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@DavidCarlisle @egreg I started. Visualization and more numbers yet to come (& the last number is still off - will correct later) .midi & .ly @ vincentverheyen.com/node/34
@DavidCarlisle -- generaldisplayblock might sound more reasonable as long as it didn't complain about missing item if anything unexpected sneaks in at the beginning.
4 hours later…
Goodness, this is truly pythonian:
f=lambda s,i=0:s[i:]and(s[~i]*2).title()[~('@'<s[i]<'[')]+f(s,i+1)
2 hours later…
Hi @R.Schumacher, your duck is on its way! :)
@PauloCereda Thanks, watching the tracking and I see the duck has left San Paulo.
@R.Schumacher Looks like it's in the customs ATM, but hopefully it will be released soon. :)
1 hour later…
People are quiet today. :)
@AlanMunn: ^^ can't wait until egreg threatens me with the comfy chair. :)
@PauloCereda You're sentenced to hearing this soundtrack during every travel on the shaky bus.
@egreg Oh no!
@Johannes, @ChristianHupfer: I have to ask you two > this very serious question <.
@PauloCereda Thanks, it seems to be GEMA protected ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Damn you GEMA!
@DavidCarlisle -- you've got mail.
@egreg -- what you've answered to tex.stackexchange.com/q/318374 makes sense for a one-time repair, but i'm unconvinced it would be the best solution for an internal change to amsthm. since it's only a matter of time (and not very long at that) until we'll need to support xetex for ams publications, this is something that should be looked at. recommendation, please.
@PauloCereda What has GEMA ever done for us ... SHAKING FIST AT GEMA .... ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Exactly. :)
@PauloCereda Well, it prevents strange content posted by Brazilian Ducks! That is positive! :-P
@ChristianHupfer GEMA kept protecting Pat from my links. :)
@barbarabeeton I'm not sure what's to be done in general. However, since \theoremstyle{plain} unconditionally does \itshape, the current workaround should be OK (I modified it according to @UlrikeFischer's suggestion). Probably Will should provide a public interface for resetting the \em level.
@egreg -- thanks. i'll just go ahead and put it on the bugs list, and hope that whatever is done allow a straightforward fix to amsthm that doesn't have adverse side effects for pdflatex or uses with pre-2016 installations.
I have a section heading that doesn't fit on the current page so I end up with a gap at the bottom. How do people tweak their documents to handle this?
@StrongBad -- you could specify \flushbottom but that would simply make gaps elsewhere on the page. or you could shorten previous pages with \enlargethispage{<some negative dimension>}. or you could rewrite to put more words on the page. (i'd accept the short page where it is.)
@barbarabeeton I was thinking \enlargethispage on a previous page (or two) to make the whitespace a little bigger with the hope of getting the section header (and a line or two of text) to fit.
@StrongBad -- yes, that should work; it does take effort, so don't tackle it until you're sure that nothing on earlier pages is going to change. and do (as you point out) keep at least one line of text with the section header; orphaned headers are atrocious, and it's not really their fault.
@AlanMunn: I hope you're well!
What is required to get Proposition/Example/Theorem/Proof things working?
I used earlier them:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
but now I changed template here and not worknig :/
They don't complie this entry of Textclass, what is that?
So, Avast bought AVG.
What if someone install those two companies' antivirus at the same time? :D
@hhh -- is any theorem package loaded? try adding \usepackage{amsthm} since this looks very much like that style of theorem declaration.
@ChristianHupfer Yes, fine thanks.
@AlanMunn Glad to hear that!
@AlanMunn Oh my, something happened? Get well!
@barbarabeeton Correct, now I am getting the numbers but without the texts such as Example/Theorem/Proof such as 133 below
@hhh MWE. :)
@hhh -- are such defaults as \theoremname actually defined by this class file? (they are not defined by amsthm.)
@barbarabeeton thank you, I just added the following, working :)

