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4:00 PM
when stepping over the string you can stop at the = and then emit the $my_int token with a pointer to the location
well in c++, i doubt someone will ever declare a variable "Person", when there is a class "Person", anyway
then step one further and see it is only a single = and emit the OP_ASSIGN
@SuperCookie47 doesn't stop people from trying....
but all this modification disrupts my true position within the code, and i can't notify the user of parser errors
like char pos. and line
see it starts with a number and start parsing the number until you hit the non number ';' and emit the number token
4:01 PM
As an exercise before attempting to build a full language, I'd recommend building a simple calculator that can handle input like "1 + 2 * 3" and correctly output "7". That's complex enough to learn about lexing, parsing, and precedence. Then gradually extend that language, e.g. to handle variables.
@SuperCookie47 you have no idea the joys back in the C days of #including another thing and suddenly finding type collisions with something you already wrote... in the days before refactoring tools.
I keep saying forget transforming the string
"then step one further and see it is only a single = and emit the OP_ASSIGN"
instead emit a TOKEN[]
@MichaelT oh! oh! I remember those days! THEY WERE AWESOME!!!
4:02 PM
don't you mean replace here?
@GlenH7 you got to paranoidly namespacing all your struts and statics to try to avoid any collisions.
and in the case where i might have to look ahead and see if the declaration matches a class definition or struct etc.?
@SuperCookie47 btw, amon's suggestion is really good.
you are not outputting a string but a token stream
that's why I say the type and variable names are bot identifiers
@MichaelT amon?
4:03 PM
@GlenH7 this is a problem with distributed services that don't have centralized configurability. Two of the things you should immediately be asking as soon as you know you're going to break your system up across multiple processes: How will you centralize the configuration, how will you centralize the logging.
2 mins ago, by amon
As an exercise before attempting to build a full language, I'd recommend building a simple calculator that can handle input like "1 + 2 * 3" and correctly output "7". That's complex enough to learn about lexing, parsing, and precedence. Then gradually extend that language, e.g. to handle variables.
but what i am doing is simple converting a string into tokens
That does too - just starting from a much simpler place where the concepts can be better understood.
@JimmyHoffa agreed!
like 9 + 10 --- > [number:=9] [operator:=+] [number:=10].
4:05 PM
yep and being able to ensure precedence between them
surely this is basic string man.
@SuperCookie47 read this to get a slight grasp on one parsing approach, I don't know what you're doing so it may not be the correct approach to use but it's worth knowing this approach is possible as it may be the right one for you.
start with the basics
walk before running young padawan
lexical will actually follow this
@SuperCookie47 I hope that "[number:=9] [operator:=+] [number:=10]" isn't intended to be a string to pass to your parser.
4:06 PM
And if it is, your previous concerns about doing programfile.toCharacterArray() being memory consuming are going to be very misplaced.
it will be my parser that all of this is encompassed by xD
Speaking of parsers...
I've had to parse user supplied strings with precedence and brackets and it took me a few days to get all the tweaks out
string > them tokens > lexical analysis 2 (after some to verifiy structures before tokenizing) > ast > code gen.
I have heard that C is a good first language to write a compiler for, because it is (relatively) simple. But the C99 specification is nearly 600 pages long. It's longer than the C# specification. What gives?
4:07 PM
I used a slightly modified shunting yard
too many exceptions
@SuperCookie47 whatever you do, DO NOT WRITE THE NCUBE

N^3 parsing

Jan 2 at 20:03, 3 minutes total – 15 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 20 secs ago by Jimmy Hoffa

C is slightly awkward because of the lack of forward declarations. I'd go for Pascal instead.
@RobertHarvey I would imagine that advice was given pre-C89 (is that the one prior to C99?). And like all sage advice, it's never been updated to changes surrounding it.
K&R C is pretty tight.
@JimmyHoffa .....
4:09 PM
I'll agree with K&R C being something thats not too bad. More modern C is a nightmare.
@SuperCookie47 I'm actually not joking on this point. Humor just dulls the pain of the truth of the NCube...
The language I wrote in college was a pascal like language.
@SuperCookie47 read the bookmark.
would my language be... n^3 ...

