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1:15 AM
@J.Musser ... just curious. I saw the new question about fennel-type plant identification. Sorry-too lazy to get it, or apparently to form grammatically correct sentences! OP said the system was limiting the number of pix because her rep is low. I thought I remembered asking about that & being told that was no longer in place here. What's the actual rule? I think it's time to create one of those accounts that I don't use for anything, so I can see what the newest people see! Thanks :)
Ooops, that OP's a he, not a she :))
1:46 AM
@Sue You can post photographs when you have 1 rep, but you need 10 rep to have more than 2 links in a post, and photographs are a type of link. Confirmed with my sock:
2:15 AM
@NiallC. Cool-so he could have posted them if they were his own pix. Maybe he'll get the one more vote he needs. I went to that site to try to add pix for him, but our uploader told me that web format was unsupported! I guess I still have much to learn about pix!! :)
@NiallC. Actually, I found some pix like his by googling fennel plant. If I can find something close to that other site, I'll post something. I just don't want to be misleading since it hasn't actually been identified. I'll go see what I can do...
1 hour later…
3:24 AM
@Sue Doesn't matter who owns the photos; you can't post more than 2 with less than 10 rep.
12 hours later…
3:38 PM
@NiallC. Yup-I knew that. I just thought that since he only posted one, I could do something like edit out that link & post one more. I realized later that that wouldn't have worked either! I wondered why he's not taking pix and posting them directly, but that's not my business:). Also, I usually check the profile of a newbie like that, because I want to encourage them to stay. I just looked and saw that he's been active elsewhere so he already likes it here, just needs some help.
I was hoping someone would give him that extra vote he needed, but not everyone votes. I'm glad to see he's got somebody helping. When I searched those plants, they all looked alike but not enough that I could make the ID. The whole thing was past my bedtime!
@Sue Haha! "Not everyone". Understatement of the year!
I just left him a comment asking him to upload more images now that he can.
4:21 PM
@NiallC. You got that right!!! Thanks for helping him along! He really wants to do things right.

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