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12:00 AM
And what I could have learn comes from commenters and answers, where people stay on topic.
Ok. I'll have to go now, it's 3am now and I think we're in the correct path to resolve this. Keep in mind that any significant (~more than a handful of characters) update to the question will automatically enter it in our re-open queue, where users with 3K+ rep will evaluate your edits and vote accordingly.
I think on SE it is hard to start if you can't provide a totally clear question. Especially when high reputation people see your question and "throw you out". On StackOverflow I never had the problem. But now... One last advice, don't invite people into a chat channel where are guys that cast aspersions on them (or how to say that in english).
Okay, thank you. Have a good night.
New moderator technique: paste a link to a canonical answer into the custom close reason. Example:
Q: Average in Mysql

TiaI have a database in mysql workbench like this that update every second I need to find average of "suhu_udara" every hour or every 3600 data Please help me , thank you

@RobertHarvey Nice. Could you put a first two CVs on those questions so they hit the queue?
They are the last questions, and I'm out.
12:43 AM
@RobertHarvey thx
@Marc one of the best ways to deal with SE when you're unsure about a question is to go to the site's (whatever site- I do this on sites I don't know well) main chat and ask in there if the question makes sense and how to write it clearly. The 20 rep thing is confusing if you're new but just by joining various sites you'll get a bump to your rep and get to 20 pretty quickly. I think if you join 10 sites you automatically get 100 rep on all sites or some such for instance
Anytime I want to ask a question on a site I don't know well like IT security or pets or home improvement I go ask in their chat room my question and see what I can do to make it clear and fitting to the site before posting it. The reason SE is so persnickety about question quality is because it's not here to solve your problem, it's actually here to gather authoritative helpful-to-many questions and answers- like Wikipedia is there to gather authoritative helpful-to-many information
@Marc read this:

Generics to solve baseclass type variance

3 hours ago, 6 minutes total – 14 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 22 secs ago by Jimmy Hoffa

Tell me if my description of your problem is accurate or makes sense to you
@JimmyHoffa No, the 100 rep bonus comes from having 200 rep on one site
@AshleyNunn You don't tell me what to do!
@JimmyHoffa Not generally, no :)
@Marc If that is your question I think we can easily edit it down to something more clear and concise- I think your question was such a mess because you didn't understand the problem well which is understandable, that's why you wanted to ask about it
if it's not, then I completely missed the mark on what your question was
@AshleyNunn still, you get a rep bump from joining some number of sites don't you? Or at least you used to
12:51 AM
@JimmyHoffa Not as far as I am aware
as far as I am aware, there's just the 100 for having the 200 rep somewhere
either way, answer a simple question or two, suggest edits to questions or answers and you'll get rep. Programmers is a very difficult site to gather rep on because we tend to focus on pretty advanced things, SO is much easier because you just need to show someone what bugs are in their code and bingo bango you get rep in no time
@JimmyHoffa Yeah, there are quite a few vote-happy sites that you can start on, if you just want to get that quick bump. Just make sure you ask decent stuff, and give good answers, and 200 rep isn't that hard to get to in most places if you're careful about quality.
1:32 AM
@JimmyHoffa I think your example is good. But the problem is confusing me too much at the moment. So I can't say what should the question about after an edit.
@JimmyHoffa its not too hard, it just that you need to give sensible and helpful answers that are more than a sentence or so.
Generics seem to be the easiest way to solve this design issue. But this would be a Java like solution. I started to form a question where I keep out all of the programming languages and discuss it with design patterns. The reason for this is that I often end up with code which is not reusable enough or it is reusable, but I have to implement the same code at different places (duplicates).
The composition pattern advice was good, but I don't understand this design pattern well enough. It seems to me that you end up in a bunch of interfaces, for which I've to implement the behaviour methods over end over again. This makes me headache.
1:47 AM
First time here
I asked this off-topic question
Q: Where do I go if I want to make a difference?

mooseburgerI recently read this article: http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/429690/why-we-cant-solve-big-problems/ I'm a relatively young computer programmer, with around three years working experience under my belt. While I do enjoy the tasks I do as a programmer, it bothers me that I know ...

