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2:00 PM
would be lethal
Dat circle-strafe
@Almo Wasn't me, but I gave it a second :D
i think it could be fun to code group behaviors
you guys
2:01 PM
12 hours ago, by Almo
my game just went live in canada: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lowdown-a-social-experiment/id940993306?ls=1&mt=‌​8
itunes store is stupid, that you need itunes installed to access it
What if I just want to browse the products?
@Jon boids are fun stuff
geesh apple, you dun goofed
wow the interstellar reviews really went bad
ah yeah? I didn't think that game looked good at all
2:03 PM
the movie :p
ah, the movie was good
yea and it had some very positive reviews early on
now every critic has jumped to the hate-train
when you see 60/90 critic/audience scores you know something is up
meh i watched it
thought it was decent
i like scifi -- critiques don't
@Veritas that was really good imo
Don't let others tell you what you should and shouldn't watch, WATCH IT!
2:06 PM
I have :P I don't listen to critics any more tbh
Alright, I have sprites working. What's next?
I mean they rate pretentious shit like dogtooth 90+
or sound of music
@Jon not making a game, making an engine this time
project for while at school
2:07 PM
your sprite class sucks
It has just the texture
It's eventually going to have the whole SFML API for sprites
rotate, scale, etc
and move ofc
just for fun and learning?
repost that link so I can star it
what up
2:11 PM
is there a way to portably check if a macro token is the same as a primitive type name?
@Jon hold on a sec, example of why I want to do this
// SFML Sprite definition

// Declare and load a texture
sf::Texture texture;
// Create a sprite
sf::Sprite sprite;
sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(10, 10, 50, 30));
sprite.setColor(sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 200));
sprite.setPosition(100, 25);
// Draw it

// Reclusion Sprite definition

Sprite sprite = new Sprite("texture.png");
// Optional:
sprite.SetTextureRect(new Rect(10, 10, 50, 30));
// Optional:
sprite.SetColor(new Color(255,255,255,255)); // or Color::black/etc
@Veritas in C?
It will go to world in probably a week or so
C++ preferably
2:12 PM
@Pip would be cool if you included a sprite bounds calc
Same difference: No. When you get to the compiler macros don't exist
sprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(10, 10, 50, 30));
They are done in the preprocessor, and they are purely text replacement
you just arbitrarily set the bounds here?
yeah, it's an example
(straight from the SFML docs)
I could do some calcs, they don't seem that hard
2:13 PM
depends on what you are opening really
if the image is 4000x4000 it could take a longer time to calc
if you have a spritesheet, etc..
something like C11 generic selections
yeah, true. I might have a function that does it on demand, something like CalculateBounds or something
Best thing would be to allow for a atlas
possibly link it with some sort of spritesheet tool you like
2:15 PM
definitely, I am going to add an atlas class
Feel free to contribute, I would love help
if you want to build on that, add a Frame class
Then an Animation class
Doing this for myself and a friend who wants to use this, so no lack of motivation
Texture -> Sprite -> Frame -> Sequence -> Animation
I have a strong-typedef implementation for both primitives and non-primitive types but it requires some namespace pollution which I would like to avoid.
hmm, lemme write this down
2:17 PM
Then implement Animation scripting ;)
@Veritas fancy feature, your compiler will need to support it
@Almo how many people involved in this game?
Hahaha @Jon I now realize why you said to include a CalculateBounds thing
you get that from google?
2:21 PM
hmm that might be a good idea
Unity does it
but they don't tie it to the bounding box of your collider.
If you use it for collider, you will need a secondary box that is the largest possible
otherwise you get issues with when the collider gets larger
SFML doesn't have a collider, I think I'm going to add one
oh man lots of ideas
AABB that shit
@Jon in making it?
2:23 PM
@Almo yeah
Just me and one friend
He did the analytics, local notifications and ads
I did the design, iOS interface and REST server
he's making the droid version now
You ever do nodal pathfinding?
I worked with it a bit in Unreal 2.5 on PSP
up next is a scoring system, watch a video to add an extra entry in a contest, and some small fixes.
oh and player statistics
Alright, now's the time to decide. ECS like Unity or not?
how many times you won, etc
2:25 PM
it will get hacked ;)
@Pip ECSs are fun
The only hack available is to add more numbers. all the stats are generated by the server cron job
So, the general idea of a node based pathfinder, is to drop "nodes" all over the map where it is walkable
then apply a similar a* algorithm on the nodes
I don't like ECS, personally
I think moving those nodes around could also create a more organic feel
there was a kickass tutorial on this...
2:27 PM
gotta go to class, sorry
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks. It was conceived by computer scientist Edsger W. Dijkstra in 1956 and published in 1959. The algorithm exists in many variants; Dijkstra's original variant found the shortest path between two nodes, but a more common variant fixes a single node as the "source" node and finds shortest paths from the source to all other nodes in the graph, producing a shortest path tree. For a given source node in the graph, the algorithm finds the shortest path between that...
unity isn't pure ecs
it's composition based but not pure ecs
ecs isn't very easy to get right
What's ECS, for the uninitiated?
well whatever unity is I don't really like it
what would you say makes unity not ECS?
I have yet to see an ecs framework which I agree with
2:33 PM
@TreDubZedd Entity-Component-System
Ah, thanks
a way of organizing your architecture.
So Unity has nav meshes built in
I worked on that part of the engine back in 2011
not sure if they're still using what I did though
how can someone with 3.5k rep ask this
Q: Is '<' more efficient than '!='

