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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

5:00 PM
Well ever since I started development I knew i wanted to try and implement some form of motion controls since it'd be pretty cool and fit the game play model well. Initially I was literally going to try prototyping with my android/Google Cardboard duo and a PS Move controller for motion controls. I remembered the Vive too and knew I couldn't afford that huge price tag so I figured I'd send Valve an e-mail telling them about my game and the worst that could happen is them not replying or telling
me to go away. So I did and then literally not even 48 hours later they sent me a code for a Vive and I was elated. Long story short I got a dev kit and am working with that now. I think I may order a Leap Motion (they are very cheap actually) and add support for that too (later on, again trying to prevent feature creep).
Long story short ya motion controls (particularly the Vive's and maybe leap motions) are something I'm aiming for at launch.
That's awesome!
Ya. To be honest I really was kind of expecting no reply lol. I'm not sure if they liked the idea enough to send me one or if they just decided "who cares?" and sent me one. Either way it was definitely a big confidence booster and has helped tremendously in the development process.
Yeah I can really see your game played on a motion controller.
The tricky part has been trying to make it work well as a seated experience. The game was designed from the ground up to be open world. I really would have liked to have made it [mainly] room scale but I feel that it would have butchered what I originally had in mind to squish it down. That and my room is so damn tiny lol.
5:07 PM
Look I want to keep the peace and all but what exactly happened with this selfless character? If you don't mind taking about it.
I'm impatient
Before anything even happened this morning, I wanted to talk to @Tyyppi_77 about smart pointers
Your thing was supposed to be a real quick comment, @Sie
@MickLH Using the account that you used to trash my ledge slipping was the correct procedure to do that?
Wait Mick is selfless?
@Tyyppi_77 I thought that would be good because then you'd know it's me lol
5:09 PM
I don't know if it's true to you, but for me all of your selfless puppets represent the Mick that I can't have a reasonable conversation with.
And that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you, so don't take that as an insult.
I guess so
I mean, by definition they only existed in that form as the result of severe conversation problems
Yeah I get that.
Just to be clear, I am well aware of having several personalities. That means it's not the "crazy" kind of multiple personality, just the regular kind lol.
Yeah and that's not a problem at all, I was kinda aware of that, I think you've mentioned something like that before
5:12 PM
Anyways, smart pointers
I would totally be using them, if I wasn't building the game on the same foundations I laid down when I started programming in C++
Ok you can probably still just drop std::unique_ptr in most places
I'm not a huge fan of "only this part of the code base uses these" programming, so that's why even the newest components don't use them
I'll assume you already know the basics of smart pointers?
The basics in a really generic way. Never used them, but I've seen them used, so yeah, I can follow along
5:14 PM
So I'll cut into the meat of C++ specifics: The unique_ptr is basically just a wrapper on a regular pointer
But it has one detail that kindof rubs you the wrong way at first but makes sense after a while
You can't copy it
If you have two unique pointers a = 0; b = new Thing(); and you do a = b;
then you'll have b == 0 after that, and only a keeps the pointer
By obeying this rule, you'll never let more than one class own the pointer
And since only one class ever owns the pointer, the unique_ptr can call delete for you when it falls out of scope
Yeah I can definitely improve as a programmer in terms of memory ownership.
Smart pointers are supposed to be passed around as regular value-objects, right?
Yeah you use them as value objects
But their value is the pointer
So void foo(Bar* obj) would change to void foo(std::unique<Bar> obj)?
Is unique the correct one?
5:18 PM
And yeah that looks right
But as in "passed to another object/function"?
Wouldn't that destroy the instance when the function scopes out?
(You can just say here "plz go read a tutorial on smart pointers")
I would if I found one that wasn't sketchy :/
5:19 PM
You cannot pass a unique_ptr as lvalue iirc
Yeah that doesn't really make sense to me
as this would copy
So that would then be like... shared?
You're being one of those C++ guys
We're not trying to read the standard word for word, we're trying to develop an understanding, so that reading the manual will actually be a useful exercise.
People misinterpret the manual when they don't already have some level of understanding.
@Tyyppi_77 So if you're calling a function, 99% of the time you'll just pass a direct reference
The unique_ptr and shared_ptr only really need to show up in class members in normal cases
As in &reference?
5:21 PM
Yeah, or even by value if it's smalle
Basically when you're in a class method, and the class owns the pointer, you can use the pointer "directly"
It's only when ownership can transfer, that you should use the smart pointer
Oh right, now I get it
However, when you pass just access around, which actual type would you pass around?
Now with that premise: Use shared_ptr everywhere. You're welcome.
So like if a class of some sort creates a std::unique_ptr or some sort, maybe like a class that allows sound playback
@Tyyppi_77 If you are passing "down" then you can use the raw pointer, if you are passing "up" then you use the smart pointer
5:23 PM
That class then allows some instances it creates, to use the same audio class
What would the owner class pass to the constructors?
Basically imagine that as long as you have the smart pointer, the pointer works
`std::unique_ptr<AudioDevice>& audioDevice`?
`AudioDevice* audioDevice`?