<statement> := <variable_decl>
| <identifier> <op_equ> <expression> ;
| call <identifier> ( <expression>* ) ;
| <identifier> <op_cnv> <type> ;
| print <expression>
| <op_cnv> <expression> , <type> ;
| <conditional>
| <statement> ; <statement>

<conditional> := if <expression> <obrkt> <statement> <cbrkt>
4:12 PM
@SuperCookie47 only if you write it all in one function parsing by way of ifs, elses, and switches. At first you'll think it seems simple and nice and good, eventually you'll feel like you're being burned to death by the ghost of George Boole
i'm not sure i follow the whole thing
you will want to modularize it
this was the way i was going to do
before recognising i might need to look ahead while parsing char by char
@SuperCookie47 it's the way everyone thinks they're going to do. Like I said, DON'T WRITE THE NCUBE
You'll end up with something like I had to maintain at my former employer... 600 if else if statements.
4:13 PM
in one function.
that was ~3000 lines long.
yeah,it would be nested to absolute SHIT
@MichaelT 2439 to be exact
in a file that was ~15000 lines long.
Jan 2 at 20:07, by Ampt
@JimmyHoffa Always 2439 lines? You should write a white paper about that.. that's a serious correlation
@SuperCookie47 you wanna know the trick to avoiding nesting your control flow logic in parsers? Recursive data types. The nesting is encoded in the type system then.
4:15 PM
that parser I mentioned earlier was in java and is in a single .java file at 660 lines
recursive data types
@ratchetfreak 2439; ftfy.
Reminds me of the +7k line stored procedures I encountered
4:16 PM
it was much simpler that that
@Oded ...and on that day, the sun didn't set, it just kind of hung there, aghast at the universe it lived in...
@JimmyHoffa I only needed to parse conditionals
@JimmyHoffa I don't actually recall what it did. Not that I delved into it. Strangely, I opted to fix the issue in the codebase (which was slightly... um... less worse...)
every time i learn more about compilers/compiler-writing, the more my short-lived enthusiasm is thwarted by learned programmers and people speaking from experience
is it really worth it, for fun?
It can be...
4:19 PM
but you only write the parser once.
I had some non fun moments writing that parser
@SuperCookie47 data Tree a = Branch a (Tree a) | Leaf
> The thing to do on Mt. Fuji is, of course, to climb it. As the Japanese say, a wise man climbs Fuji once, and a fool twice, but the true wisdom of this phrase is usually only learned the hard way.
and that was with a Dijkstra approved algorithm
thanks for help, all.
4:20 PM
@Oded I'd go through a helluva lot more effort fixing it in the code before I would ever consider touching a monstrosity like that stored proc.
@SuperCookie47 consider that you're attempting to climb Mt. Fuju without making sure you know how to handle the foothills.
@SuperCookie47 notice in my example, a Branch has an a and another Tree... the type holds a value of it's own type (which holds a value of it's own type (which holds a value of it's own type (which holds a value of it's own type (which holds a value of it's own type (which holds a value of it's own type (which holds a value of it's own type
going to contemplate, and weigh out stress and hair loss and successful programming language with which i could have endless fun little experiments
Amon's suggestion was the foothills.
Has anyone here actually tried Compilr? Seems like they want money upfront for the thing. But it looks more robust than the fiddler type websites.
4:21 PM
Most of us have written a parser from scratch once - and know whats going on and the difficulty involved in doing it... and appreciate the beauty of the tools that do it for us the next time we need to do it.
> put on hold as off-topic by Oded♦ 30 secs ago
dobry wieczor
^^^ Impressive timing there
4:21 PM
that was at oded
@SuperCookie47 we're just amazed at Oded's supernatural question closing speed.
he has to be cheating somehow
4:22 PM
@RobertHarvey comparisons to fiddler have me interested now
@GlenH7 indeed. Though that codebase/database combo was special. A table that contained information about how to call other SPs. Stored as XML, naturally.
or in the matrix
@GlenH7 It actually looks sort of like a real IDE.
That guy's question about online IDE's got me thinking about it.
btw, i thought of something yesterday.
@Oded Oh! that day. That day when the sun actually stood still and refused to start the dawn of a new day.
4:23 PM
something that mademethink