@egreg: if you set up a (virtual) Windows install, you will be able to tackle MiKTeX questions and increase your reputation by a factor of 2!
@PauloCereda I have enough. ;-) The only important thing is having more than @DavidCarlisle (which is pretty easy, though).
@egreg -- though he's not advertising it, he's actually spending time helping me behind the scenes with amsmath. not much visible rep for that, but definitely a lot of well-deserved appreciation.
@barbarabeeton David helps me with breaking my stuff. :)
@PauloCereda Three more CDs in a row screwed, this time by K3B :-( This thing starts to get seriously bad
@yo' Tom, is there a way to check your physical device?
This is starting to sound fishy.
@PauloCereda I got some CDs burnt in between
it crashes between 50 and 60%
@yo' High.
@PauloCereda yeah, too high for a "device error" IMHO
if only I had a CDRW at hand
@yo' Faulty medias, perhaps?
@PauloCereda 2 old CDs I believed, but a new set of 10 CDs, bought today? Different manufacturer, slightly different technology
it's either the software or the hardware :-( (or an enormous coincidence, but as Shakespeare says, there are no coincidences)
@yo' I'd blame the hardware, although Brasero really sucks.
@PauloCereda K3B used since the first time yesterday
I'll have to go to my parents' to finish the burning
(but, in retrospect, the amount of time Brasero took on performing the checksum activity leads me to think there's some sort of IO error in the device)
but this sucks
@yo' K3B failed me a very few times. This situation is indeed very strange.
@PauloCereda I don't say it's impossible, but I wasn't the first one to have this happened
also it fails in a strange way, it says something about "permission denied" and stops
@yo' No, certainly not.
can i run K3b as a root?
@yo' I think it's possible, although I don't recommend it. :)
@PauloCereda because IIRC, the error is "cdrecord: operation not permitted" or alike
(another shitty thing: I can save the log, but it does not contain the error message.)
@yo': Try gnomebaker
@PauloCereda I'll try some command line tool (created an ISO in k3b)
I give it a last chance using wodim from terminal as a root
Oh no, root access... :(
@PauloCereda I'm careful, don't worry
but I smell this is a hardware problem, the device makes a sound as if some rotation was slowing down steadily
@yo' Looks like. :(
@PauloCereda I'm fine. I was in the middle of a big car accident (6 cars and a big truck) but both me and my car escaped without any damage at all.
@AlanMunn like in the eye of a hurricane? :-)
@AlanMunn Oh my! I am so so so sorry to hear!
@Johannes, @ChristianHupfer ^^
@PauloCereda Quite slippery :D
@AlanMunn but actually I'm glad you're safe!
@PauloCereda Got through, it seems I have a working CD now
@yo' cool
well, it works in my hifi :)
now, I'm gonna do some soldering, see you later!
@yo' Yes, pretty much. A tractor-trailer ploughed into cars stopped on the highway because of another accident further ahead. I guess he didn't notice or noticed too late that the traffic had stopped I managed to drive off to the side and avoid being hit (or hitting anyone else) by the truck behind me or the two cars that spun around in front of me. Others were not so lucky.
@AlanMunn -- yikes! glad you're safe! sounds like a lot of people had a less than wonderful morning.
@barbarabeeton Thanks, this was yesterday early evening. I think two people were very seriously injured (one was a very young child) but everyone else was more or less ok. But it was a very surreal experience.
@AlanMunn -- surreal for sure! the most surreal experience i've had was driving up the southeast expressway into boston, looking in the rear-view mirror, and suddenly i saw pretty close behind me the underside of a car that was flipping over. i think he must have driven up onto the jersey barrier and lost control. fortunately, i was in front, and just kept going ...
@AlanMunn Oh my! :(
@barbarabeeton Yes, seeing a tractor-trailer barrelling toward me in my rear view mirror was like being in a movie scene, except it wasn't.
@AlanMunn -- i remember the movie. i think i didn't have any fingernails left by the time it was over. good thing you've got good reflexes. very sorry about the injured, especially the child.
1 hour later…
@egreg Cricket? Hockey? Curling? Tennis? Stealing Answer Ticks? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Feigning ignorance? ;-)
@egreg I am not feigning... I don't watch the match. Having a lot of stuff to do -- usual end-of-school year work -- grades, preparing exams, excursions ...
@ChristianHupfer Well, France scored
@egreg Ah ... well, I don't mind. I am no fan of football
@Johannes_B: You should definitely attend the DANTE meeting in September -- You will love this talk:
Mit Classicthesis lassen sich wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten eindrucksvoll setzen.
Lyx erlaubt ein schnelles Einarbeiten und ist ein sehr stabiles System. Wie man Lyx und
Zutaten installiert und damit arbeitet. Als Beispiele werden Classicthesis und Beamer vorgestellt.
Any easy way to output numbers 50 until 1 in a vertical way (each number below the other one), while having them all lined up RIGHT horizontally; instead of LEFT? I also need to control the exact vertical spacing between each number (they are not all equally spaced, but instead the vertical spacing between the numbers should match the spacing on an image; in which not every note, starting from "re" (1) to "do" (50), has the same vertical spacing in between them.
@VincentVerheyen Not really clear to me
E.g. every "re" to every "mi" has a space 2 (2 half tones) between them, but every "mi" to "fa" only has a space 1 (1 half tone) between them.
@ChristianHupfer How to output an array of numbers 50 until 1, so that they appear in a vertical array, lined up right horizontally? --- If you would have any idea on this --- I'll deal with the vertical spacing then separately.
In other words - how to output a list of numbers elegantly, without having to paste all of the numbers (50 to 2 actually) manually? -- Can we create a programmed iteration list in Tex?



