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7:11 PM
@GrahamChiu Thanks for this message. That's an awesome answer you wrote, as yours always are! I used up all my votes so will upvote tonight.
7:22 PM
@J.Musser I'm using PC Windows 10. I figured out how to print full page, and the computer dumped them into some weird folder, which is why I didn't find them. I can't seem to print just the window I'm on. I do have a snippet tool, which could help. I don't know how to word this right, but, for instance, I looked up OP the other day and just wanted to paste the top section of the wikipedia page, like you do. I can't find an example though, so this is gibberish!
@J.Musser I think I was looking for a graph of voting in the last few months. Since the voting stats page jumps from "year" to "all", there's no way to see who's been voting in any month between January and all. I wanted to show the voting stats for the last few months, especially because that's when the upswing has happened - yay!!! It's probably in the part of your graph in this meta.gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/773... meta question, but I still can't figure out how to do it!
It's too bad we can't see who's been voting in the last few months of 2016 all in one place. That's especially what I wanted.
As for the ping that doesn't work after however many days, I thought the owner of a room could ping anyone they wanted any time! Sorry I missed that one. I have to remember to come in at least once a week so I won't miss those pings.
@Alina Hi! About your answer that you decided was wrong, I hope you've stopped feeling guilty about that bit of extra rep. You're just like me, and I'd worry about it too, but I assure you it doesn't matter. Besides, you're the best voter per time here hands-down, so you've already paid it forward by supporting someone else!
Mods can delete answers, and now that I have enough rep to see them, lots are just like yours, people who realized their answer was wrong. There's no condemnation. Hubby just got home (as others here know, I think he's the most awesome guy in the world!) so I have to get out of the chat room and pay attention to him. I like to save chatting for when he's out, or at work. Hope you're having a great day (or evening, actually)!
8:20 PM
@Sue Great! I'm surprised that you hadn't heard of self watering pots. A few years ago I had to make my own but now the garden shops seem 50% self watering pots these days.

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