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3:53 AM
@Flaw そうだったんですかー! Lang8あまり開かないから気づかなかった・・
@broccoliforest ワロタがなw
@broccoliforest 全部漢字なんですか、あれ。わからないのあるわー
@broccoliforest えっ、まじ?
@broccoliforest あー 「本」と「書」がそっくり
5 hours later…
8:38 AM
@Earthliŋ It seems that there are at least 3 people who support the stand that handwriting checks are on-topic
2 hours later…
@snailplane they're really fond of the typeface, isn't it
@Flaw I didn't cast any vote but I feel very sorry...
oh I still can't use tag questions correctly
11:20 AM
I think that if a question can be asked several times by different users
like "check my handwriting" questions
then it's not of particular value
if the question asked about like more general principles of handwriting then I think it's okay
I think there was some discussion time time ago about the ways ふ or そ was written differently
I think those questions are fine
but to have a entire sheet of the kana written out and asked to be checked for legibility or niceness
that's very off topic in my opinion
but the community seems to not want to vote these questions closed so...
I see...
I just leaving my thoughts out here
something else I thought about was
my idea is that they generally has "obvious mistake" rather than just "niceness"
to check the "limits" of the problem to see if it makes sense
that's what I felt, so
11:25 AM
(like mathematical limit)
let's say every user now
writes a sheet of kana
and submits it here to ask for a handwriting check
if such a question is on-topic, it must be the case that all such questions must stay open
that's indeed a problem
(I'm trying to kinda do a proof by contradiction here)
do we have handwriting guides in resources on meta?
I think the downvotes on my meta post reply is probably due to not explaining my stand very well
maybe we should blame the immature "literacy education"
11:28 AM
I basically just claimed "off topic" and didn't go very far in explaining why
they just teach "write like this"
do you think it looks like a crane?
then again the votes on meta isn't very telling anyway
there's only like 50+ views
and only like 7 votes cast
11 including the question's votes
hi @snailplane
@broccoliforest Yes, I suppose so . . .
11:33 AM
how about making a "how do you write hiragana?" post on meta?
I think such a question can be on the main site
I'm sorry if I acted too soon reopening those questions. Maybe I should have waited longer to see what the community feedback was.
it's ok, I tend to be hasty in closing
so it's good to balance out
@Flaw very opinion-based though :)
but there are wrong strokes
like も and モ have different stroke order
11:34 AM
@broccoliforest Oh, it's okay :-) Yes, it should say "aren't they", echoing the same auxiliary and subject used in the main clause.
i can't remember which, but one of them has the vertical stroke first, while the other has the horizontal stroke first
but you can't have a entire sheet of も written and ask the community which も looks best
@Flaw も vertical first, モ horizontal first
Speakers of some dialects use innit < isn't it as an invariant tag.
Q: Why is the stroke order of も peculiar?

user1009In most hiragana the horizonal stokes are drawn first, but も is an exception. Is there any reason for this?