@Oded Some people shouldn't be allowed near an RDBMS. It almost makes me glad Mongo and others are out there now to let those people screw up their implementations in techs that result in them still knowing they don't know anything about RDBMS.
@SuperCookie47 Danger! Will Robinson!
what do you guys think is the most complex/long code ever written
@SuperCookie47 parsers
i actually doubt that
4:24 PM
@SuperCookie47 don't.
i do and shall
: |
Something that should have been written in a Business Rules Engine but was done from scratch instead.
some day you'll have a job where you have to write a parser, you'll learn.
@MichaelT result? NCube.
you should've linked lmgtfy
4:25 PM
@JimmyHoffa the result of an outsourced project being outsourced by the outsource company to about 5 other companies. None of which communicated with each other.
@Oded but it saved money right? Right. Right. One ought not tarry on such thoughts...
(I wonder how big HealthCare.gov would have been if they used a good BRE... I bet the original people were paid per line)
as a believer in God, i don't see how someone could think that the human genome/DNA could evolve by itself, without intelligence.
@SuperCookie47 As I got the impression from my friends. Then it would be something written in Java;)
it being a language anol
4:26 PM
@JimmyHoffa I think the multi million pound replacement was supposed to do that.
@RobertHarvey - Compilr seems a bit behind the curve on what compilers it's using. No mention of clang. Nor of .NET 4.5
Lacking JDK8 is perhaps forgivable
@Oded Ah yes, the ol' spend-more-save-more approach to RoI analysis....
@Oded Thats a lot of server power... oh wait... measuring power in pounds sterling not pounds weight.
Yeah, wasn't thinking big iron there, @MichaelT
4:36 PM
@MichaelT IBM z10 mainframes weigh in at about 2000 lbs. So that would be one heck of a data center.
Not sure how much the disk arrays & tape libraries weigh though
Just need to convert all the world to dollars so we know what everyone is talking about. ;-)
All the World: Agreed, as long as we'll use SI units for anything non-monetary
tips.x-tensive.com/2009/05/fast-expression-compilation.html <-- whoa. Expression rewriter that pulls consts into parameters removing the dynamicism between different expressions so you can cache the compiled version. Awesome. (now where's the source code... dude's link is ded...)
@amon ...why don't we use SI units for money? Dime? pfft, Dec. Dollar? Cent. Ten dollar? Kilo.
@amon at least its not still 12 pence to a shilling and 20 shillings to the pound anymore there...
4:48 PM
(side bit, when I started at Netapp, stock was still traded in fractional powers of 2)
@GlenH7 I could live with that, if the tool were robust.
@RobertHarvey There are a few others out there too. But I think they take a narrower focus on target | allowed languages
Most of them are glorified text editors with a COMPILER.EXE and console output.
I don't see anyone seriously embarking on, say, a WPF application in an online window of any kind.
@RobertHarvey just use FPComplete
Oh, sure. As if I didn't already have enough punishment learning Haskell.
4:52 PM
@RobertHarvey Are you learning Haskell?
I glanced through "Learn You a Haskell" a couple of days ago. Time is an issue right now.
@RobertHarvey That kind of echoes the sentiment of the demos I have seen. It's cool / interesting tech, but it also introduces a number of potential pain points that complicate the dev / test / debug cycle.
If so then I'm genuinely serious, use FPComplete for jiggering your Haskell up, makes it easy because you don't have to install libraries or anything. You can write entire Yesod websites in FPComplete and hit go and it will host it for you etc.
@RobertHarvey Probably not the free edition, free edition likely just gives you basic console app functionality. I haven't looked too closely since they exited beta and they've been changing the features per tier model etc. Community edition might even allow Yesod, not certain. Either way they have all the libraries on their side for anything you need (generally - they control the ones they choose and versions etc to ensure they only expose the most polished ones through their IDE/Compilation)
You could pay $10 for one month and wing up your Yesod website within that month from any machine anywhere just through the web browser whenever you do have the spare time. That said, like you said - time is an issue and you probably won't be learning enough Haskell to make it worth the $10 anytime soon.
> FP Haskell Centerâ„¢

