unfortunatly the people who were making freeware and 3rd party versions of the same, began to abandon thier projects, so MS MC pushed out its competition, then decided to abandon it themselves.
@JourneymanGeek it is new, and there is ZERO anything better this time.
XP was new, and it was cool, 7 was new and i went with it, and just lost 7 things, and ended up with 70 bugs and 700 security risks with 400 of them patched :-)
I am not against new, i use LEDs :-) but i dont use Crappy ones.
I would buy a hybrid car, but not one that costs 20K every 2-3 years to replace the batteries.
I use a lot of New Solar :-) but i wouldnt buy cheaply made plastic short term crappy solar products.
There is a differeence between new and New Crap that has zero actual advantages.
Is there more speed? NO!
Is there tighter programming NO!
Are there good features removed YES!
are there bad features put in YES!
My mobile devices (touch screen) use android, the other half of the world seems to be fascinated by Iphone things. so the point in converting the desktop to Touch ? is for what? people are not buying touch screens for desktops.
According to the stats, people with laptops , rarely go mobile with them :-) and the majority of them will not even view outside , so they are just portable desktops, and bed computers
The cool new tiles interface, which could be "gadgety" like The desktop gadgets were, also GONE!. it virtually un-customisable. on a system that had much and much customisability before.
If there was any actual cool new stuff, the tiles interface could have temp monitors, cpu guages, drive size and disk churn speeds etc, have customisable colors, allow for pictures. but what do we get that is "live Tile" ? a weather gadget , because you cant look outside :-).
And MS weather here uses the worst most unreliable weather service around, making it wrong 90% of the time anyways .
The most downloaded 3rd party themes ever on themes sites are Dark themes, when people want to change the stock, they want dark, but MS , appealing to the masses instead makes even more stuff stark white.
a feature of adjusting the colors of things . . . Gone! again, although you can hack it.
the list of "new" things they would eventually have to support, high res, dual monitors of odd sizes, and many other very important things to many many people, were a complete Flop. why the heck would anyone take a system that previously worked, and BLUR stuff up with nasty interpolations, and bad size controls?