I was told to get 20 reputation and ask here, which I did
I would suggest that you get 20 rep to get into chat and ping me (and others) there. You can find 'making a difference' in different places... and they're not at all glamourous. — MichaelT May 12 at 2:58
Whee! That was my advice....
the tl; dr is that in the face of global warming, the entire field of programming seems pointless
@MichaelT Yep, followed your advice
What does that have to do with global warming, environmental disasters, and so on?
One part of the code that I'm working on is a finance tool for offenders who have been paroled who have restitution to pay. Why? Because they've found that sometimes offenders with restitution get into financial trouble again and reoffend... and are back in the system.
(it would be available to all, but the ones with restitution are the ones where finances are somewhat tracked in the current system)
1:51 AM
Little finance program... keeping people who want to stay out of prison out of prison and helping them manage their money better.
That's a difference in my book.
yes, if we take that tack, we can just say that if you're getting paid, you're making a difference, since clearly someone has deemed your efforts worthy of reward
I used to work at a logistics company... that would work on computing the best route through town for auto-part deliveries. Saved quite a bit of gas each day with more efficient rounds (say hello to the TSPSolver serice)
@mooseburger you know, that could be re-written as: tl;dr: everyone will die someday, so the entire field of living seems pointless.
Google is on the forefront of the most efficient data centers in the world.
1:54 AM
there's more to motivation that solving the biggest problems in front of you
I mean, cancer kills a lot of people, so should we invest 100% of our effort into trying to solve cancer?
(PUE is Power Usage Effectiveness... it measures watts of power for computation vs wats of power for cooling)
@Ampt, you're being facetious. Perhaps everyone you and I know will dies, but the human species continues, hopefully to someday figure out a loophole out of enthropy
1:55 AM
I like that you can see summer vs winter
@mooseburger no, I'm pointing out that your argument is alarmist
yes, global warming is a serious problem, no, I don't believe that all other efforts are useless
@Ampt part of the reason they like the pac northwest... its colder all year around there from the current coming down the coast.
perhaps not useless, just insginificant
if you want to help solve it with your programming skills, I seriously applaud your effort, and wish you the best of luck
useless/insignificant (read: not worth doing)
It's like I'm a moisture farmer while the Galactic Civil War is going on
and to that, I say that you are wrong.
if you want to try and win the war, please, go ahead
there will be another after this one
and another after that
just as global warming is but one hurdle in mankinds existence.
Not saying that its an easy problem or that I think I can solve it... but I have faith that people like you, who are passionate about the problem, will save us all
1:58 AM
@mooseburger The essence of the job in IT is to make systems more efficient through the use of technology.
so I'm going to go ahead and do what I'm passionate about.
I personally don't believe technology is guaranteed to save us
maybe you're right. Maybe we're doomed
If anything all the scientific forecasts are pretty dire
Wherever that efficiency plays out... sometimes you see it in lower datacenter cooling costs. Sometimes its in social issues. Other places its in vehicle design and such. Other places its quality of life issues.
1:59 AM
@mooseburger look, I'm not disagreeing that it's a big deal. I've conceded that point.
but, there are a lot of big deals out there
what about asteroid mitigation plans?
we could solve global warming only to have an asteroid take us out
An asteroid impact is unlikely
global warming is occurring right now
tell that to the dinosaurs.
I'm not sure what you're looking for
agreement that the problem is bad?
help solving the problem?
Playing into the doom and gloom of global warming (while real) and spending resources like is going to be over tomorrow... that doesn't help things.
general well wishes?
Looking for suggestions as to what exactly I can do to at least help the cause
2:01 AM
Yes, big things are needed to avert it, but small things make it better too.
you're asking the wrong people haha. You need to ask the people solving the problem
if I had to guess, research and academia are where the big stuff is happening
Well, I was wondering if among the many programmers here there were a few that perhaps are working on something related
maybe you should run for office as a congressman and push a green agenda onto the US
We're mostly line of business types...
are a very, very, very small subset
2:03 AM
working as cogs in the machine to improve their efficiency.
But even our own improvements help things...
we have <20 regulars here. Out of the thousands of programmers in the world, this is the furthest from a good sample as you're going to get
@mooseburger This feels very much like a teaspoon and ocean problem - how do you define "related"? Like you're talking such big picture issues, what specifically are you looking for?
@Ampt Also this.
I don't wish you to think us uncaring... but we are pragmatic