The FP Haskell Center IDE includes a Haskell compiler and a continually updated set of vetted, tested and supported libraries and code templates. There is no need to run Cabal or other installers. Key features include; continuous compile with real-time type information and error messaging, Haddocks documentation and Hoogle search, syntax highlighting, Git/GitHub integration, team management tools, remote version control, and an integrated web deployment platform. Subscriptions include continuous refresh releases on new features, updates, bug fixes and free community s
> FP Application Serverâ„¢

FP Haskell Application Server deploys and runs Haskell applications directly in the cloud with no additional effort. It is flexible and cost effective. A free shared instance for testing is included with every account. Larger and dedicated instances are available for active project deployments at a reasonable monthly charge. FP Application Server is architecture-independent, allowing for cloud deployment today and enterprises server deployment in the near future.
4:57 PM
OK, bookmarked.
Words like "wrong," "better," "good," "cleaner" and "constructive" are all entirely subjective, and essentially make your question unanswerable. See also meta.stackexchange.com/a/142354Robert Harvey 1 min ago
5:08 PM
@ratchetfreak I'd upvote your question and answer if you write a good 'here's a set of points, how do I count the squares' self answered one.
5:22 PM
...oh god, someone merged flappy bird and 2048 together
that's been there a while...
@Zeroth You mean Flappy2048?
6:15 PM
Every time I hear about some Flappy Bird variant, I am reminded how a Korean programmer killed it because they felt too guilty about earning $50K per month.
Sheesh. I'm pretty sure some charity could have used that money for something noble.
@RobertHarvey I'd gladly have taken the $50k/month off his hands.
Yeah, me too. :)
I could have paid off my car and student loans and had vacation money in 2 months.
All without touching my real job's paycheck.
Oh, dear. The only thing worse than a plane crash is one that happens twice. — Robert Harvey 18 mins ago
@GlenH7 Too soon?
6:18 PM
@ThomasOwens To delete that question? Probably not too soon. :-)
No. Plane crash comments.
Let it accumulate a few more downvotes first. >:)
@ThomasOwens flag for mod attention...
@ThomasOwens Nah, that one made me laugh. But the context is important
Suspend for distasteful comments. 30 days.
6:20 PM
The comment thread in this one left me scratching my head. programmers.stackexchange.com/q/236884/53019
@ThomasOwens fine, fine. I'll see y'all in a month then.
@GlenH7 Not you. @RobertHarvey.
Not korean, he was Vietnamese. He wasn't guilty over the money - guilty over people becoming obsessed with a silly little unimportant game. People were sending him death threats because they were obsessed with the game.
@ThomasOwens I knew, but I wanted to steal the limelight. And besides, wouldn't the retaliatory suspension battle between you two become epic?
6:22 PM
which comment thread
[winces at constant face-punch sound in Flappy 2048]
Maybe if he talked about capsized ferries... the plan crash is rather out of the media. And that said, theres always a plane crash within the recent history thats in the media.
@Zeroth I can dig through my old posts... I linked something about the story of the flappy bird creator here a bit ago.
Oh I was keeping up on the story on Ars Technica :P
@Zeroth We prefer to get all of our good stories from here. :-)
6:25 PM
Like I'd trust any of you!
@Zeroth The death threats happened after he withdrew the game. Well, I heard a very different story. MORAL: people's hideous comments on Twitter or under YouTube videos are meaningless drivel.
Sure, but doesn't mean people aren't affected by them.
Only if they read them.
@RobertHarvey Apparently Crockford picked up death threats over JSON from the XML crowd.
6:27 PM
I was stalked and sent death threats because a guy thought I'd wrecked his relationship, when he'd done it all himself.
Still affected, even though rational brain knew he'd never come and hurt me.
Emotions are on a deeper level than reason and logic.
All the more reason to unplug. The veracity of a person's communications is in inverse proportion to the degree they use Twitter to express them.
@Zeroth but I love xml man... you don't know how deep my love for xsd files goes. Jason will never tear me away from from xml. Never... oh wait... Jason isn't JSON? Sorry...
Yes, but that's letting someone bully you off of a platform - sometimes its better to stay, to spite the harassers and bullies. To flip them a metaphorical finger.
I don't like solutions that tell victims to not have a life. I want solutions where bullies and harassers are punished.
@MichaelT That's a good article. Just shows you how distorted the truth can become in the media, because that's not the story I read at all.
@RobertHarvey Its the one that gets the closest to the author and his story. Sensationalism sells... and it can be hard to find the real story.
6:35 PM
What a goat fuck.
Tangent "the real story" is a good but messed up SF book.
The Real Story (or officially The Gap into Conflict: The Real Story) is the first book of The Gap Cycle by Stephen R. Donaldson, a science fiction series. Synopsis An ugly and evil space pirate walks into a bar with beautiful woman—a former police woman who (everyone knows) he has captured, enslaved, and brainwashed. Everyone is terrified of even looking at them, for fear of being murdered. A dashing young swashbuckler confronts him, and rescues the woman. That, and the background of the intergalactic society in which they live, is what the first chapter is about. The rest of the boo...
Heh. He still makes tens of thousands of dollars a month from people who got the app before he removed it from the Apple store. That was probably a stroke of genius; remove it before the market becomes saturated with it, and it becomes priceless, because you've made it a rarity.
I heard he removed it because big marketers were trying to buy it and exploit it
The Rolling Stone story seems believable. It's probably the most accurate, given that they actually interviewed the guy and read the messages he was getting from people. Accusations of plagiarism, death threats, "my son won't do homework anymore because he's playing your game... you've ruined his life!" Bleaugh.
6:40 PM
> As news hit of how much money Nguyen was making, his face appeared in the Vietnamese papers and on TV, which was how his mom and dad first learned their son had made the game. The local paparazzi soon besieged his parents' house, and he couldn't go out unnoticed. While this might seem a small price to pay for such fame and fortune, for Nguyen the attention felt suffocating. "It is something I never want," he tweeted. "Please give me peace."