VelthuneCan someone explain the differences between use of '<' and '!=' in a for loop? for(int i = 0; i < [object count]; ++i) { /**/ } or for(int i = 0; i != [object count]; ++i) { /**/ } I remember I read somewhere that "!=" is more performance than "<".. isn't it?

pure ecs requires logicless components
all logic is put in the systems hence the name
2:41 PM
can you give an example of a logicless component?
@Veritas that's an interesting interpretation of ECS, I've never heard of it that way
Heck, one of the useful features of ECS is that you can swap a component and have diffent behaviour
yes that's because entities subscribe to the appropriate systems that are responsible for managing entities with specific component combinations
Back for a little bit, thanks for the opinions
so meshrenderers don't work in 2d
Or it's because instead of a "StaticRendererComponent" you add a "CharacterRendererComponent", where the staticrenderer doesn't do animations and shit
2:45 PM
if an entity has components A, B ,C and D it will subscribe to the systems that require (A and C), (B), (C, D) etc
Alright, gotta come up with the next step. Something simple... maybe shapes?
So you want to ask for everything having (StaticRender, Position), (CharacterRenderer, Position), etc?
That seems inefficent compared to having a function pointer that changes the behaviour
no need to ask anything every frame relations can be estabilished at the moment of component addition
2:50 PM
My point remains: That's one possible interpretation of ECS
even wikipedia says that ecs requires entities which are logical collections of components, components which is raw data and systems that operate on components
well most sources say so
ofcourse there are many other composition patterns but ecs generally has a very specific meaning
this is not an entity-component-system implementation just a composition one
I actually emailed Bob Nystrom when he was making the book to include implementation tips on ecs
It does not,as far as I can tell, specify that the behaviour needs to be in a system
yes but in the logical realm
well you can have simply state machines as components for instance
check the terminology
think of components as tagging
"this entity now has mass so it gravity can now apply to it"
3:05 PM
that was easy... so i can now generate nodal maps on top of my levels
have we mentioned you are a gamedev monster, Jon?
can link that to a* and we got ourselves a nodal pathfinder
lol, yah i think so
ecs can be very good if done correctly but I haven't seen many implementations that I like
3:08 PM
It might get tricky to determine if the char can fit through a hole or not
It's not easy to implement it efficiently and without much bloat
If I spread them far apart, at just the right distance
3:23 PM
Guys.... Its time we need to fight and retake part of our nerd culture back
:( some usb device is unplugging and replugging itself right now
its that keylogger i hooked up
3:39 PM
Maybe it's something like this: thinkgeek.com/product/ef0b
(where you try to unplug it, and it plugs itself back in?)
that box is actually pretty cool
Not for $40 it isn't
It's about half that price from chinese websites
3:55 PM
you could make one yourself
the schematics are online
building it would be a lot more fun.. probably same price
you could always just hire a guy to sit in a box
cant trust people
I though a finger came out from the box
i think Bill Gates has one
would need a small guy to sit in that box
bill gates does, in fact, have a finger
i heard he has 8
3:59 PM
"His is primitive!"
whaat, people have fingers? :O
there's no way that statement can be accurate
I'm sceptical
4:52 PM
5:18 PM
i guess its a start..
missing diagonals
OMG you made PacMan!
nodal pathfinder
Also don't tell Pip
that works in unity
any shape
PacMan Finder :O
5:19 PM
Nodal PacMan Finder
What's a "nodal" pathfinder?
I mean look
Anywhere he clicks, it finds pacman
5:20 PM
Pretty cray!
@Jon is it truly nodal or do your nodes need to be in a grid?
What is nodal?!?!
Each dot is a node
with diags
its not truly nodal yet.
since it uses an array
> Nodal is a secretory protein that in humans is encoded by the NODAL gene which is located on chromosome 10q22.1. It belongs to the Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-beta) superfamily.
5:22 PM
You lied to me @SpartanDonut.
The internet lied to you