Imagine this: you have a smart pointer in scope, and you call a function inside that scope, the function returns and the smart pointer still exists.
Aight yeah, exactly the scenarion I'm thinking about
5:24 PM
The smart pointer still existing means the pointer is still good. You could just pass the raw pointer
And is that a valid direct cast?
You can retrieve the raw pointer easily, yes
But that does require a code change?
int foo(Bar* bar)

int main()
	std::unique_ptr<Bar> bar(new Bar());

5:26 PM
Think from the called function's point of view: That pointer is constant from the first line to the last
No need for memory management
=> No need for smart pointer
Now, this is where I believe that regular pointers are nice: factory methods
What would that look like with smart pointers?
I couldn't use an unique pointer there, right?
You'll have to give me an example of what your factory idiom looks like
Or I could give a simple example
5:28 PM
Entity* createEntity(EntityType type)
	if (type == EntityType::Enemy) return new EntityEnemy();
	else return new EntityDummy();
You couldn't use unique pointer there as it would immediately out-scope
Ok this is just a detail:
Would I pass around regular pointers until the owner class (Level) receives the entity in Level::AddEntity?
You technically can use unique_ptr<> there, because you can combine it with std::move wherever you call the function
auto ent = std::move(createEntity(...));
But probably not the best idea lol
That sounds a little sketcy, yes
5:30 PM
Only because I'm assuming your entities get their pointers copied all over the place
Yup they are freaking everywhere, multiple containers for easy-access
So this is the job for shared_ptr and weak_ptr
In short, shared_ptr<> adds a reference counter
Uuh I'm really sorry, it's a super interesting conversation and I think I'll start changing some stuff soon, but hockey starts in a couple so I really gotta go
So you can wrap your pointer in a shared_ptr and make as many copies as you want, they all increase the Ref count. When they are all deleted whoever take the Ref count to zero deletes it
Ok peace!
6:03 PM
This is not the job for shared_ptr
@NaCl Come on now, lets hear your proposal...
XKCD never ceases to be relevant.
@NaCl Please explain what was missed above when we discussed unique_ptr vs shared_ptr directly?
I'm refering to factoryMethods
6:06 PM
That's not specific enough to decide yet.
Really, please share your specific insight here
<bursts in> Got a flag on that XKCD, are such things not cool here?
There is no need for std::move
We love XKCD here lol
Heh, OK, looks like someone already cleared the flag :)
6:09 PM
@BenN It is pretty spammy use of it though, and by a user who caused trouble earlier lol
@NaCl Still using move
not explicitly as you implied
Uh... but still technically, which was the problem earlier
unique_ptr is appropriate for a single-onwer situation
This is a single owner situation
40 mins ago, by Tyyppi_77
Yup they are freaking everywhere, multiple containers for easy-access
6:14 PM
I think his style will fit with a mixture of shared_ptr and weak_ptr best
Because there are several incompletely coordinated systems which might want to keep the entity data alive for a few moments even after the original gameplay code is done with it
And also there are systems that would like to monitor the entity as long as it exists, but don't care to keep it alive if someone else deletes it
I've been wondering for a while, @NaCl, is this your real face?
yes it is
Hello internet
6:34 PM
I think since putting up cognizer on my website (much through the testing) I've burned half a gig of download.
it's not limited by the host, provided it's in service to a website.
I just hope they live up to that claim.
I even asked directly about hosting a webgame, they said it was acceptable use.
are you sure they understood "webgame" correctly?
1 hour later…
7:41 PM
I'm pretty sure
I asked "If I host my game on my website, and it gets popular and takes a done of download, am I abusing the service?"
they said "no, that's acceptable."
8:13 PM
@MickLH I might have been a little missleading here
I do have a single vector that mainly manages the ownership
It's just that there are multiple pointers to the same entity in multiple arrays and even some references directly in other entities
And if I remove from the main vector, I also go trough the others
8:40 PM
@Tyyppi_77 I'd use a std::unique_ptr and an std::experimental::observer_ptr/raw pointer for this purpose. You rarely ever really need std::shared_ptr. An example I somehow think of first, where it really is needed together with std::enable_shared_from_this, would be a scene graph.
9:04 PM
@NaCl You rarely ever really need more than some transistors and a soldering iron...
That is a huge exeggeration
So is yours.
That's the point.
51 mins ago, by Tyyppi_77
It's just that there are multiple pointers to the same entity in multiple arrays and even some references directly in other entities
No, it's not. How is it an exeggeration? It's proper use. Don't forget the additional overhead shared_ptr's add
Opinion. Drop that entire train of thought
Entity A references some data from Entity B, but Entity A does not keep Entity B alive... What happens?
Entity B's unique_ptr falls out of scope when Entity B is deleted, and now Entity A's reference goes null
Sure, no crash, but now you have an Entity A with corrupt internal state
The additional overhead argument, imo, is the only valid one.
You say corrupt, I say exception. It just depends on the importance of the data
9:12 PM
Exactly, it depends on the data.
Meaning that there is some set of data that causes it to be important.