2:04 AM
I don't know, that is why I wound up asking here
the gloom and doom does not motivate me. I do what I do because I'm passionate about it or it makes me happy
if the world ends tomorrow, I'll die a happy man, and that's about all I can ask for I suppose
@mooseburger So you don't know what you are looking for, but you wanted to find it here? I am a little confused by that.
Worried about global warming? How about (again from my DOC experience) improvement in network infrastructure at the prisons and courts so that judges can hear issues and cases from the prison rather than a 3h drive from Madison up to Northern Wisconsin?
@Ampt Sounds like a decent way to go about it.
Small change... but its a bit of CO2 that didn't need to be spent.
2:05 AM
if knowing that you could have added an extra day to the worlds life by contributing 110% of your effort to the cause will make you roll in your grave for the rest of eternity, you should do what you need to do to make peace with that.
And, as @MichaelT has been pointing out, we can all contribute in small ways to solve the problem, the same way we all contributed in small ways to cause it.
Yes, I did read what MichaelT said
which gave me some ideas
It's not something that can be fixed overnight - its going to have to be a series of small changes that turn into bigger changes. Like raindrops and an ocean.
(You should, he's a smart guy)
I know that
I did have a vaguely formed idea
I know some machine learning
Prediction of water / power is a significant thing that power and utility companies are looking at.
2:08 AM
I thought that perhaps machine learning algorithms can be put to work in discovering new materials
If you really want to help, figure out how to simulate nuclear fusion accurately
that'll net you a turing award and a nobel simultaneously
Turing award?
I look at it more along the lines of we are the services industry of information... we're not researchers here... we keep the researchers machines running.
@AshleyNunn highest award for computer science
2:09 AM
@WorldEngineer ah :)
they don't hand out nobels for that or math
math is either the fields medal or the abel prize
Nobel awards in the sciences are for experimentalists, not theorists.
@MichaelT mostly because the theory stuff largely didn't exist at the time
Thats why Einstein didn't get a nobel for E = mc^2 - he got it for the photovoltaic effect.
2:11 AM
that's true
there's also a bunch of politics involved
nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates - look at what its awarded for.
> "for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources"
"for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider"
"for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems"
And so on... they are the experimental side of the physics world... not the theory.
@MichaelT except for the Higgs
2:14 AM
an experimental result yes but very much in the theory camp
> which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider"
(other fascinating things in dataphys.org/list )
> The version at Said Business School in the exhibition Imagining Business, June 2008, asks passers-by to consider how strategic they have been this week and has badges with these texts:
•I made mistakes
•I saw the big picture
•I thought then acted
•I acted then thought
•I used Powerpoint
I'm amused at the last bullet point.
2:42 AM
And for other fun links for the night: On the taxonomy of spaceships (sci-fi)
All the public transit routes... in the world (well, at least those that have their schedules and routes available in the right format)
@MichaelT They do not have my buses.
They also only look to have the Toronto subway.
It's hardly "all".
> at least those that have their schedules and routes available in the right format
2:55 AM
I know, but I am just annoyed they don't have any I know.
Other than the TTC subway, but that's not all that interesting.
Now I am curious what specification the TTC uses for buses and what GRT uses for buses because they both work in Google Maps. And I just like knowing things.
TTC is Toronto Transit Commission, GRT is Grand River Transit, so Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge
code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/wiki/PublicFeeds - you'll note TTC isn't in the main list there, but it is mentioned in the comments. (Clicking the 'published' link in the tracker.geops.ch 'about' panel links to that)
3:01 AM
So it just may be they haven't picked up the feed because its not in the main table?
or... dunno... the link for TTC goes to a license page and maybe they didn't want to deal with that?
Oh neat... click on a route and see it all.
4:11 AM
@mooseburger if you want to do something to reduce pollution, you should move to china.
China is a significantly larger polluter than the United States.
The problem is, the chinese command economy is not going to stop polluting, and there is nothing that Facebook, Apple, Google, or Barack Obama can do about it.
(which of these is not like the others?)
7 hours later…
10:45 AM
This site is a Q&A for programmers in troubles with their apps. They are stuck on some routines or can't understand why a view doesn't align correctly... they show their faulty code and who of us can answer, does. — Der Golem 19 secs ago
2 hours later…
1:29 PM
star this comment
@Ixrec I think I'll re-open it and then ping Jeff to close it himself.
that would be awesome