but it is a pretty good approximation
I did no such thing
When people lie to me, I tend to cry.
5:22 PM
And this model should work pretty decent for most games
Cry baby
@Jon Maybe you should sell it to Pip
And when I cry, I get antsy. And you won't like me when I'm antsy!
anyone can have it -- its pretty simple
you can write it in a couple hours
i did :P
Still no clue what nodal means though. :P How do you make pathfinding without nodes?
5:24 PM
@William'MindWorX'Mariager so as I understand it, node based pathing you would just have a bunch of node points on your map and pathing would go from node to node to node
1. Populate area with nodes.
2. Raycast to see if that node collides with a unpassable game object.
You can get to point Y via a path from a to b to c ... to y
2. Set node to collidable or not.
3. run pathfinder off these nodes
I just followed Amit's tutorial. Took me less than an hour to get it working. Pathfinding is surprisingly simple :P
This is a hybrid nodal/grid
since you generate the nodes, and populate a "grid" in memory
5:25 PM
nodal would basically be the map based approach as opposed to the grid based approach I guess
Oh my GOD memorizing ancient Latin letters might just be the most boring thing in the world.
At least there are no vowels?
Umm what?
yeah im wrong
what am I thinking of lol
I think adding a physics on the walls, that push enemies away might be a good idea
slight push
ensure they don't get stuck
5:28 PM
I'm supposedly thinking of Hebrew
my bad
Among other languages I guess
gamasutra.com/blogs/WillHankinson/20150323/239489/…. Very interesting content management using unity and google sheets
Brad entered 6, 4, 4. Popup: "You cannot submit duplicate entries" He closed it, and thought he had entered the code wrong. He admitted to not reading the popup.
People refuse to read text
Oh Brad
time to get lunch
this is so fudging awesome..
hmmm... can you use google docs as a data store?
5:30 PM
watch it in 720p60 or 1080p60
and in chrome.. doesn't work in ff
@Sword videos that do this really need a 720p30 option or something
Yeah, I posted this a week ago @Hjorthenify
I can't tell if I like the 720p60 better than 480 because of the resolution, frame rate, or both
5:33 PM
@Jon :(
I won't deny it looks good at 720p60 though
runs smooth at 1080x60 here
EA says 30fps is better though
says you are stupid if you want 60
these guys have done the entire COD advanced warfare walkthrough in 60fps
30 still looks pretty good
There is a difference, but it's not like it ruins the game.
If a dev has to prioritize something lower than other things I think 60fps is a good thing to prioritize lower
I'd rather them focus their time and money on something other than those 30 frames
5:37 PM
you notice the difference when you have motion like turning around .. thats where 30 differs from 60
30 differs from 60 in that it's noticably less smooth
of if you are in VR
Valid point - there are circumstances 60 could be important
Ok... really going to get food this time
5:38 PM
that comparison is shitty
the 60fps tears and is not consistent
you don't really see the difference that well
if you compare something on a CRT from 30/60 like Gran Turismo vs Gran Turismo Hi Def or whatever it was called, it was really, really noticable.
5:51 PM
I've managed to survive 6 months without a torrent client, but now I need one, what's the current best?
µTorrent comes with hidden bitcoin miner so dont offer that one :D
If there's a version of Transmission on your platform, I recommend that.
okay, transmission it is, that's what I used on linux
Yeah was just going to say utorrent just got busted for something
O_o Should I uninstall right away?
5:52 PM
use Transmission
Is it bad? uTorrent that is
you're providing utorrent free processing power for them to make money
it's chewing your computer to mine bitcoins for someone else.
So if you don't mind that then no rush
Oh wow
5:53 PM
yeah it's pretty shocking, really
is it? lol
I think so
a long-time trusted bittorrent client going asshole like that
Good news guys! uTorrent took very little time to uninstall... Suspiciously little...
Oh wow.. Skumbag Nero: Here have a free 14-day trial, BUT you can ONLY burn 100mb... wat
Also I uninstalled uTorrent but there is still 10mb worth of data associated to it INCLUDING the .exe file...

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