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4:10 AM

How is this off-topic for
... yes its a problem with a theme, but it hardly seems like it's more on-topic for stackoverflow as a general PHP question.
not that I'm going to bother re-posting it now it's solved, but it seems like this community wants to avoid actually getting any content on its subexchange if there's no answers, and just a bunch of votes to close a WordPress development question.
1 hour later…
5:19 AM
@Chris, by that logic every wordpress question is also a mysql question and a linux question. some of them actually are, but it is very very rare. You are more then welcome to read this meta.wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/3974/… and stay around to answer cherry framework questions.
Untill someone will be willing to own those questions there is not much point in leaving them open when the chance of them recieving useful answer is zero.
6:12 AM
@MarkKaplun I already provided a solution after I figured it out.
And a parent theme built inside WordPress is hardly the same as a general mysql/linux question, it's directly related.
2 hours later…
8:20 AM
@TomJNowell The class is rather small. Any input is appreciated..
9:08 AM
@Sisir @return Array|WP_Error|string ... you should really refactor that :)
Also you abort if the first (of possibly many) tables is empty.
And if the scraper doesn't find anything (and no "no news today" msg), then it will return a nested, empty array.
Oh, and you die once when there's a \WP_Error instance but return a full \WP_Error object if there was an \Exception anywhere happening. Is this running recursively? If yes, then the logic is wrong. If no, then it's very inconsistent with return value types.
Hope that helps.
One more thing: wp_remote_retrieve_response_code() could get wrapped in absint() so you can safely check !== 200. You might want to check for || "OK" !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_message() as well. And keep in mind that 80% of all servers report 200/OK even if they fail.
If you want to speed things up, you can do a wp_remote_head() to see if the server responds properly before doing the actual full request.
9:32 AM
@kaiser Thanks! Very valuable advice..
the die() part I did for a test. I am returning the \WP_Error object
10:08 AM
sometimes die() is the ultimate answer
i usually do die('Romeo must die!);` just for the fun of it..
die('End of budget. Please refill.');
10:43 AM
@kaiser Agree... and his DICE (DI Container) is pretty good too, using it in a small app.
2 hours later…
12:21 PM
oh well, had a hard time to explain visual composer to a client (and to myself)
that's too much of everything
that thing has grossed over 1.6 million dollars, pretty impressive...
i know and yes, impressive
I'm not saying it's bad but the overall ux wasn't that good. and their last question was: ok, next time we should use a real, different cms?
wouldn't even blame you if you said it was bad... it's not great, although sales might say otherwise, I prefer Ether content builder from a UX perspective.
I've read both codebases, they are nightmareish...
who cares in the human world ;)
wait, who cares about the human world? Our world, the code world, we care.
12:32 PM
but what makes me kinda angry: those people can not differentiate between wordpress, a plugin, development..all there is left: this wordpress-thing seems to suck.
you talking about the consumer or the muppets who make these plugins?
that market place perpetuates the problem
the consumer
consumers don't know anything much really, if it has 4000 features it must be "the best"
If you can't beat em, join em (release some equally bad shit on themeforest) and profit!
it's a hard to make a point for wordpress if the (consumer/client) expierence is based on themeforest, because they all start there.
there's a knowledge gap, that's why...
even my associates (who run agencies) start there... then, I pick up the pieces (problems)
there is a sliding scale of clientele, up market boutique type clients who have intimate needs, good budgets and a real understanding of tech (or at least what it takes to get a good project built), then it quickly descends into madness from there...
12:37 PM
@toscho i present MLP Pro based translation to the customer today. it went well for a demoing a couple of post and page edits.