@ChristianHupfer So cool. Thank you, amazing. How can you do that during the football match? ;)
@VincentVerheyen I am no fan of football


\advance \c@loopcounter by -1

@ChristianHupfer I read in the German newspaper the other day that many Germans discover national sentiments at the European Championships. --- I must say I was guilty of that for my country as well, I was actually watching.
@ChristianHupfer Thanks a lot. 2 very nice solutions. However, it might be quite difficult to get unequal spacing this way, right? I'll have to add information about the C major scale (half or whole tones intervals between its notes) ...
@VincentVerheyen This might be true (regardless which nation), but not for me (and many others too, I suppose ;-))
@VincentVerheyen Hm, I think an enumeration would be easier still
@VincentVerheyen A flexible command:

 {% #1 = separation, #2 = start, #3 = end, #4 = step
  \seq_clear:N \l_tmpa_seq
  \int_step_inline:nnnn { #2 } { #4 } { #3 }
    \seq_put_right:Nn \l_tmpa_seq { ##1 }
  \seq_use:Nn \l_tmpa_seq { #1 }



\printnumbers[; ]{50}{2}{-2}

@egreg So predictable ;-)
@ChristianHupfer And watching the match
@PauloCereda :-)
@StefanKottwitz -- i think i've just come across another site that is "scraping" content from tex.sx; it's also getting the format badly wrong: ceus-now.com ; the particular item i'm looking at is ceus-now.com/… from tex.stackexchange.com/q/20527 (cited in a request to ams tech-support.)
@ChristianHupfer Who gives the talk? Who wants to be my special friend?
@Johannes_B Talk a look on the DANTE page, at the programe.
@barbarabeeton I am really not sure right now, but i think i already flagged the page. Another flag doesn't seem to hurt, though. :-)
@egreg It's certainly interesting to learn from. -- I can't tweak it though so that the vertical spacing between the numbers matches. What I would need is to have a double vertical spacing (relative) between all numbers, instead of between the following numbers (3-4 & 7-8 & 10-11 & 14-15 & 17-18 & 21-22 & 24-25 & 28-29 & 31-32 & 35-36 & 38-39 & 42-43 & 45-46 & 49-50) who would get a single vertical spacing (relative to the double spacing) ...
... So between every number of (7n-4, and 7n) and the next number.
Yay, it looks like the duck had permission to leave Brazil and go to R. Schumacher's house. :)
@VincentVerheyen Sorry, but I don't understand
@PauloCereda The consolation prize.
@PauloCereda Ralph? The driver? :)
@AlanMunn :)
i.sstatic.net/V5WvU.jpg Do you see the top left slanted line of cubes going op (the line that reaches the highest)? I would like to create a vertical line of numbers going from 50 (top) to 2 (bottom), where each number would be placed corresponding to a separate coloured cube (they represent ascending notes in the C major scale).
@egreg :)
@egreg Because between the "mi" (e) and "fa" (f) and the "ti" (b) and the "do" (c) there is only half as much space as between all the other notes, that's why I would need a different spacing for all numbers 7n-4 & their subsequent numbers, as well as between all numbers 7n & their subsequent numbers.
@AlanMunn Well, there are no fortune, this shows your promptness :)
@yo' Maybe so, but if I had been even a couple of cars further back no amount of reflexes would likely have helped.
@VincentVerheyen -- why not have two counters: one that represents the value to be printed, and the second that goes from 1 to 7, then resets. for the main counter, subtract 1 at every step. for the secondary counter, add one at every step, and at 4, short skip, at 7, short skip and reset to 1, everywhere else, wide skip.
@VincentVerheyen are you looking for something like 2n-floor(n/7)-floor((n+4)/7)?
@AlanMunn -- having been plowed into once by a (small) truck, and my husband having been in a spectacular rollover, i've kept coming back to saabs, which have always sacrificed themselves to keep the occupants intact. now that that's no longer a viable option, i'm looking hard. the mini is really attractive, but would i, as an occupant, survive mishaps such as those that we have already experienced?