And especially on the code-design itself
Which means a program that handles general data, must handle that case to be correct
The fucked up part is I agree with you, @NaCl lol
Why is that fucked up?
ahhh data: the power of reconciling everyone
@NaCl Because I'm having to make an argument that contradicts my own preference
9:14 PM
I guess the only fucked up thing is that I, mostly, don't need shared_ptr's to ensure correctness
In comparison to your preference
But in @Tyyppi_77's case, I think he might end up having a really annoying refactor to separate all the Entities from the data they might share
Like bad enough that he might just put it off until his version 2 when he was gonna do networking, since that also will require a re-write of half of the way things work
I wouldn't refactor anything, really
It works, it's almost done, it's ok
That's why I bring up shared_ptr
Even though using unique_ptr is possible, I'm not sure it's trivial to add on
I don't see how that would mean less overhead
Because he wouldn't have to separate objects from the data they share
9:19 PM
But it's centralized anyways, isn't it?
Which thing?
So currently I'm thinking that it would be nice to change some of the easier stuff to unique_ptr
"I do have a single vector that mainly manages the ownership"
(dunno how to make quotes, lol)
Have you ever written a game?
@NaCl Just get a permalink to a message
9:20 PM
That's what @Tyyppi_77 said
Hint: Things do stuff with other things. You're not gonna get away with packing all the entities into a corner and not letting anything else touch them.
1 hour ago, by Tyyppi_77
I do have a single vector that mainly manages the ownership
I know. You're insulting my intelligence now
Do you think I couldn't remember his quote 2 seconds ago?
That was just a test of that permalink thing
Don't get mad
I'm not. Don't project
9:22 PM
I don't
Lets get to the point and stay on it until it's done please?
> Entity A references some data from Entity B, but Entity A does not keep Entity B alive... Entity B's unique_ptr falls out of scope when Entity B is deleted from the main list, and now Entity A's reference goes null. Now you have an Entity A with corrupt internal state.
Make this not true.
Oh, it's objectively true. Ok good talk.
I already replied to it
I rejected your opinion.
Make it not true. Oh it's objectively true? Cool. Someone's at the door
You can't reject my opinion. You can only keep your own's and say mine is shit
Cool opinion. I reject that.
9:24 PM
can we please stop bickering in here
@Tyyppi_77 Do you really think it's worth it now?
If so: Don't forget about std::make_unique :)
9:44 PM
@NaCl Using std::unique_ptr is most of the time worth it more than using raw pointers. You might have memory leaks without you knowing about it! (Unless you really know what you're doing.) There is no overhead to unique ptrs, so why not!
Yes, I agree with you.
10:26 PM
I really need to try and do something... I've hardly put any work at all in to my game this week...
Been feeling a bit crummy, and I also discovered codefights.com/signup/EqrAqFej7Dtgv6rRf/main
That site is dangerous to a programmer like myself...
But I have learned a lot in the process!
So when I release my little demo (for play testing purposes) on my site do you think people would mind filling out a quick 5 question poll (like on the right or left hand side of the game window that will be embedded)?
@PearsonArtPhoto That looks like a refereal :P
@Sie can't hurt to put it if they're allowed to ignore it
It's more like a way to link up with people if they join the site, so I have people to compete with.
@sie I'd fill it out if I enjoy your game and feel the need to tell you something you could do better or some bug I encountered
10:33 PM
I'm thinking about implementing a opt-in replay function too. That way I can kind of see what the player does or where they may be getting stuck.
This is going to sound stupid but I just worry you guys won't like it. I mean I know that failure is a part of the process (at some points) but still.
Don't know about other ppl
@Sie totally don't worry about that
but I actually want to tell developers how i think
especially for indie games
If i enjoy them, I want them to be even better, of course
@PearsonArtPhoto It's very similar to codingame.com
But it looks more competitive
Doesn't surprise me there's other like it.
Yeah, it's pretty competitive.
10:40 PM
@tkausl Well of course. You need honest feedback and a hug box will solve nothing if anything it could make things worse.
I won a code golf recent:-)
I've never had interest in the Code Golf site, but I've found that it can be fun.
whats a hug box?
this is how you do ingame menus http://t.co/MXVsipoBqD
10:47 PM
@Almo these are... not great
Persona 5, apparently
where the tweet is from
Well I guess its the same thing as with the crash reports
most people will click "cancel" or whatever
but some who actually care will send the crash-report (or feedback, or whatever)
Well I just broke something major as everything is going crazy. Glad I had the sense to setup a repo and back this crap up prior to this.
11:33 PM
To do truly curvy graphics as I would like would take a lot of work...
For my pathfinding, to do something curvy I'd need to have information about the previous, current, and next tiles.
Putting that all together seems complex.
So, I guess it's time to learn how to do Splines in Unity.
@GnomeSlice the dirt menus are some of the best I've seen
you can navigate them while they are animating
very, very smooth user experience
I knew a guy who worked there, he said it was some weirdly large number of programmers and artists working on it for months
11:56 PM
@Almo Did you ever get my animation I sent you and Jon?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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