 you can just use an inline function/lambda
@Quill You're a mod, so you know things. Is there a way to force an unaccept of an answer?
No, a better question is why?
Got some context here?
The asker was a little too ambitious on this answer
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Once I needed to read and process 3 lines from a file, so I had to define 3 nested callback functions, each of which unregistered itself and registered its inner callback
@Quill also this (right click)
@LegionMammal978 wat
can't you just synchronously read three lines?
@TimmyD There's no way to force someone to unaccept an answer, this is part of a a Q&A system, the accept is for the answer that helped you the most. One of the benefits of codegolf's identity in a Q&A network
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ nope, node requires everything to be asynchronous
@LegionMammal978 Then why is there readFileSync?
and everything + Sync in the fs module?
at least, most node modules
most have importedModuleObject.sync as the synchronous version
@Quill Makes sense, just figured I'd ask.
const Readable = require('stream').Readable;
const util = require('util');
util.inherits(Programs, Readable);

function Programs(opt) {
    Readable.call(this, opt);
    this._i = 0;

Programs.prototype._read = function() {
    this.push((this._i++).toString(2).replace(/0/g, '*').replace(/1/g, ':'));

function sprint(stream) {
    process.stdout.write(stream.read(), function() { sprint(stream); });

sprint(new Programs());
^ just that (wrote it myself)
@TimmyD Seems to be fixed now
(presumably by the asker)
@LegionMammal978 what about it
@MᴀʀsUʟᴛᴏʀ Why is so much abstraction needed just for a for..print loop?
@LegionMammal978 because you want to print from a stream (i.e. object with asynchronous data?)
Oh well
I guess it works (it makes Cheddar run)
@trichoplax Looks like Martin hammered it somehow.
for things like files you can do console.log(fs.readFileSync(path));
Can someone find the challenge I was working on? The test cases were:
1 (1) --> Falsy
2 (1,2) --> Falsy
3 (1,2,3) --> 1+2-3, Truthy
4 (1,2,3,4) --> -1+2+3-4, Truthy
5 (1,2,3,4,5) --> Falsy
6 (1,2,3,4,5,6) --> Falsy
7 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) --> 1+2-3-4+5+6-7, Truthy
If there is a way to add/sub the range to get zero, return True.
I can't find it, not even in my browser history.
@LegionMammal978 Synchronous node is much more normal, pretty sure it can become pretty C#-like (well, get/set is slightly different, and you can use lambdas freely, and there are no access modifiers)
@LeakyNun Ab by itself is aspirated
The way I say it
@Sherlock9 Even the vowel is aspirated?
Oh, for heaven's sake
Just the /b/
Is it voiced then?
Yes, I believe so
Although I've tested my own throat with "absolute, absolute, absolute" so many times, it's all starting to blend together :/
I'd love to post this challenge however I haven't received any feedback so far. Is there anything wrong with it?
@Sherlock9 How can it be voiced and aspirated?
Are you discussing phonotactics? :3
@zyabin101 googles phonotactics
@mbomb007 it's basically the partition/subset sum problem, but I don't recall a challenge that did it specifically on runs of consecutive integers.
Not really.
Because I no longer remember what either mean apparently @_@
I'm no longer sure. I remember /b/ is voiced in general
@Sherlock9 voiced means your vocal cords vibrate
@mbomb007 if you have more test cases, plug it into OEIS as 0s and 1s and search PPCG for the OEIS number
aspirated means a considerable amount of air is given out
Phonotactics (from Ancient Greek phōnḗ "voice, sound" and taktikós "having to do with arranging") is a branch of phonology that deals with restrictions in a language on the permissible combinations of phonemes. Phonotactics defines permissible syllable structure, consonant clusters, and vowel sequences by means of phonotactical constraints. Phonotactic constraints are highly language specific. For example, in Japanese, consonant clusters like /st/ do not occur. Similarly, the sounds /kn/ and /ɡn/ are not permitted at the beginning of a word in Modern English but are in German and Dutch, and were...
I remember I that I sort of pop my lips
@zyabin101 not really
@mbomb007 I saw that
I thought that was aspiration
@Sherlock9 that's called bilabial plosive, bilabial meaning the lips, plosive meaning pop
phonology? :3
@zyabin101 just phonics?
@flawr If it's a golf, would it be better to make it either graphical output or ascii art, rather than both? Or is there interest in finding which is shorter in each language?
@LeakyNun Pronunciation here en.wiktionary.org/wiki/absolute
@trichoplax I just thought the principle is the same, as you have to define a grid, and for each "pixel" find the sign of the given function, and then apply some discrete filtering for finding where the sign changes, so I don't think there is a big difference.
@Sherlock9 the first one has /b/, the second one already dropped the /b/

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