2:33 PM
Hello!!! Could I ask you something about an algorithm?
There are given three vectors v_1, v_2, v_3 of dimension m where the elements are real numbers.
Can we determine if there are 3 numbers, one from each of the vectors, that have sum equal to 0, with an algorithm that is quicker than $O(m^2)$ ?
@evinda This sounds like the classic subset sum problem.
In computer science, the subset sum problem is an important problem in complexity theory and cryptography. The problem is this: given a set (or multiset) of integers, is there a non-empty subset whose sum is zero? For example, given the set {−7, −3, −2, 5, 8}, the answer is yes because the subset {−3, −2, 5} sums to zero. The problem is NP-complete. An equivalent problem is this: given a set of integers and an integer s, does any non-empty subset sum to s? Subset sum can also be thought of as a special case of the knapsack problem. One interesting special case of subset sum is the partition problem...
And if you want to dig beyond that... its well into the realm of the science part of CS.
@MichaelT So you mean that the problem is NP-complete? We can find an algorithm with time complexity O(m^2), so it shouldn't be.. Or am I wrong?
@evinda All I'm saying is it sounds like that other problem. Beyond that... dunno.
2:43 PM
This problem should be easier than the subset sum problem since we know a solution consists of three numbers, one of each vector. In particular, we don't really have to find arbitrary-sized subsets, only three individual members.
@amon I also think so.. But how can this be done in time quicker than O(m^2) ?
I'd guess that sorting each vector might give way to a O(n log n) solution, but I have no idea.
@evinda I think @amon is correct, I just convinced myself it can be done in O(n log n) total time if you sort the vectors first and then rely on that
I'll let you work out the details of course
maybe I should stop spending all my CVs every morning on STCI, seems like I always need 3-4 for the front page later
@Ixrec I have no idea what we could do after having sorted the vectors.. Could you give me a hint?
@evinda sorting the vectors is already a huge hint, so no, I think saying any more than this would amount to handing you a complete solution
3:10 PM
@Ixrec Is it sure that it can be done in time less than O(m^2) ?
I'm pretty sure
@Ixrec Do you mean that we have to do something like this: pastebin.com/ws3657PU ?
that does look like it's heading in the right direction, though right now it's obviously full of infinite loops
@Ixrec What could I change?
well, making it terminate would be a start (no I'm not going to tell you exactly what to change)
btw, potentially off-topic, but do you have to describe the algorithm with pseudocode? I usually find English more intuitive when trying to reason about things like time complexity
3:26 PM
@Ixrec The exercise asks if we can find an algorithm that is quicker than O(m^2).
it doesn't have to be in code to be an algorithm
@Ixrec I thought that the algorithm won't work, because it makes the assumption that 2 of the indices will be at their mid value. Am I wrong?
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but it does sound like you're referring to one of the other logic errors I saw in your pastebin link
anyway, I was just suggesting describing the algorithm in English because I personally find that a lot faster and less error-prone when I'm more concerned about abstract theoretical issues like the time complexity class
@Ixrec I always take the midpoint of the intervals. But what if the elements we are looking for aren't at positions that are midpoints of the intervals we are looking at?
yes, that is one of the issues with the pseudocode in that pastebin link
3:33 PM
But how else could we choose then the positions we are looking at? @Ixrec
there's no way to know the correct positions at the very start of the algorithm, you have to do some kind of search and test a bunch of combinations no matter what
@Ixrec What kind of search do you mean?
one that's faster than O(n^2) and relies on the vectors being sorted already
I'm trying not to tell you exactly how to implement it because that's the only part of the solution we haven't already done for you
@Ixrec Suppose that at the beginning we are looking at the midpoint of the initial interval at all the vectors. If the sum is greater than 0, then do we have to check all elements above the midpoint till we find an element that is <0 ?
I've removed a number of comments that were along the lines of "+1 great answer!" - Please don't post comments that don't ask for clarifications or add information to the answer, if you feel it's a great answer, upvote it ;) — Yannis ♦ Apr 28 '12 at 20:34
+1 @Yannis, great comment! — Josh 1 min ago
3:38 PM
"initial interval"?
[1,m] @Ixrec
@Yannis facedesk
Everyone's a comedian, it seems.
@evinda the way you phrased it still confuses me but I believe the answer to your immediate question is yes, if the sum of x,y,z is positive then clearly you need to replace at least one of x,y,z with a smaller number, and the vectors are sorted so the smaller elements are clearly above (or below, whichever way you sorted them)
3:57 PM
@Ixrec But then won't the time complexity be again O(m^2) ?
if you don't take full advantage of the sorting and end up checking every number against every other number, then yes
Q: JFrame isn't showing a UI