But the hardest thing of all, he says, was something else entirely. He hands me his iPhone so that I can scroll through some messages he's saved. One
Some truth is stranger than fiction. Figuring out how people tick is the strangest truth.
In other news, people actually click on ads in free games?
@RobertHarvey people actually click ads... anywhere?
payment per viewed add most likely
Who is dumb enough to pay for impressions anymore? Google ads on web pages are pay-per-click; I assume that's how they also work on phones.
sometime brand awareness is all they need
and it is much cheaper to sell per view than per click
6:46 PM
The advertising industry must survive on the tiny, tiny minority of people who actually respond to an ad. In my entire life, I can remember ever taking direct action on an ad once, maybe twice.
It's so inefficient. All those ads, just wasted noise 99 percent of the time.
Its about brain presence - they want you to think of them next time.
@RobertHarvey the repetition of something that you don't pay attention to does help.
(Also, Robert, its a fallacy of self to assume everyone else behaves like you do. )
I'd like to think I'm that unique, but no, I don't think so.
There was an article on As It Happens recently that explored this in music and advertising.
thats the bit on the music aspect of it.
But the thing is, the more you see something the more likely you are to rate it favorably - especially if you don't pay attention to it.
So even just having the eyeball seeing (but not really paying attention to) the advertisement at the bottom of the screen, you are more likely to rate that product or brand favorably later.
even without the click.
Advertisers are very good about statistics. They do what works. "We did this campaign and tracked 20% more of the target market buying stuff during this time period or coming from this page."
6:56 PM
Then you get the crazy A/B testing that google and amazon do with the shear volume of their traffic.
But that's the problem: statistically, advertising is not as effective as it used to be, overall.
We have better tools, better habits and practices to, as some would say, "keep our minds clean".
and addblock
and there's also the saturation... and increased cynicism of brands and products.
and some sites are just flooded with adds
Sites that get flooded with ads lose eyeballs.
6:59 PM
look at ryanairs page:
I ignored 90% of that page...
the interesting part is indeed 10% of the real estate
why is a site I'm spending money at advertising at me?
aren't all?
most of those adds look to be for rental cars and hotels
Not really.
Godaddy and ryanair do so.
westjet doesn't
7:02 PM
Ryan Air is the Zippy the Clown of airlines.
west jet is the closest ryan air comparison over here in North America
They actually play a fanfare over the loudspeakers when they land. "doot do do dooooooooooooo - Another on-time flight, from Ryan Air!"
oh god...
Those garish colors on their web page? That's the color scheme of the interior of their aircraft. Makes my eyes bleed.
okay, to go off topic, from the head of ASAN:
"FDA official just finished discussing whether or not autistic people feel pain. Apparently, the research literature is mixed on this point? O_o"
7:04 PM
and they take away all things sharp so you can't poke your own eyes out
are those adds on the overhead compartements?
Click on the picture, and see it in all it's high-definition glory.
jesus there is a reason most planes use blue colors
yellow is not calm promoting, proven science that
For setting the mood, Virgin Atlantic is awesome.
But you won't see it because you'll just look away from all the advertisements.
7:08 PM
Abby T. Miller on April 24, 2014