i really hope i won't sink with you when the real data starts coming in :)
war on drugs themeforest
themeforest has it's own set of customers.. not everyone needs best performing websites..
@Sisir i would argue otherwise if you are running a business for a host of reasons... but hey... each themeforest user to their own... :)
12:52 PM
It's the age of "All in one" and we are too old..
1:05 PM
are plugins which weren't updated for long time ignored when searching throught the backend...looking for kint debugger, it's in the directory but doesn't appear in the search
1:46 PM
Can I attract your attention to this issue? stackoverflow.com/questions/28649533/…
if only the only problem with the things being sold on themeforest was peformance
@MayeenulIslam answered
2:20 PM
@kraftner Thanks a lot. It's that simple but was that hidden to me. :) Thank you.
3:19 PM
You're welcome. :)
3 hours later…
6:07 PM
In theory, if WordPress has an outdated plugin and automatic plugin updates are turned on ( true ), then the next time somebody logs into WP the plugin should update assuming it's been 13 hours or more, correct?
I have automatic plugin updates turned on and a 5 day old plugin :/ - - I don't understand the conditions that need to be met for plugins to update.
perhaps it's logging into the admin panel?
Well, I am logged into the admin panel and I've been moving around and it still hasn't updated.
I've been trying to look through some of the DEV docs but it seems like a run around to find more information on it :/
I believe the plugin update transient is supposed to be key to updating it ( or maybe it's just checking for updates ) but when I spit that out it shows todays date and time of when I logged in
6:28 PM
Hey guys
what's style.css handle? is it possible to dequeue? I want to enqueue a version with a url parameter
@UzumakiDev Maybe `site` or `screen`?

Ah I had tried screen and that didn't work, will try site now, thanks
6:50 PM
@Howdy_McGee Quite a lot (not version controlled, writeable directories,...). At what point is it failing?
@UzumakiDev Is this a theme stylesheet? If so, it depends on the theme.
Hi @StephenHarris , I'm using the genesis framework, basically I wish to load style.css async, I have a method where I can do these by adding a parameter #asynload to the url
I'm using the child sample theme too
dequeue and enqueue the style.css with the parameter seemed like the best solution, do you know of an alternative method?
@UzumakiDev I don't know the Gen esis framework, so I don't know if there's a better way -but in general, that's good as anything else. You can also catch it when it's printed to the page.
Genesis might have a fixed handle for loading the theme stylesheet but in general themes don't have to load style.css, they don't even need to use wp_enqueue_style() (though they should), and if even they did they could call what they liked ;).
Ha, thanks, yea, I'll just keep using some google-fu :)
@StephenHarris I'm not sure where it's failing. My auto_update_plugin is definitely returning true.
I don't even know necessarily if it's failing or if I'm just not triggering it correctly. This site is relatively low traffic.
but I figured by me logging in as admin it would have auto-triggered the update.
@UzumakiDev maybe try this: `remove_action( 'genesis_meta', 'genesis_load_stylesheet' );`

Here's where I found an explanation:


It's a tad old so it may not work but worth a try.
7:15 PM
@UzumakiDev Looking at the source code would be easier. Try grep -irl style.css for starters :)
^(On linux at least...)
@Howdy_McGee Add error logs to see what's being called what's not? (For what it's worth updates are checked very 24 hours, 1 hour on the plug-ins page and every time the updates page is visited. I guess background updates will do the same...
`function async_style($url){
return str_replace('style.css', 'style.css', $url)."' async='async";
add_filter('clean_url', 'async_style', 11, 1); `
that did the trick, though google page speed still claims it's render blocking, nlergh
Also, not sure if this is right, but I think WordPress won't update major/minor versions, just patches. (i.e. 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 ok, but 4.0.1 -> 4.1.0 not)
@UzumakiDev That str_replace call is doing nothing. Also, I don't think that's the right hook, it's triggered in esc_url(). Also it appends async to every url, and I think it might required ?/& if it's a url parameter...
well yea, it's replacing style.css with style.css so yea, nothing, but I'm also appending the async attribute, which is the point, right?
ah it did append async to every url
7:41 PM
@StephenHarris For whatever reason the hook won't actually fire. I have it as a simple function in Mu-Plugins which just has error_log() and return true, then i added another one in the themes functions.phpfile to see if maybe it was location but neither seem to fire. I can log before and after the hook but not inside the hook. Any ideas on what I can do to make this actually fire?
Check Updates button doesn't seem to fire it
I manually updated the plugin in hopes of the filter firing... it didn't. Now I've lost my test subject :(

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