@snailplane I think I tend to fail to keep track of subject
but some people actually write も from the horizontal line
I witnessed
11:39 AM
@broccoliforest Oh, I didn't see that.
I did wonder why we had a snowflake before.
@Flaw I believe that we have a (relatively) solid intuition that can tell "badly written" from "wrongly written"
maybe my imagination
but it's too difficult to put into words why a particular thing looks badly written
@snailplane I associated it with police badge
maybe "grammar police"?
It made me think of Math.SE:
11:42 AM
phoenix wright...
Too much Phoenix Wright :-)
旭日章(きょくじつしょう、Order of the Rising Sun)は、日本の勲章の一つ。 == 概要 == 旭日章は、1875年(明治8年)4月10日に、日本で最初の勲章として勲一等から勲八等までの8等級が制定された。翌1876年(明治9年)には旭日章の上位に大勲位菊花大綬章が新設され、1888年(明治21年)にはさらにその上位に大勲位菊花章頸飾が置かれた。また、同じ1888年(明治21年)には、勲一等旭日大綬章の上位に勲一等旭日桐花大綬章が追加制定され、旭日章は9等級で運用された。2003年(平成15年)の栄典制度改正では、勲等の表示をやめ、桐花大綬章を旭日章の上の桐花章とするなど、大幅に整理され、旭日章は6等級で運用されることとなった。また、制定以来、旭日章の授与対象は男性に限る運用が行われていたが、この栄典制度改正の際に男女等しく授与される勲章となった。 旭日章は、「国家又ハ公共ニ対シ勲績アル者」に授与すると定められ(勲章制定ノ件2条1項)、具体的には「社会の様々な分野における功績の内容に着目し、顕著な功績を挙げた者を表彰する場合に授与する」とし、内閣総理大臣などの職にあって顕著な功績を挙げた者を表彰する場合に授与される(「勲章の授与基準」)。詳しくは#授与基準を参照。 2003年(平成15年)に行われた栄典制度改正により、「勲○等に叙し旭日○○章を授ける...
I think they took it from this
but it had no rationale being there
11:47 AM
I really just thought it was a snowflake.
@Flaw to me, some of them seem to do as if writing serif alphabet by free hand
I couldn't really understand the design originally. I'm happy it has あ now, though :-)
That's a big improvement over a mystery symbol that is, to me, ungrokkable.
The colors seem more like "generic Stack Exchange site" than "Japanese Language site" to me.
it reminded me of klingon, but I know nothing about klingon :)
11:49 AM
The colors are kind of like a softer version of ELL's colors:
hmm, maybe the same typographer
do you think the logo is okay?
Does "logo" mean the text or the symbol at the left? I can never tell which thing people mean.
the text
I think the text is probably the #1 remaining thing to be improved.
11:51 AM
we usually call it ロゴタイプ
oh, it's a valid English word
Yes, and I was confused in English, too :-)
When people talk about faux Japanese text, I think of this sort of font:
11:56 AM
My poor brain.
I can read it, but it gives me a headache.
I read the first three letters カモン then stumbled
I feel it looks best without the circles
3 hours later…
3:05 PM
@snailplane あーそうや~
@broccoliforest みえ・・ますよね?いや、鳩?
@broccoliforest カモンGuysにみえるよね
@snailplane カモレレロ!
Hey guys can't you read this sentence? なんだって!!
Why can't? 'Cause you are Japanese だって
3:32 PM
@chocolate すごく鳩に見えました
4:21 PM
Thanks for such a possitive responce Earthliry, definately will check out the video. Also, I took a close look at what I was doing wrong with ね、れ、わ. and it turns out that I just wasn't pulling my pen back up far enough on the second strokes. I will definately keep that in mind from now on. — Jacob yesterday
Earthliŋ → Earthliry って読んだのかこの人は
4 hours later…
8:11 PM
Is it just me, or could the あ in the logo be shifted a bit more in the (1,1) direction?
2 hours later…
10:26 PM
Does anyone know if there is a name for this kind of "patchwork" letters? - i.imgur.com/HzqeWSa.png I feel like I've seen it several times before.
10:41 PM
@kuchitsu In English, I think people would say it's written like a ransom note.
Wikipedia has a page called "ransom note effect", although I've never heard anyone say that before.
In Japanese, I don't know.
I tried looking for expressions related to ransom notes in Japanese, but I didn't turn up any examples.
11:12 PM
Oh, thanks. I haven't heard of the ransom note effect either.
Hmm, Japanese Wikipedia has some weird interwiki links. Like ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%8A%AF%E7%BD%AA%E4%BA%88%E5%91%8A links to "Death threat", which is rather different... Maybe they think it's better than nothing.
If you search Google Images for 脅迫状
11:28 PM
@Earthliŋ I had the same feeling.
Hmm, some of these messages are actually nice? :)
11:39 PM
i.imgur.com/5ryR8nK.png This is a limitation of the system I guess? Only a small change but the whole sentence has the strikethrough effect.
Yes, the programmers at Stack Exchange wrote their software with only English in mind.
They fix little things here and there, but there'll probably always be some issues like that.
Hmm so it also won't work correctly with Russian, etc? I'll have to check that...
More like: if it works well with Russian, it's luck rather than design :-)
Because I guarantee you when they were writing Stack Overflow, they didn't think to themselves, "I'd better make sure the software works just as well with Russian text as with English."
11:43 PM

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