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5:47 PM
the main site is down for me. :(
6:31 PM
Seems to be working now.
7:10 PM
so they want a stack for the beaver page builder.....
hope they get it ;)
@Howdy_McGee not quite. it is common, but if you have classes that will only be ever used together then they might make sense in one file. one example I remember some Symfony components do that for really small classes. the more important practice is to keep definitions apart from any logic.
@MarkKaplun autoload can handle multiple classes in a file just fine (file just get loaded whenever any of them is requested), also file name it irrelevant to many autoload implementations (such as Composer's map mode).
7:37 PM
@Rarst, but how does it know in which file the class is?
in Composer classmap case is scans filesystem and builds a persistent registry of what is where
oh ok. not very elegant but will work
it's actually preferable for performance :) "optimized" Composer autoload will build a persistent registry for all modes, even if they don't need it
yes, but since the 1:1 map between classes and files just do not require any extra configuration step, I assumed everybody does it.... yet another false assumption ;)
autoload implementations are highly arbitrary. for example one could think of autoload that doesn't involve files at all, but constructs defintion on the fly and evals it
7:53 PM

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