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #57, recorded Friday April 11, 2014 with your hosts Jay Hanlon, David Fullerton, and Joel Spolsky. Today’s podcast is brought to you by the Heartbleed bug.

We have lots to talk about (which makes Joel scared), starting with Community Milestones (after we discuss 2048 strategy, that is)!

Expats is newly in public beta. It’s a site for people that are dealing with the bureaucratic messes involved in living outside your home country. Check out their top-voted questions. Can I lose my US citizenship for accepting employment within a foreign government?  …

@RobertHarvey you made me start hunting for the google jet's interior.
Which reminds me of the Enterprise's interior.
(and today in Eric stalking...) - just nice to see that he's active here.
7:16 PM
@MichaelT We should introduce him to therapy through voting to delete.
@GlenH7 he's there already.
Apr 16 at 19:48, by MichaelT
(btw, Eric Lippert did three delete votes yesterday - I noticed because I was the third vote on each)
Delete vote therapy + Pandora nailing it with their Dubstep station is a good mix in my book.
I'm a Skrillex fan.
@RobertHarvey Ditto. His new album (recipes?) is pretty good too
7:26 PM
There are probably not too many people over the age of 50 who like Skrillex.
yeah, probably not. There's an evolution of sound from disco into trance into electronica into EDM, but a lot don't see that progression.
they just hear noise
And you can't ignore the influence of hip-hop on all of those genres
you can't ignore the influence of marketing on any music
the songs you get to hear on the radio are selected by a small panel of "experts"
@ratchetfreak once I really started listening, I could tell that what drove the difference in quality was the mathematical signatures behind the music.
7:30 PM
(@GlenH7 is going to be the next Trent Reznor? he studied computer engineering too...)
regrettably no. I have long wanted to experiment and play with making music but it's always fallen below the cut line.
on the '3d model copying' - there was a bit about someone releasing their model for an object to be 3d printed to some level of creative commons and then getting upset about a 3d printer maker printing it and having it on a table at a trade show.
(not sure if it was a creative commons, or gnu document or similar)
@MichaelT Yeah, I don't get that. Why did you release it as CC if you didn't want others using it?!
I see a fair bit of cognitive dissonance with many of the 'everything open source, ideas are free' crowd that don't realize that its the copyright that protects their viral license.
7:39 PM
The worst thing that could happen to the GPL is for copyright on software to be struck down.
@MichaelT GPL?
Gnu Public License
Actually General Public License
The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or GPL) is the most widely used free software license, which guarantees end users (individuals, organizations, companies) the freedoms to use, study, share (copy), and modify the software. Software that allows these rights is called free software and if the software is copyleft ensures those are retained. The GPL demands both. The license was originally written by Richard Stallman of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for the GNU project. In other words, the GPL grants the recipients of a computer program the rights of the Free Software Definition...
You can use this code in your project, but doing so you have to release your project under the same license as this project which includes releasing the code to any who you have distributed it to.
7:42 PM
@MichaelT Makes sense.