David HammGood morning everyone, I am working on an assignment for school and am still trying to get the hang of what different imports do and how they work within the code. As it stands, when I run the program, my splash screen flashes on for just a quick second and then my UI doesn't pop up. According to...

I'm out of CVs but this seems like a candidate for migration to SO
Suppose that at the beginning we are looking at the elements that are at the midpoint of [1,m] from all the vectors. If the sum is greater than 0, then we increment k (the index for the third vector) as long as the sum is <=0. If the sum gets equal to 0 we are done. If the sum is less than zero then we increment j as long as the sum gets >=0. If we find the first sum that is greater than zero, we decrement i and so on...
So is this procedure right? @Ixrec
it's definitely a lot closer than the pastebin
but we have to prove that this can't possibly "skip over" the correct solution somehow
@Ixrec What do you mean? I haven't understood it..
well, more generally, you have to prove that algorithm will always find the answer
I think I have a counterexample actually, one sec
yeah, here's a simple one
imagine the three vectors are:
1 1 1 0 -1
1 1 1 0 -1
1 1 1 0 -1
you start in the middle with 1+1+1 = 3 > 0, so next you try 1+1+0 = 2 > 0, then you try 1+1+(-1) = 1 > 0, and you've "jumped over" the obvious 0,0,0 solution
4:15 PM
So can we find an other algorithm or isn't there a quicker algorithm than O(m^2) ? @Ixrec
don't give up that easily!
I've had one in mind this whole time that I'm pretty sure I can prove the validity of that's definitely sub-O(n^2)
and you are getting closer to it
5:07 PM
List of classic projects to code: github.com/karan/Projects and then there's also /r/dailyprogrammer
7:33 PM
I check for cross-posting for reasons that have nothing to do with flags or moderators (in fact, my reasons are not even specific to Stack Exchange). It's up to moderators to decide whether they want to be additionally notified of my findings or not. Neither flagging nor abstaining of flags is hard to me. I only don't want to play russian roulette guessing whether moderator is in the mood to accept or decline my flag — gnat 2 hours ago
8:18 PM
@gnat ProgSE really needs to stop depending on mods. It was reasonable in the old days, but quite unnecessary today. If you can solve a problem on your own, and there's isn't anything to be gained from solving a tad faster then there's no point in flagging.
@Yannis in handling cross-posts I do not depend on mods in any way
Then why flag hundreds of cross-posts?
What's the point?
@Yannis the only reason why I flag is instruction in these very tag wiki that tells to do this. If it wouldn't be there, I wouldn't flag — gnat yesterday
Apr 28 at 21:53, by gnat
@YannisRizos I said it before and I repeat it again. I don't use flags to bypass anything. I flag what tends to be mod-actioned as helpful, simple as that (yes I permanently check and re-check my flag history to keep it that way). If certain kinds of flags get declined, I just stop using these. To avoid misunderstanding, just don't expect that I will mechanically VtC instead...
If the mods here are seriously contemplating staying out of the cross-posting fray, then I need to know that so I can stop flagging for anything having to do with a cross-post. If someone has cross-posted something on Stack Overflow that shouldn't be there, and I'm made aware of it, I will simply delete it.
Some things should be dealt with now, not hours or days later when the community can muster enough close votes, downvotes and delete votes to finally get rid of it.
For the record, the small group of stalwarts in this room run out of close votes and delete votes on a regular basis. We'd all be more than happy to share the load with other community members, but nobody else seems interested in that level of community involvement, in part because they don't agree with the site scope that we enforce.
Hence, the relatively high degree of moderator involvement that this site demands.
Off topic questions don't survive that long. I appreciate the work you all do, but I simply don't see the urgency in this.
An off topic question staying open for a few hours is normal(ish) for the size of the site. This isn't Stack Overflow. Thankfully.
Honestly, if the community can't even handle outright off topic questions on its own, then let's just admit defeat and call it a day.
8:44 PM
Well, the community at large is probably more zealous about cross-posts than they need to be.
But if a question is copy/pasted to several sites, there's really no good reason to keep that stuff, even for a few minutes.
Good. Downvote and close it. Then vote to delete it. The usual dance.
I'm not against that. I just don't think it requires mod intervention.
The question in question stayed open for a few hours. Nothing bad happened. It got closed the regular way. No answers to complicate the matter ever appeared. Not even a "sympathy" upvote to counter-act those evil nazis that downvote all the things.
9:01 PM
Don't wait, don't wait
Don't wait for the good times to come
We got 'em right here, we're on the run
Don't wait, don't wait
