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5:47 AM
@Rarst I still have one blog < 3.0 - we don't need no auto-updates.
5 hours later…
10:41 AM
I wonder if our site is an attack vector for some hacks. People ignore validation and sanitization that much...
11:09 AM
validation is so 90's... today it's all about teh web appz!
Sites running unsanitized CRUD requests are de facto just cloud storages for bot nets.
7 hours later…
6:30 PM
Is there anyway I can intercept the term being updated through quit edit before it's updated?
Strange issue... I changed the term "description" field from a normal textarea to a wp_editor() ... So that I could format descriptions... So it saves just fine when editing a specific term. However, say you wanted to update a term name or slug quickly using the quick edit... When it saves the term, it strips all the HTML from the description.
1 hour later…
8:01 PM
Ding ding ding.. Found the culprit. pre_term_description filter... has wp_filter_kses hooked.
8:12 PM
I blogged about PHP Version requirements, and suggesting that projects like WordPress and CodeIgniter drop 5.2 & 5.3 http://blog.ircmaxell.com/2014/12/on-php-version-requirements.html
Say that support for PHP 5.2 is because of hostings, sounds like a nation that says they do war because of someone sell them weapons
8:28 PM
In-case anyone cares..... Here's what I did
add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( $this, 'set_allowed_html' ), 10, 2 );
`public function set_allowed_html( $allowed_html, $context ) {

	if ( $context != 'pre_term_description' ) {
		return $allowed_html;

	return wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' );

So term descriptions now allow the same HTML as a blog post for example.

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