Yep. But note there is nothing in there saying that "you can't use this for commercial (military, etc...) purposes" - because that would be restricting what you can do with the code.
@MichaelT which goes, if I understand this right, against the whole purpose of the license.
do you guys allow software licensing questions?
@Braiam depends upon the question
"what license should I use?" <--- No
7:46 PM
"How does this aspect of the GPL play out in this type of code ..." <--- generally yes
@Braiam A lot of those questions were asked either before Programmers existed or in the NPR days.
@MichaelT o I just accidentally stumbled across anotherchat feature (maybe chat, maybe chrome, maybe SE?) click and drag a link into the chat box - pops the full non-shortened URL into the textarea.
Stack Overflow was a little more flexible in the types of questions they accepted, as long as they were about developing software, back in its early days, until Programmers became more well defined.
@JimmyHoffa chrome/webkit feature.
7:48 PM
@ThomasOwens incorrect conjugation.
@MichaelT ah. makes sense.
I remeber firefox on X11 would do a 'goto site' if a url was in the clipboard and you did a middle click in the window.
@JimmyHoffa Huh?
I don't see an error.
@ThomasOwens become vs. became. past tense.
"as programmers has become" - ongoing.
I think.
7:50 PM
I only minored in technical writing. It's not important that I use English.
it is
@AshleyNunn Yep. But the key part to this is that the right to restrict how derivative works are used is part of the guarntee of the copyright. If copyright was struck down on code (not gonna happen, but those 'information wants to be free types' keep asking for it) it would mean that the GPL would lose all its teeth and the big companies could snarf it all up
7:52 PM
and use it, without releasing the code back to the general populace.
I thought if you had a method method(Parent x) and method(ChildOfParent x) in a class and a variable Parent x = new ChildOfParent(), if you called method(x), you'd call method(ChildOfParent x).
Apparently that's not the case?
@MichaelT Yuck.
@AshleyNunn Yep. Which is the bit that I'm amused/saddened by that they can't reconcile - that if they get their dream of 'no copyrights on software' then it would also be 'anything you contribute will go into big companies and distributed with no way to force them to release their enhancements'
Hm. The most specific method is the one that is supposed to be chosen, per JLS.
Side bit for writers - the GFDL for documentation:
7:57 PM
The GNU Free Documentation License (GNU FDL or simply GFDL) is a copyleft license for free documentation, designed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for the GNU Project. It is similar to the GNU General Public License, giving readers the rights to copy, redistribute, and modify a work and requires all copies and derivatives to be available under the same license. Copies may also be sold commercially, but, if produced in larger quantities (greater than 100), the original document or source code must be made available to the work's recipient. The GFDL was designed for manuals, textb...
@MichaelT Yeah, that's the problem :( As much as I would like things to be free and open, there are so many ways for it to go horribly.
And an example of some text released under it: samizdat.mines.edu/howto/HowToBeAProgrammer.html
Oh. Unless you have multiple subclasses. >_<
@ThomasOwens <sad trombone>
@GlenH7 I have two children of Parent in overloaded methods. Apparently, it can't choose between the two children. I don't understand why. The parameter has a specific type. Find the method, dammit.

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