@RobertHarvey yeah. and not only on Stack Exchange. Programmers everywhere dislike to be cheated, and cross-posting is typically perceived as cheating. That's why I say I don't need mods help in handling cross-posts. If (if) they want to be aware of it, fine - I can share. If not, no problem, they only maybe will have to be involved later to cleanup snarky comments from readers who despise cheaters
Cross-posting is typically perceived as cheating by Stack Exchange veterans. I doubt our newer users have any idea that what they are doing will result in a shitstorm.
Also, cheaters is too heavy a word for this.
What the hell happened to assuming good faith?
I always assumed cross-posting was a habit of practicality from people's experiences with terrible forums where any given post has a significant chance of getting ignored or getting useless answers regardless of its own merits
This is what I assumed as well. I think we all have forgotten how horribly complicated SE can seem to an outsider. For one, how is a noob to know that we can move questions between sites automagically?
@Yannis good faith is assumed. But only when askers are forthright about cross-posting. It's a shared understanding since times when there was no Stack Overflow at all. See eg Be Forthright When Cross Posting To Other Sites at JavaRanch
What the hell is JavaRanch, and why should anyone know about it?
I've had my run on Java about a decade ago, and this is the first I hear of that site.
Some good advice there though.
9:15 PM
@Yannis no real need to know. It only clearly expressed the common sense behind all this stuff. You want to cross-post, fine - just tell readers about it. If you have chosen to hide this, you're cheating
admittedly, the kind of practicality that encourages cross-posting is also very closely related to the help vampire mentality of doing whatever it takes to get an answer out of someone rather than learning how to find the answer oneself, which is why the cross-posts we see tend to be so terrible
I'm not denying that being forthright about it is good manners, but I strongly disagree that cheating is a good description of not doing so.
you may disagree with this as much as you want but per my observations, majority of readers perceive things this way
I don't really understand the use of the word "cheating" for this behavior
@gnat The majority of veteran SE users you mean? If not, I'd be really interested to see the data that back up your claim.
9:17 PM
of course it doesn't help that this often happens on poor / lazy questions. People dislike the question and tend to interpret things negatively
Unfortunately, all the answers that gnat has recently mentioned the "don't help help vampires" meta post in have been deleted... but it happens far too frequently when things are posted off topic here, people assume good faith and just want to help.
@Yannis "observations". I have no data, nor am interested in collecting it. I feel no need in involving or proving this to anyone (including mods)
When there's an open question about "what is the best book" that didn't get closed fast enough, there's an answer in it.
When there's an open question about a syntax error, there's an answer in it.
When we have those questions that are cross posted and get answers, its a much worse experience for several more people than if it gets promptly closed and pointed to the site where the question is on topic.
9:20 PM
23 mins ago, by Yannis
The question in question stayed open for a few hours. Nothing bad happened. It got closed the regular way. No answers to complicate the matter ever appeared. Not even a "sympathy" upvote to counter-act those evil nazis that downvote all the things.
@MichaelT case in point: "If I can answer before it gets closed as "too opinion based", I'll reccomend..." Just few hours ago
This particular question stayed open for hours without anything happening on a friday night. There are more than a few times it happens during the work week and we get answers.
@gnat So what? It got the downvotes it deserved, and the OP is a step closer to an answer ban.
@MichaelT I could also argue that being posted on a Friday was the only reason it stayed open for so long.
@Yannis yeah I know. "Nothing for moderators to worry about", I heard that already. This stuff is self correcting and such
Ideally, we would endeavor to have a situation where the OP can't put themselves into the situation of an answer ban for answering poor questions.
9:24 PM
@gnat Isn't it? It wasn't a couple of years ago, but haven't we moved on from that? If not, then...
44 mins ago, by Yannis
Honestly, if the community can't even handle outright off topic questions on its own, then let's just admit defeat and call it a day.
For cross posted questions, where it is off topic here, that has a clear remedy - close it here so that the OP knows to go answer it over on SO instead.
@MichaelT If the OP doesn't want to put themselves in such a situation, then they should do a better job of RTFM.
@MichaelT that seems to be idea under Triage at SO, "get that, wall of crap". They tried to self correct and eventually they had to resort to quickly hiding questions
9:39 PM
A: On Stack Exchange, how do I motivate users to prioritize the needs of the community over personal gain?

