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4:01 AM
@Stephie I'm glad you liked my edit-it was my great pleasure to help! I don't speak HTML, so learning this has been hard! If you look at the "Conversations" saved in this room, two of them are me being taught by @J.Musser & @NiallC.! The original instructions are from meta.gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/251, but now, thanks to this, meta.stackexchange.com/questions/261863, pressing on any picture opens it in a separate window, though it doesn't resize the image.
I practice in the sandbox, meta.gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/261, where I have 2 open questions for you to edit, play, etc. I also have a third, more detailed one I can undelete for you if you want. Or you can play yourself-it's lonely in there! If you want it private, just delete and only you, and the top rep folks, can see it.
you're up late
Also, when I find a nicely done post I look at how they did it. I'm trying to learn resizing before posting, but haven't figured it out, despite downloading a resizing app! :) I'll keep an eye out on SA & edit where I can, and definitely ping me again anytime. You guys have great pix! I need to post something there too! So many things I need to know are either too basic or have been answered, and since the kids are grown I do very little cooking, so I can't be of much help!
@J.Musser Hi! Yup-late for me!
How's you?
I am so tired right now, actually
but good
I haven't been turning down enough work
Ha ha! Those folks keeping you hopping!
I was expecting to slow down by now
I have been so lazy around SE
4:07 AM
Don't you do a bunch of end of summer stuff for people-winter lawn prep, etc.?
but I've actually been doing mostly tree work
I keep getting cold calls from landscapers.
I don't call people
so it wasn't me
random people, that is
Some pesticide company called the other day & I said, I don't kill anything! He said Why not? I said we don't believe in it! He said if I changed my mind to call him back!
That's not as bad as the guys that show up at the door, though.
My chat's doing goofy things. It happens sometimes & I have to leave & come back, but I think I'll just go to bed! Cya soon I hope....
ok have a great night Sue!
4:16 AM
@Sue nooooo! Don't say I missed you again! By mere minutes!
@Stephie *seconds
@J.Musser :-(
Any idea how hard it is to catch anyone here? Wrong time zone...
I ALWAYS did that same thing last year/
Miss her by seconds
But you are at least on the same continent, right?
@Stephie yeah
same half too
4:24 AM
Hi @J.Musser. I've got a question for you. A friend in Connecticut encountered a plant today:
I sometimes stop by and read the transcripts.
> The pkant is upright, about 2.5' tall. Hairy seedpods grow out of a single stem like grape tomatoes. Seed pods are about the size of small capers, and they cling to everything including denim and cotton like superglue. The entire stem and seeds stick to you, then the stem can be pulled off leaving those hellish seedpods. Once something folds over the pod, it's there for good.
> Not sure it's burdock. Those seed pods are really big. These are more the size of bbs or small capers. Never seen this plant before, but that doesn't mean much.
Any idea what it might be?
@NiallC. hmm
nothing quite that dramatic where I am
No pictures, I guess?
No photos. This is on facebook so I'm sure there would have been some.
I'll see if I can get her to join the site.
@NiallC. great idea
I wonder what the leaves look like
was that the whole description?
4:30 AM
@J.Musser Yeah
I wonder if I know what it is, but am not putting this together...
Nothing comes to mind atm, I'll think on it
@Sue I haven't looked at your soil test result sheet yet
and time flies
I'll have to do that soon
Got a reply: "Will try to remember tomorrow AM."
I guess it's pretty late in CT right now. :)

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