@barbarabeeton I'm a fan of Subarus, which are very safe, but I have thankfully had only one tiny accident in ~25 yrs of driving (I slid into somebody on an icy road at 20mph) so I don't have any real experience on that. What I've heard about minis isn't very good from a reliability standpoint though. No idea about safety of them though.
@Alan: what's the most common brand in the US?
@PauloCereda I have no idea. I suspect its somewhat regional. The Toyota Camry is the most popular car overall here, I think, in terms of numbers sold.
@AlanMunn -- well, i've been responsible for only two accidents. the first, when i was just learning to drive, i drove into a tree (overcorrected turning a corner). the second was in a snowstorm, when i went too far into an intersection, then backed up ... right into a ups van. (driver of van was panicked; since he was behind me, he was afraid that if i sued he'd be found guilty. but it really was all my fault, and quite embarrassing.)
@AlanMunn Interesting. It's quite difficult to see a Camry around, as it's very expensive.
@barbarabeeton :)
I saw some Camrys in SP the other day because of the Uber thingy.
@yo' I am not sure if ceiling or floors are necessary in the case; although I can't work out a working solution.
@barbarabeeton It sounds good :)
@PauloCereda I actually think that the Ford F-150 pickup truck is the most popular vehicle overall. People here really like their trucks.
@AlanMunn Oh my! :)
@AlanMunn -- a ford f-150 was the vehicle that barrelled into us (we were stopped at a traffic light in northern new jersey). i still swear that i heard a loud "sh*t" just before the screech and crunch.
@barbarabeeton The best selling vehicle for 32 straight years, apparently.
@AlanMunn It should be a large part of the American dream then.
@VincentVerheyen -- some of us have different dreams ...
@barbarabeeton I want a duckmobile. :)
@PauloCereda is it a sort of papamobile?
@yo' Quite, but with ducks instead. :)
What if we have ze pope and a duck together in the pope car? :)
@PauloCereda that would be Father Francis visiting Paulo :)
@yo' ooh
9 hours ago, by Paulo Cereda
@Johannes, @ChristianHupfer: I have to ask you two > this very serious question <.
^^ probably relevant, for the multicultural part. :)
btw, finally got my soldering done:
@barbarabeeton Would you wish to post an answer if I created an OP?
@yo' What are you creating?
@VincentVerheyen camp tent lighting :) (see the UPS battery on top right?)
@yo' :D Ok. And are those led lights? How long would that last?
@VincentVerheyen yes, those are LED lights. On this full power, about 10 hours. But note that i lightens a 20-metre room conveniently, so it is a lot of light.
@yo' Thanks.
@VincentVerheyen you're welcome :)
@ChristianHupfer How could I change the paragraph (lineskip indentation) for such a series please?
A Czech 12-year scout boy saved his dad after an electric shock in a garden swimming pool. Sometimes you feel that all the volunteering has its purpose.
@yo' Saved by doing CPR?
@AlanMunn saved by staying calm and first unplugging the broken lamp :-) Then he checked that his dad is breathing and then he called help.
But you know, at the age of 12, you've seen some injuries at the camps (maybe not an electric shock) so you know by example that the most important thing is to stay calm.
now it's time to go.See you later!
I would like to argue that every off-topic topic is instead on-topic, as it clearly denotes what doesn't belong to the before-defined on-topic topics. -- To go off-topic then: does anybody know a certain video screen capturer for Windows, which would produce HIGH quality recordings? For free / open source perhaps?
@VincentVerheyen What are you talking about?

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