gnatGiven your observations on answerers behavior, consider re-checking assumption about questions being "clearly", "pretty obviously", "doomed". Or more precisely, assumption that this understanding is firmly shared by site community. I recommend to focus on this because in my experience gaining "t...

You may hope that clear FAQ / help pages help in there, but it wasn't so for me: it only helped to understand why question is closed after it's over (and this is important, don't get me wrong), but learning to recognize this before closure always took much more than that.

The way to check your assumption is probably to learn about how much negative feedback off-topic questions get before closure. Do questions get negative score, do users post criticizing comments etc etc. If you don't see that happening, assume the worst: people either disagree with your vision or don't share it firmly eno
posted on May 17, 2015

Draining the Swamp: Micro Virtual Machines as Solid Foundation for Language Development Kunshan Wang, Yi Lin, Stephen Blackburn, Michael Norrish, Antony Hosking 2015 Many of today's programming languages are broken. Poor performance, lack of features and hard-to-reason-about semantics can cost dearly in software maintenance and inefficient execution. The problem is only getting worse wit

@gnat Then why didn't you post a comment in your case in point answer politely explaining that answering off topic questions isn't helpful to anyone? Why not share your hard earned experience in a constructive way, that may help the answerer become a productive member of the community?
(a link only comment doesn't fit my description of a polite explanation)
remind me why our chat is subscribed to this random tech blog?
Yannis has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Yannis has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Yannis has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Mod abuse.
9:55 PM
I am okay with this
@Yannis because upon checking question and answer I decided that in this specific case a neutrally looking URL is going to have a better chance to serve my goals?
@gnat Your tendency to post link only comments goes far beyond this specific case.
I think that if you don't have the time or energy to post a comment that actually tries to educate the noob in a way they'd understand it, it would be better to not post a comment at all.
@Yannis nope. You can check my comments history, including deleted stuff. I tend to be very judicious about explaining my downvotes, because experience has taught me that low effort in commenting leads only to having these tiny inefficient -1s lost without effect
@Yannis what's wrong with these
10:02 PM
They don't actually explain anything. Same thing that's wrong with link only answers.
you got to be kidding
have you read comments posted by askers prior to these?
in the last case, the question asked (there were no comments prior to mine)
you see, I remember even context where I commented
@gnat Yes. And?
This is a question of implantation or debugging which is specifically listed in the help center as off topic. Programmers.SE focuses on design, architecture and methodologies of software development - the things you have to think about before you enter any code or get to an error message. — MichaelT 4 hours ago
@IllümInteractive The help center mentions "how to use specific tools" as off topic and directs you to Where does my tool question go? From there, I'd be most likely to suggest posting on Stack Overflow, though I would read that meta post to double check that it is the right stack for your question. — MichaelT yesterday
This really reads like a tooling question - working with gcc and sublime. Tooling questions are off topic here (please see our help center) and instead we focus on the design, architecture and methodologies. — MichaelT 2 days ago
This question is an implementation or debugging issue, which is off topic on Programmers.SE (we focus on design, architecture, and methodologies - please see our help center). Instead, this question should be asked on Stack Overflow. If you are asking here to avoid a question ban on Stack Overflow, please realize that such attempts would ultimately lead to a question ban here too. — MichaelT May 14 at 18:52
