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12:12 AM
@Earthliŋ I think you can only do that for certain pre-set migration paths, and I don't think there are currently any migration paths to beta sites
So what users can do is close as off-topic and leave a comment suggesting migration, or they can flag for migration, or both
@broccoliforest Yeah, I agree with you. Whether something is written as one or two orthographical words doesn't necessarily tell you whether they're put together by morphology or syntax
9:47 AM
how to say the following in Japanese?
Up to now, what is the best moment in your life?
10:19 AM
@FriendlyGhost this is my attempt: 一生で一番{良い・楽しい}時は何ですか
or 今まで一番{adjective of choice}... ...
@Flaw OK. Thanks.
I dont know if the 一番+adjective can be replaced with 最高(の) or not
11:00 AM
@Flaw First one seems to drop a meaning of "Up to now" and "your"
11:23 AM
I think context will fill in the missing "your"
5 hours later…
4:18 PM
@snailboat I see. I confused myself when writing an answer to this question
Q: 漢字についての質問はどこまでJLSEの範囲内ですか?

broccoli forest Why is the order of bottom-left radicals different for some kanji? 最近このような質問に回答したのですが、使った知識はすべて日本に伝わる以前の古代中国語・古漢字についてのものでした。ほかにも調べてみると、 What does 回 mean in 回答? Why does 熊 have 能 in it? Why does 語 contain 五? といった漢字の起源や形に関する質問の一部は、日本語の質問だと言い切るにはためらわれるところですし、日本語話者や日本語研究者だからといって答えやすい問題...

4:47 PM
This is an interesting use of parentheses:
> ただ、実際には、音声形に変形が見られるかどうかとは関わりなく、外国語からとりいれられ(て日本語の語彙に定着し)た語を外来語と総称することが多いように思います‌​。

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