For comparison.
@Yannis looks like you simply count letters
to justify dislikes. Check the context
What you guys are basically arguing about is whether RTFM is an appropriate response to someone not understanding how SE works
@enderland FWIW I do not consider RTFM an appropriate response
10:08 PM
@gnat Just to not be misunderstood, what MichaelT does requires tons of patience that I don't pretend I have.
@gnat that's basically what you do when you drop in a link to the manual though, without explaining how it applies
@gnat How's RTFM any different to go read this piece of crap?
Please @amon? Where shall I ask this kind of questions if here is not the right place? — Drav' 5 hours ago
^^^ OP explicitly asked to help them pick the site
I think that particular comment chain was a failure because the question was not off-topic (in the sense of being on the wrong SE site), it was either too broad or a tool recommendation
@gnat And the answer to that is "nowhere on SE" or "Foo.SE". It certainly isn't a link to a huge list of sites, without even a hint to which one of those sites might be appropriate.
10:13 PM
@enderland nope. What I link are specific detailed posts tailored to address particular issues in the question. If I wanted RTFM, I'd link Why was my question closed or down voted? (hint, I never link to it)
If the OP was any good at picking sites on their own, they wouldn't have picked the wrong one in the first place. Telling them "here's a huge list, pick one" isn't helpful.
Although, I won't pretend I don't enjoy the upvotes my answer gets every time you link to it ;P
@Yannis you'd rather enjoy grateful comments I get from askers who find "their" site in that list
@gnat Those won't stop if you also point them to the right site, instead of just pointing them to the list.
your belief that it doesn't work is likely because you don't refer it to those who are interested to know
@Yannis teach to fish vs give them a fish
You know @gnat I've also been doing this for a while... :/
10:20 PM
@Yannis then maybe you were doing it wrong? I for one carefully check whether asker can benefit from reading before referring them
Right. I see we are going nowhere, fast. This, I'm afraid, is where I'll have to take my leave.
1 hour later…
11:50 PM
@RobertHarvey which Eric Lippert post?
I just linked it in the answer.
There's that one...
A: Should I seal all classes I know shouldn't ever be used as a base class?

Eric LippertA class which is extensible implements the feature that it can be extended -- that's a feature like any other feature of the class, and should be treated like one, no different from a method. All features should be thought through carefully to ensure that they meet the goals of the customer usin...

But you can also invoke the Skeet too...
11:51 PM
A: Why seal a class?

Jon SkeetClasses should either be designed for inheritance or prohibit it. There is a cost to designing for inheritance: It can pin down your implementation (you have to declare which methods are going to call which other methods, in case a user overrides one but not the other) It reveals your implement...

> There are few things as wonderful as tracking down a bug because an immutable you wrote was subclassed to become mutable - trust me on this.
(such "fun" tracking down that bug for a week...)
There's a couple answers on this question that need deleting.
@RobertHarvey Got delete votes on two of them...
I'm amused at this answer (which is wrong, but not delete worthy in a glance):
11:59 PM
A: Why is using 'final' on a class really so bad?

Jonny DeeUsing 'final' takes away freedom of others that want to use your code. If the code you write is only for you and will never be released to the public or a customer then you can do with your code what you want, of course. Otherwise, you prevent others from building upon your code. Too often have...

> Note that I don't find 'final' or 'private' are evil, but I think they are just used too often because the programmer didn't think about his code in terms of code reuse and extension.
5 up, 6 down.

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